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Everything posted by mollydee

  1. Hi All. I am a part owner of Main Stage who has been nominated for the All Star Mile on March 16, run this year at Flemington. Ten of the fourteen runners will be selected by a public vote. Those who vote will be in the mix to win some of the prizemoney As a passionate Demon, I'm asking for you to vote for Main Stage via the link below. Voting closes Monday February 18. Main Stage was one of the favourites for the Victoria Derby 14 months ago, and came 5th. Feel free to forward the link to anyone you think would be interested to vote. Many Thanks Mollydee https://allstarmile.com.au/profiles.html#/
  2. Moi aussi . AND Hawthorn , AND Collingwood ,AND Essendon , AND Richmond , AND ....................
  3. OMG - I've just seen Dolly's fall on TVN . How he got out of it with no damage is astounding . To rock up the next day to [ I think ] 7 rides is extraordinarily brave .
  4. Just so . Gerard Whateley said on Offsiders this morning " You need astounding courage and coconuts to be a jockey like that"
  5. Apparently he was discharged from hospital about 1am. After a few hours sleep he did some usual fitness stuff, felt ok and thought he saw no reason why he couldn't ride . Lucky guy .
  6. Had at least one win at Flemington today
  7. Couldn't agree more . He was pushed very hard out of the barrier to be in the front mix . Can't expect a young horse carrying 58 kg to turn it on at both ends of the race
  8. Biff, refer you to your own posts on " Black Caviar " thread on "Other Sports " #14 : Black Caviar is dodging decent opposition " #17 : " Sepoy and her [sic] are dodging each other " #19 : " Moody places her in fields where Sepoy isn't " #24 : " Just a point of fact mate . They are avoiding each other for now " BTW , Sepoy [ who is a fine, fine horse ] really carved them up in the Oakleigh Plate yesterday.
  9. Is this the daily banana requirement to prevent dreams of Waylen ?
  10. Thanks for that , Ted Fidge . I always enjoyed reading Brent Crosswell's columns.
  11. Woo Hoo! Warms the very cockles of my demon heart !
  12. Yes -- it slipped under Redleg's guard !
  13. Congrats old dee on having post no 1111 in this 11th month of the year 11
  14. WHAT??? She wasn't signed up on day one? Hope you've taken the photo in the beenie and scarf ! Congratulations Dee !
  15. Heard a passing reference to Boardwalk Empire on RRR today . Anyone have info about it or where it can be accessed?
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