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Everything posted by ThreeOneSix

  1. We are lacking midfielders and have Couch and Magner in the VFL, great coaching. 40 plus possessions and either lad won't get a look in, only at MFC.
  2. Maybe they thought Pederson was good in comparison to Dunn!
  3. Tough call that, his skills are sublime, he is the most elite kick of any first year player this year - by a space. But he is a bit soft, but that is nearly understandable. I wasn't a Toumpas fan, but I'd be leaning on keeping him, his skills are very good and he should be a player down the track. Plus, he has media appeal, being Greek, he is an extremely likable kid and we need players that can get supporters on board. Not sure any of the 2013 draft have the appeal of the Toump.
  4. Seen some things in Watts today that makes me think he's still on the right track. Jobe Watson is obviously helping him out a lot, Jobe is a professional, he is the best leader in the AFL - just behind son of God. Then we got Lingy helping out Trenners.
  5. Garland done extremely well, damn I hope Frawley stays. If Frawley leaves, its F'd up.
  6. Was impressed with Matt Jones once again, moves really well and has a red hot crack. I think Dunn stamped his papers today, I don't know if I've seen a more pathetic performance than Dunn today. Off ya go Dunn, you won't be missed you spud. Other than that, we had a lot of improved performances from certain players, Trenners, Watts, Toumpas and Garland and Flash continue to be solid. Sylvia worked hard, had a lot of tackles, which was good to see. I've certainly seen us play much much worse than today.
  7. Yeah I'm just used to 100 plus blow outs, we aren't there yet!
  8. I agree there, but Collingwood have better depth than us, obviously. I think all those players you mentioned are doing very well, Kennedy, Seedsman and Martin are going to be very good players. Really like Kennedy.
  9. Harry Obrien is just a good athlete, but he's a shocking footballer, just has run - that is it.
  10. We haven't done too bad. Neeld will be safe for a few more weeks, PJ sounds busy restructing the place.
  11. Frawleys got himself a nice little blondie by the looks of things.
  12. I'd love to belt Jolly, he's soft as butter and he's a sook.
  13. Blease adds run and confidence, it's unshakable.. Neeld drops Sam Blease to the VFL and the kid just knows he can play, his confidence is unshakable. Sam Blease is a gun and he'd canter past half out list at half speed.
  14. I love that 50, that is good work Garland, showing some passion for the mighty red and blue, good boy.
  15. Mark Neeld, suck on that... Sam Blease, in your face NEELD!
  16. Gee, when they mentioned all of our outs, we aren't doing too bad. Frawley, Grimes and Clark are 3 out of our best 5.. Then throw in Dawes going down, Viney out... We have a bit to work with. Matt Jones is playing really well.
  17. He is useless, done nothing all day, he is a liability. I am happy with nearly everyone else, boys are having a dip.
  18. The umpire has either loaded up on Pendles for the brownlow - or he is his supercoach captain.
  19. I don't know what Jobe Watson said to Watts, but keep Jobe on our pay roll PJ.
  20. Haha, Aaron Davey, you are a class act my friend.. Why can't you do this more often!!
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