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Jack Aziz

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Rookie (1/10)



  1. I'd say Rawlings had a fair to do with the Clark move. The club then reacted.
  2. Youre the one waffling on about random crap you cant even understand... Fair bet that youre the clueless one princess.
  3. He cant coach. Like Bailey a glowing assistant.
  4. I notice you are on the Hogan bandwagon. Do you think he will turn it on in a big way? Who do you compare him too?
  5. I hope he is the saviour, I hope we start winning, I just don't see him as a good coach this early on. We all want the same thing.
  6. Have you seen anything this year that proves otherwise onfield? I would've thought we went backwards. Oh no, I forgot, its the umpires...injuries...development...recruiting...culture.. Blah Blah he can't coach.
  7. I think you need to appreciate what HG brings to the table when he does. I'm pretty sure hes realted closely to one of the players and president from memory. I can fully understand what he is saying and it seems most do. Rather than pick holes at HG maybe respect the info he does bring to the board. As a long time reader he is certainly one I follow with interest. As for the Neeld/Craig comparison, I took that as Craig is a better coach who gained respect on the spot whereas Neeld would be more suited to paperwork, I may be wrong but thats how I took it. And its well known that you have to earn respect first in anything.
  8. The only problem is - Mark Neeld can't coach. Simple as that.
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