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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. In terms of using those ideas internationally then my point stands. Im not trying to prove the English invented the wheel. You keep shifting your point around but good for you and your social conscience . For me to extol the virtues of Western civilisation does not make me anti Aboriginal either . I wasn't born in 1770.
  2. I think I've acknowledged previously that the Middle East is the cradle of civilisation in regards to Sumeria,Persia,Babylon,Mesopotamia or however far back you go. Gotta point?
  3. Yes Choke- Nearly everything came from that part of the globe- way before Islam ,Christians and Jews. I acknowledge that .
  4. I think we could say Britain took the rule of law with it and was far more humane than other conquerors. The invention of Law itself is likely Greek or used by Greece internationally. My point was on law archives,the keeping of records for administrative purposes.A vibrant and active written language is another way the Brits came to dominate the globe. Fastidious record keeping,administration,tax etc. Not British inventions but used extensively by the Royal Navy . Unless you have some remedy to aggrieved native populations worldwide then there is no point trying to find a culpability in oneself for the actions of other long dead men. Its a pointless and fake emotion.
  5. At some point we have to acknowledge history and then move on ,not use it as an excuse or an ideological battering ram . People are displaced and cultures die out.Its a sad fact of evolution. Not something we can change back to a pristine state of utopia .
  6. "We" didn't murder anyone and neither did my ancestors. If they did it would be recorded in Law archives- another British invention . There is nothing to be ashamed of. We don't take responsibility for US foreign policy either. Last time I checked there was no public policy setting out to destroy native cultures.In fact there is truckloads of support and money to protect them. Unless you think repairations are a good idea. I don't see any point in feeling guilty for being born white.By the same token I'm not a white pride nazi. History happened and we look at the facts and move on. Humanity has advanced by all measure due to Western civilisation.From life expectancy to agriculture to disease prevention to road building . You name it. The Chinese think we are ridiculous for giving even the slightest flying f.ck about what others think of us.They only admire our successes and seek to copy them . They think we are a conflicted,worrysome,guilt ridden,doubt filled ,empathy junkies.They must laugh their arses off at our luxurious ideals.
  7. No- just bad policing covered by spin.
  8. The other option was to let Saddam stay in power and paint himself as a desert Che Guevara . The whole country collapsed into civil war but you will find that has been happening in that region for 3-4000 years. So nothing to do with Western interference. Such as pathetic criticism is "The west destroyed our culture". If so ,give us back the steel,trains,hospitals,government systems,medicine,education and science we bought you . Any country colonised by Britain should be eternally grateful.
  9. Interesting that you can only give the smug police retort of "don't do it" in relation to pi55 taking fines. Then you pass off ice as a societal issue,police and govt run a massive DV campaign based on a death caused by non policing of an avo. Far too much crapola about community attitude,thought campaigns,safety,ethnic tolerance ,driving slowly and not much actual stopping serious crime.
  10. As a law enforcement body we have a brilliant revenue collection service but not very good protection from crims. That was my point. Police are more likely to be collecting money than stopping crime. Is that clear? They even have a corporate relations sector!!
  11. On the Barbary coast- white slavery is acknowledged by all sides of history.The marines hymn acknowledges this battle in the first line. Sweden had been in a constant war with Barbary pirates.Ironic. There was a war in 1801- 1805 to sink Ottoman ships.Diplomacy was tried but didn't work. On building 7 - I have no idea.CGI? The west are not persecuting Islam- we are attempting to destroy Islamist militants. You are lucky to be in a country that tolerates your cuckolded views. The problems in Pakistan,Afghanistan and Iraq were not created by Western forces. Try looking at the simple fact that all these failed state hell holes cannot be governed properly because groups of bearded scum take the law into their own hands on a daily basis. The root of the issue is the rule of law versus the word of god. Go put your tin foil hat on and watch your conspiracy movies.
  12. I don't need to know what they think to see the results. They're useless- we get ads about speeding,drink driving etc and fined for doing 43 in a 40 zone and the bigger problems like carjacking,home invasion,ice and nutjobs are not dealt with.
  13. Good on him.Im glad he can see how highly the current crop are thought of. Whether it's Vic Pol or the AFP there seems to be an obsession with image and branding. Thats because the image is awful. So the action goes out the window as they struggle to deal with maters promptly. "How will people think about us if we do this" is not the way to do anything.
