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Everything posted by ThreeOneSix

  1. I know, Blease is a replacement for Davey - who stamped his papers this week. Blease will come in next week, I understand why Blease sometimes gets dropped, it's just a consistency thing. Maybe they pull their hair out with Blease a bit, which is understandable. Pederson was ok yesterday and knowing our great club, we will probably reward him with a contract extension. Strauss hopefully comes in just so we know whether he is even worth persisting with.
  2. Blease and Strauss should be getting gigs ahead of Pederson and Dunn because Pederson and Dunn are not part of our future. Dunn is a turnover king and Pederson a spud. We need to at least see if Strauss is up to AFL, we know Blease is, he is just inconsistent. Blease in the VFL can be explained, he'll be a demon next year... But Strauss we need to see more of.
  3. Sewell would be ok to help out Jones, but I wouldn't give up anything for him.
  4. Adam's won't say the same, why would he want to come to the MFC? We'd win that trade, I think it's a good trade for us, but I wouldn't cry if it didn't go through either. I think Durmont could slip to 19, if not Dunstan, Taylor or Crouch could be a chance, they can't all go first round. So I like the offer, it's worth floating up.
  5. There are arguments on both sides, they could essentially get that leadership through free agency. Higgins should be able to step up next year and cover somewhat for Griffin, but I think there is an argument either way. They want pick 1 - they'll only get it through Griffin and I agree he is quality and it will take that to get pick 1. Add Higgins and some experienced free agents and they can cover for Griffin somewhat - also taking into account the improvement of Libba, etc next year. I'd offload Cooney and Griffin, just my opinion and it would be in the minority, but I'd take the risk like St Kilda didn't.
  6. We have put a package together and asked for assistance, that includes a PP. The AFL can't take into consideration of the PP until the end of the year. IMO we will definitely get a priority, we quality and Gil McLaughlan said we mount a strong argument for a Priority Pick. Since Gil Said that we have been even worse. We just lost to the worst side in the comp and we looked pathetic in doing so. The AFL appear to want us to keep competing in the comp, at present we are getting worse, they'll need to help us get better. The AFL have shown they are willing to help by getting PJ into our club, the AFL started helping our club a few months back now and they will do all they can to help further. That is what many in the media read into it, take it on board or consider it just speculation. Realistically, we need more than pick 1.
  7. Agreed and whilst like everyone else I am frustrated, I think our list is much better than when Bailey left... We need to use pick 1 to get a gun midfielder, to be a gun side, Jones needs to be our second best midfielder. Pick 1 should get up an elite mid. I hope we get it and float it up. I wouldn't give up pick 1 for Luke Parker, but I'd give up something for him. Big bodied midfielder who isn't getting a full game in the guts at Sydney and with Mitchell developing, it's unlikely Parker will get a full game next year in there. Sydney and Collingwood are the two sides we can raid. We have to put pressure on the better clubs and perhaps pay overs to get these players, because lets face it, our players don't deserve top dollar anyway.
  8. Yeah he is a textbook sociopath Scully, I can't stand the little [censored]. And what makes it worse, is no-one would've begrudged him for taking the coin on offer. But.. The way he went about the whole thing was just disgraceful. I was hoping I bumped into him, I was lucky enough to bump into Woewodin after he departed:)
  9. Anything to hold our hat on for next week? Any players to bring into our main side? Casey will get a few back, at least they should.
  10. Viney is definitely too young for the captaincy, I agree.
  11. That is an educated assessment of Tom, you are spot on the money mate.
  12. It does matter, captains are leaders as far as footy goes - usually men. Viney, Hogan and Jones are men... Trengove is not a man. I don't know, maybe it would be easier if I just kept bumping Kingding Alings Jones for captain thread to drill the point around here.
  13. They are cut from the same cloth as Nathan Jones those two. Jones for captain next year, he should've been from the get-go anyway.
