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Everything posted by GoodTimesGrimes

  1. The $1.7m is the operating profit and excludes the one off legal costs and Brayshaw payout. In reality we posted a $1.6m statutory loss, ie the $1.7m ‘profit’ has already added back those legal costs
  2. It isn’t more than it is until it’s official and we’re in the middle of a once in a generation pandemic that is draining the public purse. I have no doubt that this would be part of a multi phase approach and that it’s likely an extension of existing facilities adjacent at AAMI Park, but until announced and official it isn’t worth celebrating.
  3. They’re moving a fence and we’ve got people on here saying Pert and Roffey are heroes, let’s get some perspective. It’s good news to get some investment regardless of the level but let’s not make this out to be any more than it is.
  4. It’s a development yes, but in the scheme of things makes very little tangible difference. Talk of an AAMI park redevelopment for an event (WWC) which is less than 2 years away is also just plain false
  5. You're 100% correct
  6. How do you get any of that out of what has actually been officially announced? LH is 100% right, all this is is a bigger ground to train on. 'Training facilities' encompasses so much more than that and is not included. This is a nothing announcement and we still don't have one home.
  7. I booked two tickets for me and my old man. Didn’t have to provide details for the 2nd ticket, so they need to capture these other people
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