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Posts posted by Giles

  1. pass the beer nuts

    this seems so small minded to me,i don't get the PP argument

    and I don't get the it once happened to us argument

    I only get the we are stuffed and need to get off our own blurter and change argument

    whilst no disagreeing with anything youve said,whats the point of what you've written?

    I compare everything to local footy,because that's how I think it is,so weve appointed a coach,were now looking to fill our list, we get on with that and ignore all the glitter and glomour of the press and get the job done.

    ive never believed in get back at them because they got us.thats childish and should be left for other people to play.interesting with vlad is I think he hits the nail on the head sometimes and says GET ON WITH IT.

    simple really ,don't complicate an easy game like footy its not worth it


    I think that's what Jack is saying, just as you say, "weve appointed a coach,were now looking to fill our list, we get on with that and ignore all the glitter and glomour of the press and get the job done."

    Let's get on with building the list. A PP will help. Let's apply, if we don't get it, we'll move on.

  2. Of course it's relevant. We're talking about effectively fraudulently acquiring a PP that year, and the debate is about the merits of awarding another one. Anyone who isn't completely blinkered on this issue would acknowledge its relevance. Again, it's a matter of how much weight is given to it, not whether it is relevant or not.

    MFC did not fraudulently acquire a PP in that year. A 7 month investigation found that. Notwithstanding that, there was no draft sanction placed on MFC for for the future application or granting of PPs.

    This is a ridiculous debate. This is competitive professional team sport. This club is entitled to apply for a PP within the framework. It would be negligent for our club's administrators to not apply for it. The AFL will either grant it or not within its framework. The question of whether to apply for it or not has nothing to do with what other clubs may think and has nothing to do with what the AFL finding might be.

    It is also a ridiculous thing to believe that if we apply for and are granted a PP that we can't also "roll up the sleeves", work hard and improve on field performance.

    • Like 2
  3. Just switch the red with the blue when we're away... when did white ever come into our colours? Every heart beat's true for the red and the blue.

    I'd be happy wearing a pink scalf (and nothing else) if we won each and every week.

  4. Since when has it become fact that this club 'tanked' or manipulated the system? I keep hearing people say this. John Ralph said MFC was fined for tanking in the 'Collingwood Newsletter' today. I thought the 7 month AFL investigation stated something like MFC did not manipulate match results.

    • Like 3
  5. I don't want to be an apologist. In fact apologists on here have been the bane of my existence every time I log in.

    Truth is, no matter what Craigy or Nate Jones say, this season has been shot pretty much from round 1. The players know there will be another mass turnover of the list regardless of whoever is in charge. They also know that their football future is on the line and captive to the whims of a new coach. Wonder why blokes don't do any heavy work around the stoppages? Most of that revolves around the fact that most of them want to boost their disposal counts so they remain on the list next year. Because everyone wants the ball, no one gets it in the end. On top of that (this isn't me abdicating responsibility for the players so much as it is an objective statement of fact) these blokes have been ground into the earth so often, I wonder if many of them think if they can still play and win or not. They second guess themselves. They got some spunk back after Neeld was sacked but yet again, they have sunk back into their own pit of despair.

    People on here have been annoyed at the players and I guess we can go back to Viktor Frankl's maxim that you are not free to choose your life's circumstances yet you are free to choose how you react to those circumstances. Yet, the club has been run by monkeys for so long that it's hard to take the nature side in the nature vs. nurture debate. Dean Bailey may have been quietly smirking to himself today if he took the time to consider his position in footy (assistant coach at one of the biggest clubs in Australia) versus Cuddles' and CS' position (unemployable).

    If the admin. is put in place next year and the players still dog it then it will be hard for me to accept. Cuddles, Cameron and their band of merry men are now gone. I appreciate the damage their reign of error was never going to be cleaned up in the space of 12 weeks (some seem to think their foolishness could be cleaned up overnight and some were still confusing their foolishness with expertise right up till preseason this year) but there will be a long hard preseason ahead. That should be ample time for the players to begin redeeming themselves and well and truly burying the legacy of the past.

    The next coach will need to restore some belief in these blokes. First they were told they were never good enough to amount to anything. Then they were told they weren't consistent enough. Then they were told they had to learn the basics of training again. There is some polish on the list (plenty of shockers too but some polish). Many of these blokes as well were told by Sir Mark that they were lazy and unprofessional. They need to be told 'You've got the talent. Your spot is yours to lose. Put in 100% and I can guarantee X position is yours.' The coach can't be a pushover but first things are first. While he doesn't need to stroke their ego, he does need to get some confidence back in these blokes.

    Well said.

    Especially like, "reign of terror". Haven't heard that since Superintendent Chalmers described Armin Tamzarian's principalship at Springfield Elementary.

    • Like 1
  6. Sorry , I can't get the vision out of my mind of Lethal king-hitting Peter Giles from behind .

    I was there that day... cowardly. He was lucky it was a small crowd and before all matches were recorded as they are now

  7. Hey P-Man, how are they hanging this morning, thought you didn't read my posts, get you every time really don't I, suggest you need to book in another session, your paranoia seems to be arcing up again, nice to see you posted on topic, bit beyond you really isn't it..........insufferable, damn was aiming for a bit more......by the way, I will listen to anybody who has something constructive to say about why the board should be changed, rather than 'they are crap, should just be sacked', but that seems beyond some................anyway, have to go, my life is over fulfilled at the moment, toodle pip...

    Is that the best you've got Connie? Reckon you've just been owned.

    Nice work P-Man.

    • Like 5
  8. Got to agree, so many good signs yet so many freaking brain fades. For all that called rodan a spud today, 24 disposals 11 tackles. Yeah he missed a bloody sitter goal, but 11 tackles and 24 touches are a pretty decent return.

    Still wanna know what went on with watts at half time.

    I reckon he just went to the gents... no biggie... it happens.

    • Like 1
  9. ... run 20 kms with red and blue face paint wearing a Melbourne scarf

    (This thread is supposed to encourage loyal supporters to throw out ideas of what they would do if they saw their boys win on Sunday)

    Is that all you'll wear?

    As for what I'll do... um... divert my eyes.

  10. Only difference is the Pies play like that against the reigning premier we play like that against Gold Coast.

    Other difference is Dr G, Collingwood would have you believe they have the best list in the comp. D'landers believe we have the worst. Same game plan for us both; the holes are obvious. I seriously hope Mr Neeld gives Bucks a call of 'support' tonight.

    Can't wait for Caro's article on Monday stating Nathan's position is now untenable.

  11. Ok then do not be surprised then that media people and others seem to have us in the gun because of what they perceive the MFC to be about.

    It is marvelous when the boot is on the other foot how much we complain.

    Sad reflection on the human race IMO.

    My father told me a long time ago that hate consumes the hater more than the hated.

    Agree with you Old Dee... hate's not cool. Was explaining why there's some anti-Bomber sentiment on this forum and by this team's supporters.

    Reckon Essendon have got off reasonably unscathed by the media to date. Haven't seen a 'pathetic and disgusting' headline in relation to them yet... but maybe I haven't looked hard enough.

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