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Carrot Top

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Everything posted by Carrot Top

  1. I wish ours would. We might not be in this mess if they'd do that more than a couple of times a year.
  2. What actually happened to that? Is it still hidden in a drawer, or did they bring it out and act on some of it? It seemed to have gotten forgotten with the whole 186 / sack everyone saga.
  3. There's already a media thread. Don't think we need a new one for every single media comment and article.
  4. That sounds like a good idea. I wonder if they'll try it out sometime.
  5. I'm done. I've wasted too many years putting up with crap like this, and I'm not doing it any more. This hasn't been fun for a very, very long time.
  6. There's a lot of emotional attachment to a three game wonder in this thread.
  7. Don't care about them. They're just background noise. I'd like to see us on the right side of the ledger more often though.
  8. Yeah, but Watts doesn't have a bunch of selectors that want to bear his children like NicNat does, so it'll balance out.
  9. Ahhh... it was a joke, lads. I really couldn't care less who was or wasn't to blame (or not to blame as the case may be) in any of this whole long, ugly and incredibly drawn out saga. We put faith in a high risk / high reward player, got some initial return and then it all went to hell. It happens and it'll happen again to some club. Liam can do whatever he wants with the rest of his life as long as he stays right away from my club because he has treated us very badly in all this, and we've paid our tab a long time ago. That said I'm still blaming the welfare office for every bad thing that happens to us this year.
  10. We should blame the welfare person?
  11. So the message is spot on but the messenger is on the nose? Well, if a prostitute's parrot says the sky is blue it doesn't become less blue because a working girl's bird said so.
  12. I'm wondering what part of it is incorrect. That must be the problem people have with it? Yeah?
  13. Paperclips. Heh.
  14. Good coach that Bailey fella. Did he sit around drinking beer with them instead of training? They certainly played like it at the end of his tenure.
  15. Not spud - troll. That's all it is.
  16. Nup. Until we get an AFL class midfield on the park we'll struggle. We'll get there but it'll take time, and I'd expect that we'll be chasing someone (or two) that will complete the midfield puzzle at the end of the year.
  17. Hawks are rooted too. May as well call the year off seeing it's all been decided in March.
  18. Macdonald is a big name? In what universe?
  19. They weren't doing it for us, and it was increasingly unlikely they were ever going to do it for us again. That's all that really matters.
  20. The only rock-solid certainty is that he has arrested what he saw as a worrying culture at the club, and has methodically gone about building the football list in his own manner. That line there is the only one that really matters to me. Without that everything else is wasted energy.
  21. Send him a card. Then we should wash our hands of him.
  22. This thread needs more sipping the chardy, holier-than-thou talk. People are holding back here.
  23. Gotcha. Never, ever, ever try anything new and only do things that you've seen all the other clubs do many times. It's an ad FFS. If it works it's a great plan and if it doesn't it cost us almost nothing (or maybe nothing). Why the wrist slashing?
  24. *puts face in hands* This drawn out tanking summer really broke the funny bone around here, didn't it?
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