  14. The current police are weak,useless keyboard hacks like you. You had a go at me for noting it. My thoughts on current policing are in the " nut jobs" thread. I'm pro policing properly. I'd like them to shoot and beat more people who need it.
  15. Biggest ,most overpaid,dumbest looking spud in the comp.
  16. They were sailing to and from America when they were taken as slaves or killed.This was before America had a big war to stop slavery.Some were pilgrims . Muslim pirates. Islam is built on slavery- the United States bought their slaves from Arabs.The US also had white slaves and indentured children from England,Ireland,Scotland and even Germany.Australia had white slaves too.Lots of them.Most of us are related to these white slaves. As you are a 9/11 "truther" - you clearly hate the states.I know you hate the Catholic Church and think Europe is evil. You should give up your house and use it as an education centre for nuffies and IS trainees. You have a lot of lazy ,Marxist ,anti govt ideas, Most normal people think blowing people up in a public place is wrong but of course you sympathise with the bomber and his urgers. Of course western forces hit civilians occasionally .State sponsored military action isn't perfect but we don't strap bombs to teens and send them to kill kids ,or run over people. We spend millions perfecting technology to pin point a gunman by drone or satellite and blow him away from a room in Virginia or Guam.We don't all get a say in the how.We do have a say in the why.I understand why we kill in Pakistan and other such Theocracies. Does radical Islam think it can win?Does Palestine think it can win?They will not. Give up on your ludicrous , peacenik crap.We live on the doorstep of Islams largest nation. Remember Bali? That was where they killed Australians for real.They might not be your type of Aussie but this is real. Vietnam was real too- but you probably supported the North. I'm not ready to go and live in the dark ages according to a text written by a goat herder from Mecca .Or from a 19th Centiury doctrine written by Marx and Engels. You are a gullible dupe Dieter. Hundreds of millions killed in the name of Islam and Communism. But you think the west is evil. The west isn't perfect but we are mostly free of idiot religion and ideology dominating our day to day life.
  17. I don't talk Sh!t for a living- only for kicks- my old man was a cop who was nearly jailed for doing his job. Likewise,my job requires action, not a computer. Spinelessness befits you.
  18. Was against the blues IIRC. Wet day with a muddy ball. Then he slotted one from the centre square with a new ball.
  19. No need to justify terrible policing. They are absolutely hopeless,weak,useless,time servers. If I was Leoncelli I would sue the airline and the AFP. " Come and get this nut job now or I will let him go- this is not my job "
  20. Dieter- your stats are flawed. the kill count on American soil is about 3000-5 in favour of terrorists.what white supremacism have to do with it? Your lies are useless. Remember 9/11 ,Orlando ? Theres no point with you- you lie and obfuscate ,distort and mention Christians . Its ok-Merkel has given your old country away now- that should appease your guilt for WW2,Catholicism and the brutal wars conducted by Westerners in the past. Before America even had a Navy about 1500 yanks were killed off the Barbary coast.You conflate war with terrorist avtivity and think these things happen in a vacuum.
  21. I'm not surprised ,but quite glad that some people can see that Islam has huge problems in it. Im glad some people who previously thought this was an irrational proposition can now agree. Also .unthinkable a year or so ago- but some can now acknowledge that the white man is not infinitely responsible for all the worlds problems. Furthermore,not all people who oppose Islam are racist-I'm hoping that is a given now- whereas last year it was not. If some people are listening still I will tell you that Islam despises women and girls at a very primal level .This is yet another crack in the medieval doctrine.
  22. The Manchester bomber hung an Isis flag from his house in England and still managed to get his martyrdom work done later.Should have been jailed. The Syrian bomber was targeting people on buses.Sectarian. Should we be jailing the hardline clerics who encourage Jihad? I do realise MOST Muslims want nothing to do with violent extremism. The British feel let down by their government not for the first time. This is not far from Rotherham. Porous borders are also to blame but police refusing to stereotype or profile suspects is ridiculous. There is no doubt we are talking about a problem within Islam that is inflicted upon the rest of the world. Its fair and sensible to acknowledge that I reckon.
  23. I think it was a bus with Christian Coptic females visiting an old Christian site.Dont know the numbers or ages .Sorry to dramatise it. Highly relevant .both suicide bombers killing innocents. Theres another link you might observe or chose to ignore.
  24. Is that similar to missionary?
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