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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. So what race in Islam again? I keep forgetting. I need a chorus of half-wits to remind me.
  2. Good news story of the day.
  3. You're more bigoted than I am. You prosecute your argument by grabbing nonsensical unassociated sibjects as long as you look like the PC, wrap your arms around the world,hero you think of yourself as.As if you know better somehow . You assume to care more about people than people who would like some kind of say on their borders . Globally it's become apparent people don't want to be labelled racist if they discuss a religio political movement central to the government and laws of 51 countries. I have no great animosity to any particular race so you are not only in error but obnoxious . Just Islamists like yourself who shout nonsense and turn on crocodile tears I object to. Most Muslims are actually more semseible than you.
  4. Speaking of Booze , Had two margaritas last night. When drinking cocktails it is wise to remember they should be regarded as like a woman's breasts. Three is too many and one is not enough. I have decided to prolong my stay in the region due to my rising popularity and adoration amongst the people here. I feel they need me at this time so I shall stay till I feel like coming home to the relative blandness of boring old Melba . I have formed a small militia of dedicated soldiers and taken some key geographical outposts. We have established underground and overland supply roots and are currently recruiting a fierce regiment of mercenaries. Mostly made up of massage therapist,soup chefs,drug merchants,pastry chefs,vintners and procurers of valuables as well as couriers,guardsmen ,porters,grooms and loyalist hangers on. I will be dead or wealthy before the season begins . More from up river later, I must address my people. Biffen
  5. The immigration we are talking about is from a range of ethnicities . Crime figures in Germany are up 80%. Some of the crime is between Turkish and Syrians or Turks and Kurdish of Turkish and Lebanese gangs and some is directed at Caucasian Germans. There is no dispute that gangs and ghettos exist in areas of Europe where Caucasians should not enter and police need 5 cars to attend an incident in these areas.There are Romanian,Albanian gangs fighting for territory as well in German suburbs where the police will not enter. More than 80 % of recent German migrants are Muslim so perhaps 20% of these gangs are not if we assume an even spread. Still shows the effects of rapid migrant intake ,subsequent ghetto formation,turf battle,police inability to cope and loss of law and order from rapid immigration.One wonders if the Jews who reside in Berlin were considered at all. You would consider gangs.and pack rapists as pack animals in my world.I'm not sure what world you live in Choke but as long as you get to bandy the R word about then I suppose you think you have shut debate and you can pat yourself on your back. You're a lightweight ,finger pointer and self satisfied simplistic PC Nazi imposing a fascism you do not recognise as evil. You attempt to bring an argument to a close in order to force your own cultural would view on a discusiion to silence an opposing idea which is the way Sharia thrives as well. Consider that.
  6. Was discussing pack rapist so no prize choker. Nice selective outrage and moral superiority there. Well done on your conflation of issues yet again.
  7. We should just zone of Riewoldt and let him run free all day.
  8. The video shows how North Altonians like this gentleman behave when they don't get their French fries, or perceive a slight. Rather Than making a polite enquiry ,one would naturally threaten to kill the teen girl that served You ,wouldn't one? Also note his associates milling around calling the officer pig,d!tch,and then threatening to kill. These threats must be acted upon. Again, the other nutjobs are irrellevant to the topic. The Indonesians are a more placid lot on the whole, except in Bali,where again they don't belong,and they decided to murder our decadent countrymen .
  9. So? Would be nice if you could concede but just throw in an irrelavent article instead. Well done Mohammed Hardtack.
  10. Nice overhand right. Still think more mace could have been used.
  11. Somehow I think not. You are so lucky you left Northern Turkey when you did. Crickets and tumbleweeds from the apologia . Most entertaining video!!!!!!!!!!! Put it up AF!! I can't watch it enough! If nobody can cut and paste it my point on your cowardice is proven. Allahu MF Akbar all right. LMFAO.
  12. There is a wonderful and very timely video of a young chap named Taleb today who became aggravated with the young staff at McDonalds in Guess where? Yes Altona North!!!!!! Apparently his order wasn't filled in the way he wanted so he reacted to the teen staff as any reasonable person would!!!!! Death threats. Please post it for your own education. It's totally relevant and timely . And totally entertaining!!!!!! You will find it in the Age. He intends to sue the police for upholding the law. Naturally another yoof or 3 of (MEA) joined in to obstruct police work. So mace was deployed- lol. To break the stereotype , it was a Black Merc not a BMW. Watch and learn AF- and never question the oracle of Altona Norf again!!!!!!!!!!! There is a god. Hope you all get a good laugh. Source- the Age.
  13. Of course Russian troops are funded by the Kremlin .DER!!! The Crimea has always been Russian! Australian/British subjects died trying to steal it from them in the 1850s Russia doesn't need permission to go anywhere in its region. My drunk soldier theory is highly possible you slow child.How does shooting a civilian jet help an army enter Ukraine?Did that idea transmit through a tin foil hat or did you invent it? I've never compared 9/11 to it or with .(yet you yourself admit your theory is a rumour, then decide to re-print it) I at least admit my theory is a guess since it was a land to air strike . The Kremlin would envy your ability to disseminate misinformation. You act as if they world leaders thrash things out over a peppermint tea and a yoga session. I'm glad you have watched the BBC though.Its a safe house for mental midgets and Rolfs,Jimmy Savilles and sell-outs. Like you- it is battling for relevance. I'm sure Putins girls can keep him satisfied.He doesn't need new wave feminist males questioning his genitalia you strange lad. Do our taxes really pay for you to learn all this? Trump has befriended Vlad because they have a shared interest in Soviet block [censored] and keeping China in check. Don't over complicate that which you cannot comprehend. Just because you do a quick google doesn't mean you have any historical grasp or knowledge of world affairs. "You're an errand boy,sent by grocery clerks,to collect a cheque"
  14. Comrade AF, You're a prime example of why the arts shouldn't be funded by the state. You think Rotherham is not worth a mention? Name calling extends to leftist outraged students like yourself. The new fascists are those like you that turn up to protest and start rioting when the tears well up. You couldn't beat your way out of a Fabian meeting on affirmative action with a manbag . Time for your nap. You seem all tired and grumpy . What's your point?
