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Everything posted by ThreeOneSix

  1. Actually, that is not a bad match up, both soft.
  2. where are all the Demonland Sam Blease bashers now!! Step up you flogs.
  3. Toumpas looked like he was going to give Davey a spray. Don't hold back on our account Jimmy.
  4. St Kilda converting everything never helps.
  5. Pretty sure Roos been watching us all year, nothing different.
  6. When spuds like Kosi are kicking goals, stick a fork in us.
  7. Today, take the $34 about it and load up.
  8. Make of it what you will, but I guarantee this. We will beat St Kilda by over 40.
  9. Roo's saying not at the moment = Get your board right, then come chat.
  10. NO!! The players had a MASSIVE say in our two captains, which has turned out a failure. I hate it when Matthew Lloyd is right.
  11. Actually I thought it was going to be Jack Watts and I was cursing at Demonland. Not because I don't think Watts is superman, but more because the poor kid has been put our there as our savior - for too long. First savior - then poster boy for failure. Viney, good on him, let him lead Demonland. Jack Viney is officially the captain of Demonland.
  12. Welcome aboard Jasmine, she joins Daisy amongst a star studded Demons line up. We are building a power house, go Dees.
  13. All the experienced coaches feel that they shouldn't have to apply for this job - which is more than fair enough as well. So, perhaps we should head hunt - instead of opening this job up for an interview. If we like a coach, go have a chat to him, Rocket, Roos and Williams appear to all be open to a chat. The thing is, a chat is off the record - whereas an application is on the record and applicants feel that it can affect their chances of future jobs if they are knocked back.
  14. Craig won't be coaching MFC next year but I still think he is very important for us going forward.
  15. I think we'll be the only side looking for a coach, which is good for us. It's highly unlikely that Voss isn't given another year, he is their best ever player and captain. The Lions will continue to surround Voss with experienced people and get their board right. West Coast won't change their coach, it's not like Woosha is really struggling - it's more a case of injuries for WC, If Woosha isn't there it will be because he doesn't want to be. Other than that, we are the only side looking for a coach.
  16. Yep, Lovett was unlucky, his sacking cost him an AFL career and arguably cost St Kilda a flag. No winners there.
  17. Milne will still play, innocent till proven guilty. The blokes gone ten years without incident, he deserves to play. If he was your run of the mill thug like people make out - he'd of stuffed up in the past ten years. Plus, if Milne is found guilty, it's not like he'll get off easily, his life will basically be over. So, given the circumstance, we have to assume that Steve is innocent until the evidence suggests otherwise. Good luck Steve.
  18. Grand New Flag is the most reliable source in this board.
  19. Paul Roo's doesn't have a hard line approach, he builds characters and then it's up to them to work for him. Roo's instills the qualities in individuals, qualities that are necessary to succeed. Really impressive listening to Roo's on On the Couch. As a commentator I can't stand Roo's - especially in Sydney games, but as a football mind and a bloke who knows organizations and how to build successful organizations, Roo's knows his stuff.
  20. The most classy exit I have seen full stop. Gary Lyon = Mr 'I'... 'I'.... I feel responsible... I I I.... F off Gary, this club does NOT need you..
  21. One thing that stands out is that the AFL is willing to bend over backwards to help the MFC. When North Melbourne were on their knees, they AFL suggested they move North. When the Bulldogs were on their knees... Which many of you won't remember, why? Because the AFL just brushed it off, they don't care... Footscray who? Now the MFC are semi on our knees, the AFL appoint us a CEO and basically start running our club - the AFL know how Important the MFC are to the competition. It's in the best interests of the AFL if MFC can become a powerhouse. Potential coaches know this and are lining up, would they be lining up if this was North Melbourne, Bulldogs? Not a chance in hell. We are one of 5 big clubs in the heart of the city of Melbourne - Carlton, Collingwood, Essendon, Richmond and MFC. Melbourne as a state in itself is a massive growth area and Andy D knows this, he knows everything he should to keep the league above and beyond. I love the North, Bulldogs and St Kilda hate, they'd love to be important enough to warrant the support we are getting.
  22. I like Neeld going on Footy Classified, mainly because it means Caro will get less air time. If Neeld wasn't on, she would've just spent her time going to town on Neeld and raving that MFC shouldn't get a PP. If I was Mark Neeld, I'd go on there to, Neeld can talk his way around anything, along with Cam Schwab, they should be politicians - not CEO's and Coaches.
  23. I had to turn Dermie off after 6 minutes, he just didn't offer any insight. I got more from a 30 second comment On The Couch from Paul Roo's - than I got from Dermie in 6 minutes. Dermie was a thug on the field and when he was under fire on field - he resorted to violence, the type that would land a bloke in jail thesedays. I find it hard to take anything that Dermie says seriously, he was a good footballer - but other than forward line coaching, he has nothing else to offer. In the 6 minutes I did listen, I thought it was ironic that Dermie comments on Voss being a gun player and indirectly hinting he wasn't much of a coach.
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