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Bombay Airconditioning

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Everything posted by Bombay Airconditioning

  1. With out having seen it I'm guessing the Tigers have a tough draw, this will wrongly be their main concern.
  2. Well let's look at what isn't speculation, people argue he was poorly developed yet go on to make comment that he is an elite user of the footy and a great decision make under pressure. How can that be? People argue that Roos isn't so much a game day tactician as much as he is a team builder/builder of team culture/empowering of players. How many conversations do you you think Roos and the other coaches would have had with Watts and going when it's his turn. I think most are in agreeance that there's only two things missing from his game, attack in the footy and tackling. Have we now reached a point where it's no longer a coaching issue its up to him? I agree with most of the re-signings but not necessarily the order. The lines about "experts" on these forums are wearing thin, we all have opinions.
  3. You could also include Grimes game tally if any and how many ineffective kicks and Dawes dropped marks.
  4. I think their raffles have predetermined results, just like how they reward Melbourne based members that attend every home game and not interstate members who continually renew their membership, and offer incentives to new members. just my thoughts....
  5. I think we can agree that any figure thrown about with regards to a players contract is purely speculative. But I'd have Dawes on about 500k and Watts and Grimes on 400k. Watts because of his talent, Grimes because of the captaincy and both because we have to pay someone. Also I don't care how good a bloke someone is or their ability as a public speaker. Yes we want people of good character at the club but it should not be thrown up as a reason as to why someone should get a game. Part of why we've been shizen for so long is our tolerance or acceptance of sub standard skill levels and performances, for too long players go about their business unchecked and unaccountable. Last year things started to change, Grimes was left out of the side for round 1 playing his first game in round 4, only coming into the side after injuries to other players. He was in and out of the team for the rest of the season being dropped twice more before being struck down by injury with only a few rounds left. Grimes has played 8 seasons and there is still massive concern about his disposal and his decision making. I don't buy into him heading to Punt Rd just because his brother is there. Why would Richmond want him? They have been knocked out first week of the finals for three years in a row. Richmond at their best last season were able to beat Freo and Sydney away and Hawthorn at home, but come finals it was the Tigers of old....again. Do Richmond really need another player to chip the ball sideways and backwards. Richmond picked up Yarran during the latest trade period to play of halfback. Grimes on his day is a solid defender but is no threat to the opposition with the ball in his hand. He needs to bring more to the table but after 8 seasons I think there is little chance of this happening. I stand by my claim he was informed by Trengove of his decision to step away from the captaincy but chose to cling on himself as he thought it would guarantee him a game. Roos wanted some stability in his first year as coach so he let it play its course but as 2014 went on the decision became obvious, and that was to remove the decision out of Jacks and the players hands, yes he's well like around the club but his footy was not up to AFL standard and was subsequently left out of the round 1 team. He will be/has been replaced by players like Salem, Melksham, White, ANB. I think we are heading towards a Geelong/Hawthorn style team and that is MID KPD THIRD MAN UP MID KPD MID MID MID MID MID KPF MED FWD/MID MID KPF SMALL FWD RUCK MID MID MID MID MID RUCK/FWD Thats 13-14 midfielders, players Salem and Melksham who can play off half back, roll through the middle and push up and kick a goal. Petracca and VB who can play midfield and also be very damaging sitting on a fwd flank. There are no more Jordie McKenzie type taggers, Vince towelled up Danger and hurt the Crows when he had the ball. When we have real depth small defender should be another midfielder with elite disposal. No you wouldn't put your best mid in the back pocket but you would put your 13th mid there. I think this is Grimes last year in the AFL. For the last time Watts has not suffered because poor coaching or debuting too early. Bailey and Neeld weren't Al Clarkson but they have been involved in the game for years at the highest level and have/had a wealth of knowledge. For someone who has suffered so badly he is one of our best users of the footy and decision makers. Watts plays a contested game and is afraid of the contest, an extension of that is his inability to lay an effective tackle. It is as