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Everything posted by Undeeterred

  1. Perfect scenario. Geelong get bundled in straight sets and North, thinking they are all that, will get absolutely spanked by Sydney. Best of both worlds.
  2. Deanox has it right. We may need to burn a few highish picks to right the ship and get back to mid-table. While in the long run that will hurt us as we may lose a 10 year superstar or two, unfortunately we don't have that long to wait. We just need to get amongst it in the next year or two, get some strong players in the 25-27 bracket and get some grunt in the midfield. Then we can survey where we are at and go from there, hopefully not with any more picks 1, 2 or 3...
  3. Interesting that there's no flexibility with Blease. I clearly agree he doesn't have the tank to go all game. But gee, he is quick, can find the goals and would be a cracking sub 5-10 times a year. Not like he is holding a list spot away from some other star.
  4. My view is you have to have something, the boundary line will always be grey and, as is the case with lots of areas of law, Courts have to do their best to decide whether particular things drop on one side of the line or the other. Plenty of stuff is almost impossible to define legislatively, but I guess that doesn't mean it should be dropped entirely. I do agree though that the word offend is pretty woolly. Stronger words like vilify are less grey and easier for everyone to interpret.
  5. Yep, you're absolutely right. I completely misunderstood the wording of that section and happy to be called on it.
  6. This is not censorship and doesn't depend on the censor's view. It depends on the law.
  7. It isn't a slippery slope at all. There is nothing in the law that says anybody has the right not to be offended. The law is that you can't vilify people. If the legislation changes, and 'community standards' or the 'community' don't like it, then vote for the party which wants to change it and if the majority of people agree with you, it will get changed. Exhibit 1 - recent attempts to change 18C. The community, democracy, whatever, flatly refused to accept a regression in those standards.
  8. Why do you think the Senate was hostile? Gosh some of the guff on this thread is incredible.
  9. It is pretty simple. The right to free speech is tempered by the prohibition on racial/religious vilification. Not that hard to grasp, really, and preventing people from spouting race hate doesn't impinge on free speech in the slightest. It just stops race hate.
  10. Nasher! You've stopped the stream of comedy for two whole weeks. How on earth do we get our laughing fix now??
  11. Not to be nit picky, but the right to free speech for political communications is not actually in the Constitution. It was 'discovered' by High Court judges in various cases before them.
  12. Playing Devil's Advocate, if in fact we did pay out a portion of his 2015 contract, then in actual fact we probably are in a better financial position than we would have been. He would have been perfectly entitled to sit on his bum and pull down the $700k or whatever it is, so I can't see that there's an issue there. Loyalty, etc, completely different issue.
  13. I don't know why you all keeping feeding WYL. All you get is whiny revisionism and a complete refusal to show us how insightful he is by making forward predictions that we can call him on later. Complete waste of energy.
  14. You'll have to sift through 2,500 posts to find out...
  15. Come on people surely we can knock this up to a hundred pages!
  16. Roos knows he is gone and I bet they have had an idea this might happen for a while. So, they go to the league to put the PP out there, then this comes along a couple of weeks later. If he walks, we wouldn't have got anything for him but the AFL can't possibly deny us 2, 3 and 4 now. Would be a travesty not to get a PP anyway, let alone if Clark goes somewhere else. To be honest, not sure Roos really cares. He knows that at least one of those picks can be turned into an established player who might not have as much upside as Clark but sure as hell doesn't have any of the risk.
  17. Hawthorn??? You would have to be absolutely [censored] kidding me.
  18. Ahhh, fair enough. Still, that kind of stuff is always going to happen, no? We all appreciate your efforts, as you know!
  19. Love your work Nasher, but running a football forum then asking why someone would post inside info on it is a bit confusing in itself. Why exactly are you running Demonland if not for people to discuss things like this, whether fact or fiction?
  20. Fair cop. I'd chuck him in a bucket with everybody else we thought we could land and take the best ones. Maybe we agree after all.
  21. On what basis? I completely agree. Love Crossy, but he did get bumped by a team with heaps of young mids coming through. Ours can't keep him out of the team, let alone out of the top 5 in the B&F.
  22. Chapman coming up against Geelong next week could also be pretty interesting, I'd wager.
  23. They've definitely lost that aura though. Just saying if I were Frawley looking to pick a side to win a flag with in the next few years, it wouldn't be them.
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