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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Why is everyone so disappointed with Nicole Kidman? She started her career as Queen of the town bikes, Built her international face on a Cruise ship and now seems to be an Urban play thing. Nobody is Lily white...... Ok-I admit i worked on that one. Still makes me more worthy of hosting the Oscars than Billy Crystal. Who has died recently Again,
  2. I disagree entirely . My barber in Albert Park is.
  3. As a leader of men, he was like Germaine Greer at a meat raffle in a country pub in the 1950s.
  4. We have more options. But Jesse is not a bad one.
  5. I'm a Marxist and have always been one. Groucho,not Karl.
  6. My aunty fought me for eyelines when Todd Viney was nuding up for the fans. Different times.
  7. Yesterdays hero. Had Carey,Blakey, Simpson,Schwass, Archer, Longmire,Harvey,Clarko ,Martin et al. Simple plan- kick it to WC.
  8. Bulldust. Do you think people want to retire in their mid 50's or they are forced to? Migration contributes very little to the bottom line of our tax base. Particularly non-english speakers with zero skills. What stats , where and by whom? Think before you spout. Who sold you the myths and why? Do we need more unskilled peoples believing an irrelevant doctrine from a 7th Century Bedouin? Do you swallow govt stats as true? Where are the crime stats, the wife beating stats, the rape stats and the racial stats of the offenders? Hidden .
  9. There is the Hadith/s, One text ,already argued over then set in stone after the prophets death for two centuries. It is without a doubt a doctrine for war and conquest. it is not nearly as nice as the main text I'll grant you, but it is the way of the great prophet, who cannot be cartooned.
  10. DC - always sensible AF- coming around from luvvy culture and starting to think seriously. IWS- lost in a reaction to his parental racism. ME- happy you are all questioning your own tired thought processes .
  11. Can I urge the men that crowd around the players to let the kids have clear access to their heroes. It's off putting to see grown men milling around and jostling to get up close and personal with the stars. They already have our hearts and minds (and money). It's all about brain washing the next generation. i've been several times and I wonder why on earth you would want a signature for except to sell it.
  12. The short answer to that is no they are not. Waleed aside,whom i consider a duplicitous and populist ,smarmy little twit. The rest were/are trying to make an honest buck, or $5.6 million per year . Crazy John made his money from trailing commissions on handsets and telephony contracts, which was within the law back then and isn't now.Those stupid enough to purchase a sparkling new phone from him would know that.I don't begrudge him his millions although he ain't around to spend it. Your second sentence was correct. It's the only sentence you've written with any clarity. Oh and on Mosques-they all preach the hateful,vengeful,outdated doctrine that seeks to destroy and replace us. I urge you to flip through the text it preaches and consider if it fits in to your thinking.
  13. There is no way to solve congestion around the ball. It's a matter for the teams to conquer. We have Viney,Jones and Oliver to fix it for us. The only way teams will negate them in the future is by piling in and trying to hold the ball in a contested situation. We will be extracting it and trying to score goals, then getting a centre clearance and scoring another. the first games of Australian Rules went on for days often without any score.The rolling pack WAS the game.
  14. Do you think if these people had signed a bit of paper it would change the way they operated? You bring up many issues at once as though they are my fault, or the fault of those that hold a similar opinion on Muslim immigration,when you are not throwing in every available "ism" in a blind array of accusations. There is a popular international movement to stop immigration into Western,civilized,secular,decent society, except in Canada,where they have a 2nd generation political parasite as Prime Minister. There are around 51 majority Muslim nations across the world Muslims can immigrate to. History has shown Islam doesn't fit in with us drinking,dancing,thinking types. Why you bring up these other things I'll never understand. We start off talking about say Lawn Bowls, then you'll drag in Nick Kyrgios (what a legend) and we move on to the electric chair and the Watts riots. There is no logic left in much of what you have to say on this ONE issue .