simple as that, people read too much into it. One passage of play best describes Watts career, we were playing Essendon at the G. It was a two on one in our favour chasing a lose ball in the wing. Watts lead the race for the ball followed by an Essendon player then another Melbourne player. Watts knew if he gained possession of the ball there was a chance he might be tackled so he deliberately overran the ball expecting his teammate to win it and handball it off to him. The Essendon player pounced on the loose ball then was soon tackled by the chasing Melbourne player, a ball up resulted which Essendon won and went on to kick a goal. There's outside players then there Watts. Who will replace Watts? Do we even know what his position is? If we refer back to how I think the team will line up, if we don't have a medium size forward that competes whether we're attacking or defending we simply play another mid. I think this is Watts last year at the club, if we got offered a 2nd round pick I reckon we would of taken it for him. For all of his talent his lack of appetite for the contest has him constantly being found out in home and away matches, come finals he would have no influence at all. Opposition coaches don't respect him as they often assign first and second years players to him during games. Chris Dawes for 500. Leadership, big bodied, provides a contest, brings the ball to ground, plays his role are all things you hear from those in the Dawes camp. Funnily enough the coaching panel don't agree and he was offered up during trade week with little to no interest. Dawes has cleaned up from his current four year contract and good on him, anyone else would do the same. He should be offered a one year contract for 2017 and possibly another one year contract for 2018 both for 1-200k. The 2018 contact hinges on how quickly The Weed and Hulett come on. 18 clubs has put a stretch on the talent pool so he stays for now. We all know that Hogan is the exception with regards to young KPF. The Weed and Hulett should be given time to find their feet as they continue to grow and learn. If Pedo is fit he plays before Dawes. We don't have Hogan/Pedo/Dawes all in the same side.
  6. My fitty made it $260 only $740 left. Theres a lot of standing around going on.
  7. A lot of people tipping the Crows to slide. Hawthorn proved they were than Buddy, I think the Crows can do the same.
  8. If Goodwin does have a more attacking game plan we need to see it....now. We started to see at different stages last year the ability to move the ball quickly and in turn score quickly. We know how to slow the game down now it's about balance. Players who can't kick the footy or refuse to embrace the contest must not be selected.
  9. I think you forgot 3. Players turning up to play on a weekly basis.
  10. My main point is that money will be freed up. I liked the way the club dealt with Howe, no longer are players simply cashing in. As for Grimes/Watts we will all have to wait and see but there's only so long you can survive in the game whilst struggling to carry out fundamental basics.
  11. This coincides with Watts/Grimes/Dawes coming out of contract. My guess is those 3 currently suck 1.3 million out of the cap for little return. Watts will change clubs as I see him being dropped again throughout next season, Grimes to retire and Dawes to be given a 1 year contract worth about 100k and to be kept as depth player. The money can than go towards players that will take this club forward.
  12. Great point, Great question, I think the younger players have led the way along with Jones and Vince.. Garland, Howe, Watts, Dawes and The Prince all went missing for large parts of the season. Grimes tries but.... Dunn had his moments. Some will tell you they haven't been coached properly because apparently you need a top line coach to have a bit of self respect. Its a killer when your getting flogged and losing the tackle count.
  13. Giants have a very good side. Like us they can't afford too many injuries.
  14. Goodwin was a gun player. Too early to know how he will go. The culture has changed but not everyone has bought in. Curious to see what he does with Watts/Grimes/Dawes at the end of next season. This is not a new coach coming in and afraid to rock the boat too early as he gets to know the players. He will have had two seasons in which to base his decisions. The Clarko comparison might be a bit premature but here's hoping.
  15. Richmond to slide out of the eight. Port to win the flag.
  16. What aspects of his game will improve? What aspects of his game do you think need improvement?
  17. Fifth photo down leaning against the fence, is that Watts?
  18. I won't say we have an easy draw because I thought that last year, what we do have is a draw that is favourable with regards to teams played. The bigger question for me is have the players realised they have to turn up every week, until then who bloody knows. We are still 12 months away from real depth.
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