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Everything posted by ThreeOneSix

  1. Pretty dismal effort by our boys, considering JB and Blacky were out. That was a pretty sub par Brissy outfit we played today.
  2. Just our luck, we do a sub and then a player goes down.
  3. Kent has done more in 1 minute on the ground than Toumpas done for 2 quarters and a half.. And people wonder why he's getting bagged.
  4. Nope, that is just Trengove, we need to accept that this is the Jack we are stuck with. But, at least Trenners works defensively.
  5. Yeah, but Toumpas has been doing this all game, Dermie is only talking about it just now.
  6. He has 1 touch, he's been pathetic, so suck it up.
  7. This is a pretty pathetic game. Our worst effort in a long time.
  8. It's a blight on the comp that sides let Hanley just run loose. Unaccountable football.
  9. Just watching him on Hanley, FMD. No comment.
  10. Yeah, that looked really bad, but he doesn't seem bothered.
  11. It will matter when I put the house on him for the 2014 rising star.
  12. Just watching Roos on the couch, I see why he is a $1.90 pop.
  13. Norf must be disappointed that Majak will never make it, such a great athlete and physical specimen. Just a shame he'll never have the skills to really dominate AFL. But, then again, I never thought Minson would amount to much and now he's AA ruckman.
  14. Morton has had 5 touches in his last 2 games of football. There was some bloke telling me on here the other day that he was happy with Morton's work ethic. Easily pleased I'd say.
  15. Gillies has never shown anything, not only here, but at the Cats. Baffling decision to recruit him, he has always been a spud.
  16. He was very ordinary the other night and is on the slide this year. Would he still make a big difference in our midfield? Yes, he'd be our second best mid and by a fair space. Some would argue that he'd be our best mid, but I'd prefer Jones on current form out of the two. As of next year we really need to be blooding our own mids, Thompson wouldn't be the answer. We really need one of Trengove, Grimes or Tapscott to step up as that second mid and help Jones out. Viney, Toumpas and others will fill that third spot and continue to improve. I'd prefer to make a play for Simon Black than Scott Thompson and give Black another year as a player. He could run through our midfield part time as it suits him and teach our group first hand what it takes to be a mid, etc.
  17. I've heard big wraps on this kid, but it's unlikely he'll drift to our third round pick. So, we might be put in a difficult position here, do we take him with our second round pick... Or, do we gamble that he might possibly be there for our 3rd? I'm tipping we will probably gamble he'll still be there and most likely he'll be gone. But, our second pick is like gold in this draft, no doubt a VERY good player will slide. Salem could slide and some even have Dunstan sliding! It does happen... No-one would've tipped Grundy and Kennedy sliding to Collingwood last year. Especially Grundy, as many had him going top 3!
  18. Let's just all concentrate on our second pick then. If Jesse wants Sheed to be a Dee, then would anyone complain? Not only did Sheed look like the best player during the champs - and by a bit - but he also fits 2 needs: 1, friend for Jesse.... 2, clearance machine/goal kicking midfielder.
  19. Dom Sheed is definitely a ball magnet. Rory Sloane is a ball magnet - but I probably wouldn't give away pick 2 for him. At the same time, I am not sure I'd cry if we did, whilst giving away such a high pick for Sloane - he is EXACTLY what we need. Lean towards Sheed. The only thing with Sloane is that he is a B+ grade player and I am not sure he'll make an A grader. Both Sheed and Aish could make A graders and I'd argue that it wouldn't take much for Sheed to get there, he is a ball magnet and he looked head and shoulders about any other player in the under 18 championships. Thankfully though, our recruiters watch these young kids every week - or at least more than us - so we put the faith in them to have it right. Pretty sure between Jack Viney and Jesse Hogan, we will get the top pick right, those kids would know who is the real deal and who isn't.
  20. I'd rather get rid of Davey, Dunn, Gillies and McKenzie than get rid of Tapscott. Tappy had his issues with injury, etc. He will be ok... The kid is a beast and the older he gets - the more he will just cream through blokes. We need that, especially in the landscape of football today, where it wouldn't take much to scare sides to not go for the ball. It's certainly not an era of hard men, it's an athletic era and having Tappy out there, it will add another dimension to our side. I think Tapscott will be alright, I understand those bagging him, but I'd rather persist with Tappy than Dunn - like we've persisted with Dunn for 5 years too many.
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