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Everything posted by Blinkybill

  1. Well Pert has the experience and he isn’t Lethlean. We seem to have strong and talented staff developed by Jackson. I hope Pert didn’t make changes purely for the sake of it.
  2. If JM is the best candidate for CEO, this is a secondary problem and easier to manage.
  3. Well this changed things for me. Qualifications aren’t everything, but they are not nothing. With his obvious football management skills, he would be a very good candidate. If he takes over and keeps the young and talented management team together, we can expect solidity and stability.
  4. Exactly the thought that went through my mind.
  5. I like Mahoney, but managing a football department is light years away from CEO of a multi-million dollar club. Has there been any precedents of footy department heads being elevated directly to CEO? There may very well be, but I don’t know.
  6. For goodness me, a twice failed CEO? A good fit? Simply wont happen. it seems there is a fair bit of mates pumping up mates happening here.
  7. What pleases me it that we are openly active in seeking out new players. Another characteristic of a destination club.
  8. Hardwick’s “poor, poor Alex” presser was sickening. He’d be all over the opposition player if the boot was on the other foot. Hardwick comes across as a huge sook.
  9. The Demons have always treated Nev with respect and vice versa. Put this deal in the bank.
  10. I’m far from convinced that the AFL has a monopoly on football management intelligence. I trust our current board to make the right decision unprompted by the AFL.
  11. This is a terribly insulting post. The car is not a Merc or BMW.....?
  12. The strong bond between the senior players is obvious and reflected in unselfish, ego-free play. I’d be shocked if we lost any required players over the next 2-3 years.
  13. Anyone but Lethlean. Not only for his totally inappropriate dalliances, but fir his arrogant assumption he would walk into the Carlton or St Kilda CEO jobs. Let St Kilda keep him.
  14. I’ve seen stupid and pointless stats, but this takes the cake. As if Robbie Flower’s and Kevin Murray’s legacies have been somehow diminished. Idiotic.
  15. I was waiting for this. He has gone from talented and athletic, but a bit flakey and prone to mistakes to just about the form fullback in the AFL. Can’t be underestimated in my view.
  16. I have it from reasonably good authority within the club that all senior players have made a pledge between themselves to see things through. After a premiership (okay, I can dream) all bets are off. I will be shocked if any senior, off contract player leaves.
  17. Them’s fighting words. Of all the things I love (wife, family, Demons, the order varies week by week) Paris is well intrenched. Yes, you have to watch the footpaths, but the beauty, the culture, the food, the history. And Parisians are unfairly maligned in my view. I would happily visit every year. Off topic, sorry.
  18. Media managed without a doubt. TV cameras don’t just turn up in the hope of a couple of random players running laps. And what a message this sends! I imagine they got into the ground very soon after and watched the bulk of the game.
  19. So well regarded by the AFL that he was dropped like a hot spud. In my experience there is always more to the story than comes to light. I’ll bet my house that it wasn’t just the affair, but the way he behaved throughout. Odds are his performance suffered as did his relations with other staff. There’s also the potential effect on sponsorships. No, Lethlean is fatally damaged goods, and we don’t want him. GDC also has AFL experience and hasn’t put a foot wrong with the Demons. And he has a clean slate. He’s miles ahead of Lethlean.
  20. Agree 100%. Melbourne seems to be following the Swans with their ND policy. The appointment of Lethlean would be contrary to this policy.
  21. The organisation of the Masterchef teams is reminiscent of Melbourne circa 2014. Pretty shambolic.
  22. This was filmed months ago and I understand it was organised by GM Ryan Larkin. Great promotion.
  23. Well I’m looking forward to this. Some staff will be fed as well. I wonder if PJ will be there?
  24. Add me in to those who like Whately. He beats all the ex-player commentators hands down, and even if I don’t like all his opinion pieces, I can see where he is coming from. I don’t perceive any major bias.
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