  15. If you hadn't noticed,Russia,China and Vietnam are communist in name only. These are massive populations requiring reliable food and energy resources to sustain them and they don't put up with P!ssant dissenters like you and Tony Abbott threatening to shirt front them. A weakling like Cameron was hardly going to stop The Russian Navy sailing through international waters. The false Muslim killings you mentioned include the Nut job Monis in the Lindt cafe who was waving the Isis flag around Sydney CBD.You argue some trivial points at times. The Ukraine made a silly attempt to cut Russia's gas supply,which they developed and built before they elected the boxer as President. You may remember how Gazprom and other countries were ransacked by oligarchs after the fall of the USSR.Khordorovski and Berezovski if I recall and a few more opportunists like them. I'd put the MH17 down to a drunk Russian soldier with an RPG,not as a state sponsored attack against the west,but we may never know. Are you a conspiracy theorist on 9/11 because you have the same idiotic attributes? All you need to understand is the "big men of history theory". Trump and Putin subscribe to it and all your Facebooking won't change a thing. You find Vlad fascinating because he has testicles.
  16. AF Darling, At the time these stats were taken there was really only socialist governments in place in most of these countries except Britain.They were scared of alienating the ethnic voter base that kept them there. We can argue stats till the cows come home and you may think you have had some kind of home run against me for providing them but alas , my dear ,you are again mistaken. You've not addressed Rotherham,which is the result of governments terrified of stereotyping people as you are because I realise you want to love everyone and are terrified of offending anyone as stupid as you.Your desire to be loved is wonderfully naive and belies your kind yet indiscriminate heart. These stats were in fact made by a humanitarian organisation.They do not count unreported rapes,which constitute at least half the incidents if we are conservative. The quote was taken from the Gatestone Institute by The Independent as an addition to the numbers,presumably because a graph alone is a dull read.Bully for you that you've learned to verify a source for once although you are still miles off applying your well learned critical theory to something other than your own navel fluff. If you took a look at the real issue,it's patsies like you who believe its rude to examine the idea that your thought processes are infallible and that we need to love everyone,regardless of their beliefs. If half -wits like yourself go unchallenged you see formerly harmonious societies flooded with too many immigrants of the wrong type,in the wrong place. Whenever I see a an ironic "ha-ha" I know you're shooting blanks like most male feminists. Yes it's different in Altona North compared to Fitzroy North ,we don't have many Velvet Undergrads there you see. I suggest you get out of your safe place as you are an academic oaf with the introspection of Kim Kardashian. Let's address your naming calling. "Nazi,white supremacist ,bigot,racist,KKK,Conservative and most offensively,Snowflake". Pull your finger out AF,you've got nothing interesting to say on the issue that has actually made me stop and think. I do hope we are not supporting your films with a government grant. Not exactly a Blue Poles investment if we are. You're a lazy,lazy boy and I assume your films are as unwatchable as you are unreadable. Go and eat your lentils before you get dizzy again. They might give you the air power to get off the couch from watching your Mike Moore doco and allow you to get some much needed fresh air. If you ever get paid work,you will have the right to say who does and doesn't come here to live,and why.
  17. An absolute wasteland Jara. Has all the appeal of an Indian toilet and the same aroma. All the social cohesion of Johannesburg . With the cultural attributes only Devonport would envy.
  18. Choo Choo was robbed picket! Why isn't anybody outraged !!!
  19. No it was Moroccan hash in joints ,rubbed in Diesel. I was a bit too close to the refinery in Altona Nth though ,smart pants. I dont do bongs.I may be a bogan but I'm not cheap.
  20. You know what I was thinking about the two electoral candidates Dieter? Both are absolutely full of it but at least with the Donald you know he is a snake oil salesman from way back whereas she had this mock outrage and pretentious faux disgust. They both used lies and deceit every day of the campaign, and she had the audacity to use Pussygate as if it was a surprise that people speak that way in private.Her personal life is full of skeletons as it would have to be.Bill Clintons sex life pales into insignificance when compared to his wife.Worse than Nancy Reagan's.Or better I should say ,and good luck to her. What I and obviously others did not like is that she actually thought she could still fool people and not even release one policy idea.She had no plan but to sit back and embarrass the Donald or let him do it to himself.Even idiots don't like condescension.The whole time the Media just telling us it was Hillary by a landslide. Trump was not a man of deception but a straight out honest bullsh!tter ,unashamed white male privileged Alpha male. She sat back with her fake smile and said and did nought.She deserved to lose. At least Trump explained his thought process, unpopular is it is, or so we thought. You and I both know he is going to follow the Neocon plan through . With her she was a fake and a fraud and her Ponzi charity crap is over. When somebody lies to me I appreciate the ability to lie unashamedly. People don't mind being lied to but they hate having their intelligence insulted. There is a huge difference .
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