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Carrot Top

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Everything posted by Carrot Top

  1. The aggro is good, It's ugly and sometimes doesn't work, but if it's channeled it could be a big plus.
  2. With a midfield, and a forward line that isn't in hospital, I think there is some hope. How much hope will depend on the potters we bring in to shape the clay.
  3. Gerard has missed the point from 1986.
  4. Shhh! Stuie-pid will go all gif on you.
  5. It's the club. We are going to struggle for 18 months, I think. Players have been poisoned by a FD that was poisoned by an admin that wasn't given clear direction from the board.
  6. It's that's empty space in your head causing that. If you put your head underwater for a couple of hours you'll find that the world will be a better place,
  7. Ad hominem again. And wrong too. Perhaps a gif would help as words really don't seem to be your thing.
  8. Once again with the ad hominem. You really struggle to put an argument together, eh? Would a gif help?
  9. Balls. 3 efforts a q doesn't make a footballer.
  10. Are you ever going to say something useful? Gifs, ad hominems and random childishness seem to be the best you can offer up. You want to talk footy then let's talk. You want to troll me and talk [censored], then pick a day and I'll make the seven hour drive to come teach you some manners.
  11. And what a great talent scout you are. He's a very ordinary player.
  12. Pretending you mean. He's got something wrong in his head. A tonne of talent and no brains or guts.
  13. Can we trade Watts for a half eaten Mars Bar? Please?
  14. Much better!
  15. Aye. If he doesn't know what the job will be by now, then he ain't the man for the job.
  16. The fire might not be there but the ember is. Just give us 12 months of not being kicked by the club we love. It's not much to ask, and we'll pay it all back and then some. It's hard. Too many false dawns and snake oil cures have been sold to us. Of course we're gun shy. That doesn't mean we don't care though. It just means that we've accepted the reality that our club cannot be fixed from within.
  17. I'll call him all those. All that and more. Maybe we can bring him back to the club so we can sack him a forth time, eh?
  18. The word play and imagery there is wonderful. Maybe it's because I'm a history buff or maybe it's because a couple of crucifixions wouldn't go astray right now, but I'm glad I read the article, if for no other reason than to see that line.
  19. Win or lose doesn't seem as important to me as actually looking forward to the game. I haven't felt that all year.
  20. I hated it when it was a possibility, I despised it when it happened. And I'd like to see those that supported and cheered it run out of the club forever. Yeah, it might be a little bit too soon.
  21. I hope you are kidding. I really, really do.
  22. Without knowing the nuts and bolts of it all, I get the feeling that if the AFL wanted us gone or moved, then there wouldn't be a thing we could do about it anyway. I'll trust them because I really don't have a choice.
  23. I'm happy to see the whole list sacked and replaced, if that's what it takes.
  24. Eade and Choco are both hooking for the job. Good luck to them but resume by media is a bit tacky.
  25. It's a very good write up, makes a lot of sense and is certainly something we (and any future coaching staff) probably need to keep at the front of our minds at all times. Also if it wasn't that late I'd give such a good post the reply it deserves. However, I found it so foot ticklingly funny to see the thread title "Coaching MFC: the big picture" with the first post listed by "Bonkers". It really seemed to sum up our world.
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