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Everything posted by Kento80

  1. I got home from dinner with friends at about 11:15, turned the tele on, and dropped the remote in shock. I sat there all night glued to the screen in horror watching it all happening. The next day I had to go to work in Centrepoint Tower in Sydney, and must say I didn't feel too good about it. We had teles outside the shop and all day long there was a crowd of at least a hundred people crowded around them. A day and a moment in my life which I will never forget. RIP to all the lost souls.
  2. I think the point about the coach has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the club trying to appease Tom with the next appointment. It is simply that it is probably a factor of consideration in his weighing up the pros and cons of the situation. That is all. If I were him, I would absolutely be wanting to know who was going to coach me if I stayed, and can't see how it is an unreasonable thing for him to consider. In no way is anyone suggesting that it is the club appeasing Tom. Surely it's a reasonable belief that it could alter ones decision if one club had that madman Sheedy and the other club had the other madman MM, or RL for that matter.
  3. I can't disagree with this sentiment, although the sour taste in my mouth doesn't taste like Tom Scully, it has that distinct rotten flavour of a Sheedy, Allen, Anderson, Silvagni, Demetriou, Lynch soup. Tastes disgusting! I would hold no gripe against GWS if they went about their business in a professional way like GC did last year, or against the AFL expansionism if it wasn't so heavily favoured towards GWS at the expense of all the other clubs. What makes it even worse is that it is coming at the expense of my club, a club with a longer history than all of them, a club who has struggled for sooo long, and now when on the cusp of potentially reaching a sustained period of success, the corruption of this whole goddam system is threatening to derail this. That is not to say that we won't make it, because one player does not a team make, but it sure as hell doesn't help. But I still can see no reason to lump TS with the burden of guilt for the sins of others. He is, after all, no Jesus Christ.
  4. Why on earth do these gooses have Alistair Clarkson still on there when he has just re-signed with the Hawks? And, let's get serious here, Paul Roos, Dean Wallis, Leigh Matthews???
  5. I would presume that if he re-signs, the club already knows who the coach will be, and therefore so does Tom. I couldn't imagine them letting it roll on past next week.
  6. Stupid comment! He won't have to work to win back me or many others on here. Only those who, for some strange reason, feel they have been wronged by a 20 yr old making the biggest decision of his life.
  7. I noticed the same thing OMR. Probably us clutching at straws, but jeez I'd love it!
  8. Actually now I really hope he signs a 1 yr contract with the MFC. That should be enough to keep TS threads running till Sept/Oct next year and keep RR out of play
  9. Tru n in truth I'm probly guilty of all of them 2. Despite that I can b a bit of a sticla 4 grama
  10. Exactly, which gives you no more moral high ground than I claim to have. If on the other hand proof comes to light that you were right all along and TS is a lying, moneygrubbing mercenary, then I will bow down to your superior wisdom. Dont think it's likely to happen, but who knows. And I surely don't think that because I believed Tom, it makes me morally beyond reproach. All it does is show which side of this issue I lie on.
  11. I would have thought the nice, cozy position was the one where you think your intellect is above everyone else therefore nothing you say or think could ever be wrong RR?
  12. Agreed 100% NB. The only issue here is that some like myself, rpfc, hardtack, GK et al believe what Tom has to say on the issue and others do not, instead choosing to accept the word of self serving individuals with no proof. This is not to say that they are not correct, but without proving it, Tom is the only one who's word can be taken for what it is.
  13. It won't change a goddam thing, because if he stays, I was right. If he goes, without this proof you ask for, then there is nothing to show that Tom was anything other than truthful throughout this whole process. I have always maintained that I do not know whether or not he will stay or go, but I believe the only person who knows one way or the other what the truth is, and that is Tom.
  14. Not too sure about Thomo, but I reckon RR would want photos, as it could be a conspiracy by a number of 'land posters to help their cause by banding together.
  15. Schwarz's bold statement was that he was 98% sure. That is not so bold because it leaves a get out clause for him to save face if he is wrong. Comprende! You can say it until you are blue in the face, but it won't turn Ox's educated guesswork into fact. Silvagnis clumsy faux pas showed nothing more than an expression of interest to Scullys management last October, and since Tom is the only one who can be believed on this due to his statement regarding the issue, I think it is fair to suggest that they were told to wait until this season to put an offer. I can and have hear that information. God I read this thread, how could I not have with you on here. Funny thing is that WM has not said Tom will stay or go, because Tom hasn't told him, because Tom probably hadn't fully made up his mind. Wnat he did say, which goes to show that your journos are full of [censored], is that the monetary value of the offers was considerably lower than reported. And that makes perfect sense because he is not worht one million dollar yet, or even 600k for that matter.
  16. They never name sources, only shadowy figures (allegedly) in the halls of power. Until they put their balls on the line and state where the info came from it holds absolutely no credence whatsoever. Return head in sand serve.
  17. And in my edit, I explained that I don't take them as facts, but give more weight to someone who is willing to put it on the line, and name their source. I am pretty sure you are one who knows this Nasher, care to explain it as fact for RR?
  18. If I could even be bothered to trawl back through the millions of pages on this issue there are mentions from others on here of knowing about WM's position, which gives a much clearer picture than "reportedly", "inside word" etc. Aside from that, he is the only person willing to come out and actually risk his reputation (for whateveer that is worth) by stating that they know this from Tom himself, and state how they came to know this info. No-one else has done this so far, they all fall back on "not revealing sources". Oh, actually someone else has done what WM did. Chip Frawley said that Tom had told them he would be at Melbourne next year, on radio, in the public domain. I hav not heard any of your people (Ox, Silvagni et al.) come out and make such a bold statement.
  19. The only known person on here who actually speaks to Tom about such things. Good on RR, keep burying your head further into the sand. He has much more reason to know something than a self serving journo with the "inside word" from some other self serving person with the "inside word" from another self serv..... you get my drift. At least he knows Tom and speaks to him, has dinner with him etc. Edit: That is not to say I take what he says with gospel, but it carries a tiny bit more weight than anonymous "word"
  20. Haha, nice one daisy. I've thought of another. Why on earth when talking about a player or coach we would like does everyone have to say "a" Malthouse, "a" Shuey etc, etc? Perhaps "someonse along the lines of" might be more what you were looking for!
  21. I clearly heard him say he'd try to make it on a Thursday Striker. Not that I think it makes a lick of difference. Think it will all come down to finals results, or at least, I hope it does B)
  22. I'm with you Muzze, but sadly, I don't like our chances.
  23. Elite ....skills! Sh1ts me to tears. Absolute rubbish, as it is usually so far from the truth as it can be. Only one I can think of at the moment, oh, actually I came up with another IMHO. It is my experience that the people who sprout this off ad nauseum have opinions which are far from humble (ho007, this is for you ), and it is usually said in a very un-humble, condescending way.
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