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About Mardo

  • Birthday 29/08/1971

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  • Favourite Player(s)
    Robbie Flower - Jim Stynes - David Neitz - David Schwarz

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  1. Just adding those points if they had not been mentioned - the weather I think made them look flat from the start and the ball was not on our side. All games I think have approx 20% luck with the ball. West coast got the full 20%. The other 80% of game requiring the elements you can control : Agreed , we were mostly absent.
  2. Not entirely relevant but just consider _ I think the boys played 3x final games the weeks previous ( not inc our win game against depleted WCoast ). At Optus prelim they were 'cooked' ; almost literally as it got to 28 degrees on ground apparently. Add that to just an absolutely down on your luck day. The pill just was not on our side.
  3. I'll be attending pre-game function at Burswood on Swan at 10am. Will be lapping it up with 300+ other Dee Suppoeters + yelling at the game for all those that cant make it.
  4. heckle some Weagles ?
  5. Words cant really describe it. The journey we are on. We are all with you. Stay True – Stay Strong. Go Dees.
  6. Avid follower of the Dees since 75 - stuck with them through thick and thin. I built the websites for Western Demons here in WA ; on the commitee. Lived in WA for 22yrs now and its been a hard yard flying the colours in WA through the tough times. My late brother Greg used to drive down from Mildura to watch the games - sometimes I would go with him as a young kid. He passed on in 98 from a brain tumor at 37yrs. The Jim thing brang it all to the surface - it is always just below the surface. Greg was a truely mad Demons man & a one of a kind also. I write this in Gregs memory and he will be there when it counts - win or lose he will be there. Its a really personal journey for all the true supporters. Everyone has a story to tell - its been a long time. For all those before us & for all those that have stayed 100% true - we are back. Lap it up and be proud. I am sad and happy ; an emotional time bomb - its a really hard time for me. Go Dees - do it for yourselves - do it for those that cant be here - do it for us loyal supporters. We love you all.
  7. Went to the game at Adelaide from Perth. It was a personal hell. Umpiring made me almost walk out. The poor delivery skills and decision making by the Dees ( when critical ) compounded it. At the end of the day it seems you cant hang your hat on 'stats'. It is quality and not quantity that wins games. A Game that I dont know if I could bare to rewatch or review.... Sad Face.....
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