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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. "You're a show pony Wilson!" Was the old cry from his own fans and he was, but he was also very good.
  2. We throw Watts up for trade every year . The Queens Birthday game was fairly rewarding in itself. Force him to never miss a tackle. Stop the public humiliation and give him the ball.
  3. Good luck in whatever you decide not to do in the future.
  4. "Attack of the Trannies" They want rights, they want special pronouns that make no sense, they make up words, they want to be respected for who they are, they want to fight alongside our fighting men on an equal footing, they want political representation, they want to look ridiculous and be taken seriously. They want to change a whole language developed over a Thousand years and predicated on the masculinity/femininity of nouns(as are nearly all languages)which are integral to the actual function of the language.They want certain words changed or even taken out. They must be locked away from the sane so we can function without all the brain damaged students we are creating. What happened to Trannies just wanting to take drugs and perform sex work and live as an underclass.now they want to rule us with their confused brains.
  5. Let me guess- you have refined a version of the "IT" machine from South Park?
  6. Ignore BBO please WJ, He prefers to eat from a trough so i doubt he can advise on matters cultural. If it is Thai food we decide upon BBO will be offering money to the waitresses during the meal. We will need to explain to him that you cannot pay a "bar fine" in Australia that allows a customer to grope the girls. Also-a sophisticate like myself would never drink a heavy red with a delicate style of food. Pinot and Reisling if we are dining in a Siamese restaurant.
  7. Although I am a fascist dictator when it comes to threats imposed by cultural marxists,antifa,the loony left ,Islam and such. This doesn't bother me. It will help homosexuals to feel more like a part of society . I would prefer the government shut down IVF treatments for SS couples.In the same way funding for sex changes is not something I wish to subsidise. If they cannot or will not produce children the old fashioned way then they should be made to adopt the children of ice addicts or other such orphans.
  8. The more I watch the modern game the less positions seem relevant . Hope he gets it all together next year. He has some freaky talent but he should be having more impact on games.
  9. Phew-I thought he might be be signing an exclusivity contract with the Village Green for open mike night. I'm not sure I would keep going to the footy if they stopped "dance like a demon" .It's a personal highlight of my match day experience.
  10. I'd like to throw open the Romsey Manor for the upcoming shindig.As I am yet to hear any objections from uncle Bitty,I expect him ready at the door with canapés ..Moonie has agreed to be designated driver including a stop in Elsternwick for our more learned legal types who are usually inebriated by mid-morn.
  11. Strangely i was thinking the same.At a good club with a solid backline his clean disposal would fit in.
  12. The race goeth not always to the fleet of foot.But it sure does help. Jack was once nimble ,and was once quick. But Jack ran himself into the ground for a complete fark-stick. Shame for all concerned. I still think he can play at the highest level.
  13. It's an unfortunate title for a children's book.
  14. Needs a hand bashing in.Makes mistakes due to sheer fatigue ,contest after contest, ramming in when he actually has more class and outside talent than most of the others. Head to fault him-his deficiencies are those of his team mates who don't put in hard enough ,often enough or for long enough.
  15. Ross Gittens puts the reasoning and theory behind wanton, populist immigration to the test in the Fairfax news today. Great explanation of the lack of vision behind it. The feds let 'em in.The states and workers pay for the diminished infrastructure and productivity, the suburbs suffer,those born here doomed to rent forever, the economy expands but does not grow.but the stats show marginal overall growth. The same theory leads to Brexit and Trump and will see Pauline pick up more seats even though she has no FKN idea but she taps into the reality of those in Melbourne and Sydney. Jim Goad discusses the phenomenon of idiotic cultural suicide and rampant zombie multicultural marxists as well.he was perhaps first to notice the cultural fraudulence and vandalism of this blind open border thinking,or lack of. Yet to hear anyone call Gittens a racist for this article but I have little doubt there will be some fabulously informed articles on our food culture to counter balance tomorrow.
  16. I was accused of the same problem by an old girlfriend. She liked to yap on all the time so she had to go. She was only like a 9 or something anyway.
  17. he is giving his opinion. i suppose dead air would be preferable.but i doubt they would pay him for that. lets hope he can concentrate on his real job this time next year.
  18. We've been down that road. Kochie is a tool. Bartlett played AFL and is wise enough to make very few public statements ,we hope.
  19. you'd be surprised by the amount of people who are addicted to rugs.
  20. Shag pile went out with disco. They play on a Berber style these days.
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