  15. I acknowledge there are are around 400,000 muslims in Australia,the majority of which have low paid jobs,if they do work,and who want nothing to do with politics. You must also realize there are plenty sitting around smoking the Shisha ,breeding away on centrelink, then complaining about our foreign affairs.Their money should be cut. I know a few Muslims myself and I don't seek to demonise those here . Having said that,how on earth that mate of Eddies from Broady gets $5.6 mill to run the Postal Service is something I cannot fathom.
  16. The Geneva convention is worthless as evidenced by the fact that it gets re-written every 25 years or so. The treatment of spies and prisoners of war is the business of the nation holding them. Whatever conventions signed before hand get tossed out the window during. Why fight with one hand behind your back ? Western civilization gets a little squeamish about it because we are the only decent chaps that consider decency toward the enemy.
  17. Agreed Steve, Let Oliver,Petracca,Jones,Viney,Lewis control the middle. Brayshaw looks best charging through from the backline. Will be interesting to see if Bernie can even hold down a spot.
  18. It's a reaction to the Socialist,new wave,no work,weakling governments who've sold out their citizens to immigrants in order to help prop up their majorities at election time. People are on to it and the Left is finished .In fact the left/right dichotomy might be finished for the makes sense/doesn't make any sense dichotomy with any luck. Brexit and Trump are only pariahs to hipsters who live in a utopian playground.Yet both won at the polls.Le Pen would be a great addition . Geert Wilders will get in too. Domino theory was originally about stopping sh!t heads like Mao,Pol Pot,Ho Chi MInh, Kim Jong Il etc but its nice you've applied it to people who want to return their countries to people actually born there without being called racist scum,Fascist,Bigot,white supremacist,Nazi and all the other names used by those who don't understand the phenomenon.ISIS and those ready to join it are festering away with tacit acceptance from the lovey doveys like Trudeau and those like him who are about to leave office. Division and fear are justified in places like Rotherham,Birmingham,Malbo ,Antwerp,Brussels,Paris,Nice,Mannheim,Cologne, Luton,Oslo and anywhere else where people are being intimidated or raped by Muslims without the government reporting the number and creed of the perpetrators for fear of being labelled Islamophobic,(as if it is an irrational fear). Your last sentence calling me a chump is unintelligible but you would do well to purchase a mirror next time you drop by the Mosque for a wash. Waleed Aly would do well to question his adopted faith instead of the culture that gave him his Education and saved his parents from that hellhole known as Egypt.Trendy as he is .The energy he expends trying to quell western rage would be better spent questioning Koranic text and Imams. You obviously subscribe to the theory that it's people like me that give rise to Islamaphobia only I'm not afraid of Islam,I'm happy to attack it and push it back to the Desert where it belongs, while you want to embrace this 7th century war doctrine that sees us as pig eating,decadent,lustful ,drunken animals-which I'll admit to also.They don't know what they're missing out on ,or they're jealous. There's nothing Loony about protecting a modern secular way of life to the exclusion of illiterate hordes of child raping,homophobic head chopping,death to Israel/Australia/USA chanting,cartoonist murdering,rioting,stoning barbarians. The real lunacy is appeasing those that seek to destroy our way of life.Tolerance can only be applied to those that reciprocate.You might think growing a beard and supporting Islam is an appropriate response to this totalitarian religion because you either don't want to upset a neighbour/friend/ guy who makes your falafel balls by day and sends the money to ISIS by night, or you have been cowed into supporting a doctrine bent on killing us. Let the "dominoes" tumble. Maybe Europeans want it that way. That's known as democracy.
  19. You must remember Herr Diets,we still have the Queen of England as our head of State. We also tend to stand beside our mates in times of conflict. I might not agree with the reasons for going but a soldier doesn't have that luxury. Once it's on,in for a penny ,in for a pound and stick your hammer and sickle where the sun don't shine both on the domestic front and abroad.
  20. You should have ONE that can form a proper sentence.
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