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Carrot Top

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Everything posted by Carrot Top

  1. Yeah, well I'd probably drink heavily if I was drafted by Melbourne. Being a supporter has taken a heavy enough toll on my liver.
  2. Yeah. Wrong bloke to try and paint the target on IMO.
  3. I thought he was useful enough last year. Not starring but earning his pay. If he's taken another step (however small) then I'm happy.
  4. He's got G&D and that'll do me.
  5. I like that we don't seem to be taking short cuts. These kids will thrive if they are given the right foundations.
  6. Aye. Prove to the world (or at least to me) that we didn't get slapped around because we were seen as an easy target.
  7. That seems to be forgotten by some. We have 'dirty hands' in this matter. Unprovable maybe, but they are there and under oath who knows what may be disclosed.
  8. http://www.puntroadend.com/ I think you'll be happier there.
  9. Take a chill pill FFS. As if this wasn't going to happen, and as if our lawyers weren't aware of that. There is no evidence. There never was. Nobody was match fixing. Keep the knife away from the wrists, please.
  10. It's great. I'm getting off on her hate. The more she hates the more she's not getting what she wants. Shine on you crazy diamond.
  11. No. Too many false dawns. I'll be happy if he doesn't put in any shockers and has a couple of snorters. Anything over that is beyond him IMO.
  12. Didn't read my post? Hey, if you didn't like this stink over the club maybe you shouldn't have cheered when we did it.
  13. We were guilty. The stigma will stink whether a judge rules on it or not. Pay the @#$%ing fine and move on, and maybe the next time someone gets a bright idea to cut corners we throw them out of the club.
  14. I'd take that. 500K for (who did the pick end up being?) Barry and Hogan was it? Seems OK to me. I mean you'd pay that if they put them to auction.
  15. Craig Hutchison ‏@craighutchy Caro making noises about not doing next weeks show. Serious
  16. How many times and on how many issues is she shown to be completely wrong, and instead of backing down she gets on the front foot with "that's not what I've been told". She talks to the disaffected, the insane and people that just like causing problems.
  17. Mate, I wasn't a big fan of us joining in the invasion of Iraq. I thought it was a terrible idea that we should have nothing to do with, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to join the Iraqi resistance does it? The tanking issue is the same. I despise that we went down that path and I'd like all those involved sacked from the club, but it's still my club. I don't want the AFL screwing us and I don't like po faced media hacks attacking my club. I'm not joining the Iraqi resistance over this either.
  18. "The Demons have engaged former Federal Court judge Ray Finkelstein to lead their defence and their view is that they have a very good case. Perhaps in legal terms they are correct even though their stated excuses are so so flimsy, irrelevant and in some cases childish." That's gold. Legally correct but hang 'em anyway. What a troll. I hope it burns that witch to know that CS is off the hook.
  19. He also hit the Big Fella in the head with a high velocity rock. Are you suggesting we do something similar to Vlad?
  20. Just remember that he's looking for a way out the protects the AFL. If they could screw us and do that they would. Sucks to be them that they can't and maybe they have to cut a deal, but that doesn't make us friends. Not by a long way.
  21. Pressure? It's a micky mouse training drill. I don't care if what happens in those games as long as no-one gets hurt.
  22. I'm not convinced either but at least it's a step in the right direction.
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