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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. I may not be tertiary educated but I am toilet trained. The feral from Romsey always leaves a nasty stain after his " ablutions". Do you get many tips ?
  2. The new janitor job must be a fantastic social opportunity for you as well Moon.
  3. Yes Skuit , I would think the death of a family member is off limits. It might be too soon to joke about the other bit as well. I doubt he will play anyway . From his interviews I think he can handle a sledge pretty well. Out 0f 50000 Collingwood nuffies you can bet they will make some below average attempts at humour .
  4. Not that it needed further affirmation.Both you and he are fruit loops .
  5. You are r very prescient Dieter. I have just booked another journey to Vietnam. However I went " up river" many moons ago as you know. The Horror......
  6. With the implication that if you disagree with Global warmists you are also a racist. Your combined arguement is a fraud- as are your methods to discredit individual opinions.
  7. Germans- it would give them some dignity.
  8. as Oscar once said to Miss Steenkampf- "never jump the gun or dearly will thou pay."
  9. Just a question SWL, if they roll Bert Newton out again does that still count as " live " TV?
  10. Careful SWL- some people might find your product endorsement Patranising.
  11. Indeed. But they were infinitely more melodious than "Spitwater- that's what it does" . As a consumer ,where once we were lulled into the purchasing possibility of a nice plain beer or a healthy pack of winfield reds we now get useless products rammed into sentences- stats are now owned by Bosch for example. Its not even seductive- it's aggressive - as is most language in society. Nowadays.
  12. Dunn and Howe starred on the same day. We all know that has never happened in Hunan history. We will beat Collingwood like a disobedient little shoe shine boy using the wrong colour nugget.
  13. Not for a branch stacker that claims to be a Muslim when it suits him. I read British press (nearly all of it,good and bad).Corbyn is done there.Hes a corpse with a copy of the communist manifesto. Dastyari even tries to get political mileage from an adventure park disaster. On Q and A he was a self promoting [censored]. In this situation his hypocrisy is fully played out. Zero respect.
  14. Senator Sam Dastyari nearly caught in todays London attack. Unelected Senate swill,sitting with British Labour (whoever is still left) no doubt discussing their political future or lack thereof when a real terrorist attack occurs as a DIRECT result of Lefty immigration policy. No acts of bravery from Sam-as expected.
  15. Iraq and Vietnam were wars declared by Nations against kleptocratic communist and socialist scum. This is religious scum encouraging youth to kill innocent people. But your heart goes out to Iraq naturally.
  16. You argue over pathetic semantics ,misquote and deceive like a trained journalist. Meanwhile Dieter brings up plainly false statistics actually created to confuse the issue of terrorism with white supremacy. You are both a pair of weak willed apologist-attacking the messenger(me) while you stick your fingers in your ears saying "I'm not Listening". The point you rammed home about the creation of law was irrelevant Choker-I was discussing Law records and Extensive Public documentation -the use of a written text .(Archives) The law known and respected internationally was or is British in essence and practise.not Egyptian.No Conflict in noting this whatsoever. You run around like a 2 year-old with "Biff said the poms invented law". Twit. Cultural cringe is at the core of your being. If you can't see the benefits of the rule of law, systems,admin and health western culture has bought you must be blind. The alternative is to go back to the dark ages which is where you like to sit intellectually on this. Too P!ss weak to admit there is a right and a wrong in this issue. Or maybe you are happy for people to let bombs rip in a secular modern society . Worse the fence sitting-you take taqiya to new levels and I wonder if you even know why you do it.
  17. Big photo of Muslims blocking the entrance to Trump tower with prayer. Until you've seen it, you would think prayer is always a peaceful act.Not always so I've seen Muslims and orthodox Jews have a "Pray off" in an airport lobby in Vienna and I was quietly sh!tting myself. I consider prayer a micro aggression.When lots of people block a street it becomes an issue. I'd like it banned.
  18. We must be careful not to jump to conclusions about this latest London Bridge attack(the second this year). Our conclusions must not be jumped to. They must be carefully managed by others more qualified than us to form those conclusions.
  19. They try to influence the MRP and the general umpiring during the match. Its not subtle but it seems to work for them.
  20. Without Germans we wouldn't have Bud,Schlitz and all those other woeful beers.Wurlitzer organs...I could go on. The Germans aren't evil- you've been trained to believe they are. The astoundingly low self esteem of Germans is known world wide.Except perhaps in the case of Herr Warne. They now think any kind of national pride is evil.
  21. No confict at all. Britons were speaking French in the 1200s. The French spoke Latin. The Italians spoke Greek. So what.? Do you think the British Empire was unusually cruel and destructive?If so how and compared to who? There is no confict in pointing out that Sumeria invented maths and Newton advanced it. What we know to be Greek may have been Phoenician . Look through an old thread and I mentioned all this.Peter Dutton I believe. Im not trying to tell you England invented language,the wheel or astrology. Settle down . You didn't win any non- racist points . Sorry.
  22. In terms of using those ideas internationally then my point stands. Im not trying to prove the English invented the wheel. You keep shifting your point around but good for you and your social conscience . For me to extol the virtues of Western civilisation does not make me anti Aboriginal either . I wasn't born in 1770.
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