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Queanbeyan Demon

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Everything posted by Queanbeyan Demon

  1. "Leadership Group" . . . . . please . . . . . . When those doing an analysis of a club's playing roster (sorry, team), and authoritatively state "this group" [insert whatever profound insight they arrived at in the car on the way to the studio (yes, I'm thinking of you Lloyd and Cornes)] completely [censored] me. What, all of the 38 players blah, blah, blah . . . .
  2. And who could forget the late Doug Heywood's brilliant piece of commentary, "{insert player's name] has let rip with an enormous drop *&nt". The station fell silent for about five minutes.
  3. I'm pretty sure in 1980, Michael Roach, Fatso Taylor and Mark Jackson all won the goal kicking at Bunt Road across the Seniors, Resies and U19 respectively. And DB and UZ used to get the match of the day based on some weird rotational basis and fit it in between the races. Bizzare.
  4. Preference order: Watch the Deez win in person Watch the Filth loose in person Watch the Filth loose again on the replay.
  5. I've spend the best part of 58 years expending emotional and spiritual energy on this mostly disfunction organisation. It's easily the longest relationship of my life. And i don't even wanna think about the money i've poured into the joint, one disaster after another. So a premiership would barely balance the scales. Having said that, I'll be buying all the relevant merch . . . it's what people in long-term, codependent relationships do.
  6. Hey DJ . . . I love you . . . . . but . . . . . . Jones is in another football universe compared to Murphy. For a number one draft pick, Murphy has been 'good ordinary' at best.
  7. Oliver, Tracktor and May car pool. Arrive at airport five minutes late. Rest of team arrive in Perth to begin their seven days quarantine after crushing Jeelong by 15 goals in the preliminary at Kardinia Park. The other MCG (McGowan) says "sorry boys", . . . Deez loose by five points on Robbie Grey's last kick of the day from the hotdog stand after Melksham gives away a 50 metre penalty on the halfback flank (awarded by umpire Nicholls of course). Post script November . . . With a premiership and Norm Smith medal secured, Deez offer Robbie Grey 800K for 2022 to be our icing on the cake. He declines, accepting the Suns offer of $1M per year for three years.
  8. You'd think having Treloar and Smith in your over 20 possessions multi would be safe right????????????????
  9. Ten point plan: Tassie secedes from Australia, renamed 'Democratic People's Republic of Devil's Island', Creates it's own currency (The Devil's dollar) and prints money, New 30,000 seat Optus like stadium built with the new currency, Offers Deez big money to be co-located in both Melbourne and to the new nation's capital, Devonport, Deez agree, 11 games in Melbourne and 11 in Devo, with 50 year free travel and accommodation between Melbourne and the DPRDI for current Dee members, Poach Luke Beverage as coach (Bevo to Devo has a nice marketing ring to it), New team known as the Devil's Demons, A 50 year moratorium on salary cap breaches granted to new entity, AFL renamed Pacific International Super Optimist Football League, Eddie, Dean Margetts, Razor Ray, Matthew Nicholls, Malthouse and Tex Walker intercepted at border and placed in Bernie detention centre for undetermined period of time.
  10. I used to post under a different name on 'ology and stuck a bit of money into it. There were some great characters over there in the day. Also some total ratbags. Fortunately there are none on 'land though.
  11. Harmes, Viney and pick 30 in a package deal for the Bont? Can't see why Footscray wouldn't jump at that.
  12. A wonderful opportunity for the Deez to stamp itself as a professional, mature, resilient, dominant, big-time, legitimate, serious, credible, imaginative (hang-on, Goody's coaching), heavy-weight, premiership contender. Should work out well.
  13. This is a brilliant idea. My only question is why stop at Tex? Why don't we also: bring in Don Pyke to mentor Goodwin, adopt the stare-down, and get both to organise the 2022 pre-season camp?
  14. Kenit has form. Since the catastrophe of Oct 1999, his mob has been in power precisely 1,464 out of a possible 7,959 days. It's quite the miracle that Beyond Blue survived him. And with respect to the teeth gnashing about Clarkson. Let’s not forget his role in the Battle of Britain, nor the fact that he build the Whorethorn era on the back of blatant draft tampering and flagrant tanking. As far as I'm concerning, the four premierships are tainted. If the Whorethorn members bring Kenit down . . . it's good riddance to both of them.
  15. It's the sentiment I attach to a side that has been out-performed by the bottom side in the competition for the last six weeks.
  16. How about this for an answer? We get out-selected, out-coached and out-thought virtually every single game. The comp has well and truly sorted Goodwin out.
  17. Generally I love women in the media and can't stand the blokes. But when AH gets going . . . . . . she goes off like a frog in a sock.
  18. Agree with you D17. I'm thinking Deez $1.12, Barkers $3:80. We beat them decisively five minutes ago and they completely shayt themselves when we bought the heat at the 18 minute mark of the third term. Deez easily waltzing away with it. (Plus Matthew Lloyd needs a new premiership favourite to announce every Monday.)
  19. How many finals have footscray won over the last five years?
  20. Being very hard on Weed there RDN. Schache, God bless him, can only dream of being half as good as Weed.
  21. Thank goodness Gary never coached us. Dodged a bullet there. I'm only interested in what Daisy thinks.
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