  14. Nah, a lot of them just aren't much chop. We have wasted a lot of quality draft picks on outsides in recent times. That robbed us of a big window to get in some quality. We have had a gap of outside, soft spuds and hopefully now Todd is in charge we can turn that around. Jack Viney is a start, Terlich and Matt Jones, they are a start, Clisby looks a good prospect. MFC will be ok, we just have to start drafting the right players, players who are go-getters like Ollie Wines. If you look through the draft years and look at the players we could've chose instead of Morton, Cook, Gysbert and Strauss, you'll see why we are here.
  15. Tom can say what he likes, he is on a stack and owes us nothing, it's football. I'm not as disappointed as most that Scully has left, he has no inside game and is a rushed player, he has no poise. Scully will always tear up weak sides, but sides that use pressure - they will always be Tom's undoing. I don't miss Tom Scully one bit and Jesse Hogan will be a FAR better player for our club than Tom could've ever been. I wish I was ten years younger, I'd love to of played against Tom Scully, he is mentally very weak.
  16. I really hope Roos coaches, he'd be good for Trengove, Roos has spent his whole coaching career getting the best out of limited players.
  17. As a club, we can't bank on 'Aish might develop into an inside/outside player'... We need inside midfielders capable of winning their on ball. Aish appears as outside a player as I've seen in recent times and that is not what we need. Not only that, Aish is stick thin and will take 2-3 years to develop. The club no longer have anymore time, it's ran out. It's ran out because they've drafted outside players for far too long. Now.. No-one wants to go in and get the ball and we have no-one capable of going in and gettting the ball - bar Jones/Viney, we need more of these. On the brightside at least pick 19/20 leaves us perfectly placed to score an inside midfielder that slips. Now we have to get picks 1 and 3 right, providing we get a PP.
  18. No, but they should consider off loading him to the Giants for all they can get. And.. They should off load Cooney to. They need picks... Consider the Lake trade - that was a win for them, Hovrat is going to be a player. Cooney and Griffin won't be around for the next flag and the Bullies can get absolute top end talent for Griffin and would get a good deal for Cooney in compo. Given Cooney has won a Brownlow and would be on a quid. If I was the Doggies I'd be stocking up on young talent and surrounded their playing list with more free agents. Two years of free agents, then Libba, Wallace, Stringer and McCrae will be ready to carry the side and Grant and Jones should have improved enough to be decent forwards. Not to mention the talent they'll get for Griffin and Cooney.
  19. I would say after yesterday, we are no chance at drafting Aish. I watched him play SANFL the other week and he just sits out the back of packs. That is the last thing we need. Aish is classy, composed and the rest of it, but he won't get the ball at MFC unless he goes in and gets it. I haven't seen Aish go in and get it in the 5 games I've seen - and he didn't even go in and get it during the champs. We should target these types: Sheed, Durmont, Battesby, Hartung, Crouch and Dunstan. With our first pick, target Sheed, trade pick 1 for an elite mid fielder, because we don't need Boyd or Aish, they'd be next to useless at MFC. Then with our second pick, take Durmont if available. Another thing, I'd even consider trading pick 1 to another club for 2 top ten draft picks if possible, or float the idea to get the best picks we can. A player and pick or 2 picks for pick 1. Because we don't need Boyd or Aish, we need players who go in and get the pill.
  20. We wouldn't be silly enough to ditch one of the biggest growth coridoors in Victoria. SURELY!
  21. Won't complain if we do, happy if we keep Watts as well. We have bigger issues than Jack Watts.
  22. Zero chance, LOL. Hahahahaha, this is a dooosy, I have a new favorite, lol. Reading this resembles a car crash. Ohhhh dear god!
  23. And we got beat by a side yesterday that will improve at twice the rate we will. GWS will leap frog us next year and GC will start to pound us. That leaves us to compete with St Kilda for the spoon. We will need to trade our pick 1 and get some free agents in.
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