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Everything posted by Kento80

  1. Good to see that they didn't make fools of us all by actually doing some real reporting
  2. You and I are in agreeance for the second time in 5 minutes Jaded. Maybe we should hold hands and skip off into the sunset
  3. There is no reason or justification. AT ALL!
  4. Agreed. As I stated earlier, I don't reckon he should be allowed to play anywhere until next year. I don't know what he said, so maybe that had some bearing on it, but definitely shouldn't be allowed to play in the VFL for mine.
  5. Nice to see we agree on something then Thanks. Me too, just a rehash of everything else I presume.
  6. Keep us posted please RR, we don't get that show in NSW
  7. For starters, if you think I am offering Lynch advice, you need your head read. It is pretty fair to suggest that he doen't read this forum, and being a public forum, this is where people comment on their opinions relating to certain situations that take their interest. If you have a problem with me having opinions that aren't unreasonable, not my problem. I am well aware of the fact that he knew the questions were coming, and well aware that he would have prepared responses designed to influence a situation in one way or the other, but I personally don't believe it is very professional of him. Now whether that professionalism relates to his Players Agent duties or his Commentating duties is debatable. Pretty much you could put it onto either of them. As a Commentator, he should realise the conflict of interest and offer a no comment. As a Player Agent, he should realise the conflict of interest and offer a no comment. If you disagree with me, that is fine, but I really couldn't give a toss.
  8. Mate, read the freakin post again. Actually I'll save you the time. I was responding to condemned84 by saying that he would be derelict in his duties to say any more than "optimistic". I then added that I would even suggest optimistic is a bit too much, and he should have offered up a no comment. I couldn't give a toss about "what now". It was a comment.
  9. Thanks again WM, and Jaded well thanks for nothing. I am well aware of the differing circumstances between TS and Ablett. My post was related to the fact that imo Lynch would be derelict in his duties by saying anything.
  10. He would be absolutely derelict in his duties as a manager to say anymore. I would even suggest that optimistic is a bit too much. Should have been a straight up 'no comment' a la Pickering last year regarding Ablett.
  11. No 45, you are not alone there. Absolutely gives me the irrits. Wouldn't bother me if they called him that, but just leave out the Ricky. My Grandads name is Errol, but for some reason he has always been called Bryce. You don't hear people calling him Errol Bryce.
  12. True mate. I saw somewhere yesterday that Jamar/Moloney were on 33 and the next combo (can't remember who) were on 22. Big differential considering how long Jamar was out.
  13. Number 1 ruck/rover combo in the league for a reason
  14. I've considered joining that bleeding website just so I can tell those idiots to pull their heads in. I know it won't change anything, but it'll make me feel a damn sight better.
  15. Oh God, I don't think it would be tolerable.
  16. I agree WYL, he wasn't a game breaker, but geez he was quick. Kid's got fair dinkum pace, once everything around him is all going to plan, he's gonna be a weapon I reckon.
  17. I disagree cause these blokes play footy because the love it, but so be it, he still shouldn't be let back on an AFL ground till next year.
  18. Joker! 4 weeks in the 2s for you as well. Completely different issues.
  19. What a deadset scumbag. Seriously. I personally think the punishment did not fit the crime though. How can 4 weeks in the 2s be sufficient enough punishment in this day and age, especially taking into account recent MRP decisions. Both acts happened in the game, and therefore I believe that recially abusing another player is worthy of a much worse punishment than for accidental concussion. And also, wasn't that dipstick in Tassie banned from the ground for good? He should be off for the rest of the year, and definitely not allowed to play in the 2s. He deserves a second chance, especially given the fact that he admitted his idiocy, but that second chance should absolutely not be until next year.
  20. Thanks Artie, I wasn't certain on that one.
  21. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it Prendergast? I thought Harrington was relatively new.
  22. Of course we still need to improve. Even if we win the flag next year we still need to improve. But concentrating on the now, let's just congratulate Ricky for a tip top effort.
  23. Well said Artie. I would be quite happy to make that trade, I'm just not sure that these two are the mature bodies GWS would want. They can't perform well with us, so why would they perform well enough with the GWS children? Personally I reckon a better trade would be Bate and Warnock for the same compensation, cause Dunn was good last year, maybe he might still turn around. Unfortuantely for Warnock he doesn't seem to be able to hold his spot, and with the kids coming through performing well, I reckon he would be of more interest to Sheeds and his band of merry men. I am not sure though as to his contract situation.
  24. An AFL record 13 tackles inside 50 goes to prove that too jackaub. Was a stellar performance from Ricky, and I hope he keeps it up, cause when he is "on" he's a fantastic addition to our side.
  25. Thanks for that Wolfmother. I don't know who you are or how you came to speak to Tom so candidly and at such length, but it is enough to make me look at this thread no longer. I have always believed what he said in his presser, but still found it hard to be completely comfortable about the situation. So I'll now state that I take Tom at his word, and I believe he will stay a player for MFC. If (and I by no means am saying you are) you are making this up, well done cause it's an elaborate lie. I personally like the bit about him asking if supporters are upset at him. No Tom, I'm not. Do your biz in a way that makes you feel comfortable. I don't understand why you are waiting, but if it's what you need to do, then so be it mate.
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