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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. That’s not at all what I said. He’s not a loser he’s a bloody good player, which is precisely why we are not going to trade him for a packet of chips because he’s having a hissy fit and wants to go play for a big club. Just as we weren’t going to throw Clarry out for peanuts when he was melting down.
  2. Hang on, is Trac not treated more favorably than others because he’s Trac? This is life, in every organization you have more and less favorable people who get treated differently because of what they bring to the table. Of course a star player is going to get more leniency on poor behavior than some D grader. Just as if Trac was a nobody who trashed our club publicly the club would treat him with a hell of a lot less public restrain than they have so far.
  3. Oh boo hoo. He liked it enough to take $7million two years ago. What lame excuses.
  4. It’s hoping to get a trade and blame it all on the club so you don’t damage your brand on the way out.
  5. Considering that Trac is struggling mentally with the trauma he's been through, I would think he would now appreciate the way the club wrapped their arms around Clarry when he was struggling mentally, rather then throw him out with yesterday's rubbish. This is an incredibly important point. McKay signed a 7 year deal and is all in with Carlton. How would the playing group feel if the club said "listen, thanks but we want Trac more, bye". If the situation was reversed and McKay wanted out, and we said you can have Trac, how would the fans and the playing group feel?
  6. Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, ONE player wanting out while everyone else has committed, is maybe on said player and not on the entire club?
  7. Didn't bother him when he signed a 7 year deal worth over $7million. While I take all these articles with a grain of salt, I've heard enough to know that Trac is acting like a complete diva and needs to take a long hard look at himself. We committed a gigantic slice of our salary cap to him, and at the first sign of trouble he wants to bail. Such disappointing behaviour from someone I earmarked to be our next captain.
  8. I don’t think this is only because of the injury. I think he’s been unhappy since last pre season and the injury is giving him an out that won’t damage his personal brand if he asks to leave. By “punishing” the club as you say, he’s trying to make the narrative about Melbourne being the problem. He knows we are an easy target, because of other issues we’ve had, and he has to keep his own brand clean in order to not do any damage to his incredibly lucrative social media presence. If us as supporters are feeling peeved about it, just imagine what the feeling is inside the club from guys like Gawn and Viney.
  9. You know exactly what you’re doing. A drive by reaction when you have nothing to contribute is passive aggressive. Reacting to posts is fine if you’re also contributing to the topic of conversation at hand. You are not. If you think our culture is so bad, I would really like you to provide some evidence to prove it. Again, I don’t need you to tell me why our club isn’t perfect or facing issues that most clubs, especially clubs that miss finals face. I’m asking for specifics relating to our culture.
  10. What a complete joke. How can you not hate this corrupt organization? It really makes me question why I waste my hard earned money on this game.
  11. I hope we question Collingwood’s medical team and ask why no concussion test was done straight away. Either Moore had concussion symptoms that would have been picked up by a concussion test immediately following the incident, or he developed the quickest delayed concussion symptoms ever recorded in medical history.
  12. Don’t be that person that contributes nothing but passive aggressive reactions…
  13. Besides a few cliches to appease the hysterical masses, what exactly will her saying anything change? I would rather she says something when there’s something to say; for example after a review of the FD is complete, or when there’s movement on the home base front. Whatever she says now is just going to be lip service and will annoy everyone even more. She is not running the footy department. If the board is undertaking a review of said department, with what I hope is an external person with sound footy knowledge, then I expect her to speak on the outcomes of said review. I don’t need her to give me a running commentary on where we are as a club on the field, because frankly it’s not her area of expertise and I don’t want her involved.
  14. I didn’t say that at all. And just because you have nuffies like @dazzledavey36 clapping your post, doesn’t mean you comprehended what I said. I said our culture is not better or worse than other clubs. I never said there were no problems, did I? By the way, since you seem to think we have problems, please can you tell us all what they are? Or maybe your happy clapper mate can tell us what those cultural issues are Every club has issues, and yet I don’t see their club president releasing statements to appease their highly strung supporters.
  15. So what would you like her to talk about in terms of our culture? All of our players re-signed, yes we didn't make finals but we won 11 games with a hell of a lot of injuries and losing Gus on the eve of the season. Good culture does not always = flags. We have one player who is disgruntled and looking for excuses to go play for a bigger team that will raise his profile (think $$$) even more, off the back of trauma he suffered on the field. Just because the media piles on, doesn't mean our club has any more or less cultural issues than any other club. The club is not falling apart like Tom Morris et al would have you believe.
  16. I don't want our president having anything to do with list management. It's like asking Tim Lamb to get involved in securing us a home base.
  17. Please PLEASE get a decent lawyer this time Melbourne. Enough with this clown who I swear works for the AFL not our club! Hey @Redleg are you free?
  18. He was absolutely trying to hide away but that’s probably because he didn’t want a camera in his face all night, which is fair enough. I wouldn’t read anything into it from a club perspective.
  19. Trac was at the game. He was in the box and then at the race to farewell Ben Brown with the rest of the players.
  20. Surely we will challenge this ban. I don't think he gets off completely, but surely we can reduce the ban to 1 or 2 weeks only
  21. I assume it was the one lonely Carlton fans on this site
  22. Trac doesn’t want to go to the highest bidder. That is the point. If he wants to bide his time and try again next year, fine. But he has to play very well in 2025 or else nobody is taking on a $1.1 million liability. I’m ok with that. Play well, help us win another flag, and maybe the big clubs Trac wants to get to will have a better deal by then.
  23. I just want Carlton Geelong and Hawks to lose. Thank you.
  24. You can count on West Coast and Richmond to stink it up real bad next year. Also can’t see North going much better, unless they land some mature players to help steady the ship. Adelaide are a who knows. Saints are garbage.
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