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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. After 8 years of slagging him off that must have been very special for you.
  2. Melksham ,Bugg,,Omac,? Plenty of room for the AA ruck and Hogan.
  3. Anything owned by Southern Cross Radio-I need ads forced into my head with a ramrod or I feel like I am not a viable member of society .
  4. Pick a side. Pauline is at least intelligent enough to do that. You sit on a fence and criticise the freedoms Western civilisation has granted you. Believe me- there are only two sides .
  5. Seen any flying saucers? Syria is the battle ground for international Islamic teen rapists. We didn't have anything to do with it. Germany was stupid enough to take them as refugees.
  6. It must remind you of your very brief stay in the monastery .
  7. Gaddafi and Bin Laden got off easy. I like to think that Western civility prohibits us enslaving women and children and indeed stabbing them in restaurants or blowing up teen girls. It will be enough that we stop such gents from thieving and plundering (Gadaffi)wealth and murdering at whim (Bin Laden). Gadaffi and Erdogan both used the threat of invading the west with refugees. Fallacious theories about western hegemony are mere bourgeois luxury in my opinion . Idiot youth goaded into Jihad fall victims to these false beliefs. They are the deluded and the disenfranchised,preyed upon by fat beards in Mosques , for Saudi Arabians. Its a loose alliance of medieval religion and simpletons with a grudge against America and home grown western " useful idiots" who apologise for their aggressions.
  8. Comments on being special, non funny quips and stating the obvious are Lingy's forte. The others throw to Lingy when they run out of something to say. He's vital to the team.
  9. Is Bugg working on his set shots for goal? We may need him to slot one at some stage this season.
  10. They were fairly throwable little feminist males. The type that think they might get sexual intercourse if they join the socialist party. Bollt seem genuinely shocked to be attacked from behind. He is normally attacked from the left.
  11. I like your ideas for harsher penalties. On our " invasions " of Iraq and Afghanistan - Our foreign policy will not be dictated to us by the huddled masses that seek protection in our country. If we chose to bomb Saudi Arabia during Hajj then our newly arrived migrants can leave if they don't like it. Your Muslim friends who claims to hate the fundamentalists intrigue me. I have not seen many Australian Muslims come out and speak against radical Islam/Jihad.-no marches,no campaigns,no figureheads laying blame where it belongs. Ive heard lots of talk about Pakistan ,Afghanistan and Iraq. I feel for the troops that have to kill the perverted beards who reside there. Its a cesspit of slavery for women and children and a haven for perverted religious men. Islam should seek to reform its mess,which is everywhere. Islam has no right to criticise the west. Most Islamic countries are cesspits because they read only one book.So they are uneducated and backwards - we have nothing whatsoever to learn from them but we can teach them that is they plan to be pawns in an attack on the west we will destroy your training grounds. We should be destroying radical mosques in Europe as well.
  12. Who is proposing we behave uncivilly? Our society is not run by thuggery. We can ban or jail radical imams ,jail jihadists or execute terrorists. Give the death penalty for Isis fighters,treason. Are you claiming the behaviour of Australians is responsible for this attack ? Are you claiming the blame for this stuff is in some way shared? You would be very wrong if so.
  13. Whilst I'm not a fan of all of Andrew Bolts Opinions. My respect for him grew enormously after he fought off those cowards in Lygon St. Antifa (anti-fascist) are actually the ones using violence these days. The lefties are the masked gangs crushing dissent. it's all part and parcel of the demise of the Age. There are swathes of people tired of their liberalised,stand for nothing,"isn't melbourne great",knit an orgasm ,latte sipping lushness.
  14. I'm proposing people leave behind their flaky ,hippy tendencies and realise there is an enemy trying to destroy western civilisation from within. That it is a large and brutal enemy, with zero scruples. I've just alerted you to the fact that that this guy was on a terror list and still managed to kill somebody going about their day. I'm suggesting this is not a Muslim country and never should be. Let's make it quite plain we live in a secular society, governed by law and not religion. I'm proposing we drop the tolerance towards those that do not know the meaning of the word. I'm proposing the end of idiotic ,well meaning, cowardly civility towards Muslims in all Government policy. Internment for 450,000 Australians might be tricky .Would you like more of them here?
  15. You shouldn't be living at home in your early 40's anyway Ethan. Even if your dad is your life partner.
  16. No comments from the "be nice to Muslims " crowd this week? Reality can hit hard. Our government plan to let in 19,000 more Muslims next year. Yes -the same govt that had the Brighton terrorist "on watch". Only now are people talking seriously about "Muslim Reform". Silence from the usual apologists I will assume is the slow cogs of your minds changing.
  17. Doesn't seem to have any tricks. Average size,average mark,below average kick ,below average pace.
  18. I don't reckon Hulett will make it.
  19. When that rag is finally wound up there will be a few cockroaches,a couple of rats, an abondoned tin of instant coffee and Caro remaining in the building.
  20. Bad news for Moon and his colleagues. Mastabatory breaks are about to be enshrined in the British workplace agreements. As if they don't exist already.
  21. I'm a big Clementine Ford fan. I can't get through the day without being told what an oppressive [censored] I am for being born white and male.
  22. I feel I'm banging my head against a wall just reading this.
  23. I thought that was Brock McLean. Carlton tanked and rorted the cap if we are honest.
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