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Everything posted by Kento80

  1. I would happily hazard a guess that CS wouldn't have spent too much time worrying about the blazers, and as RPFC alluded to, I'm sure he can multitask a little. I absolutely love it, whilst agreeing that it needs to be something which is really kept for special occasions. I can see this being something which two Jacks and a few other boys will cherish at the end of their long and successful careers Not only that, it's a one off. All for celebrating our tradition, and couldn't give a brass rahzoo what any other supporter has to say about it.
  2. How Hilditch still has a job, I will never know. I had heard that the test was a debacle, but 9/21??? WTF???? I cannot deal with another summer like last. And this one has the potential to be much worse. All credit to Clarke for his 150, but FFS, sort this [censored] out. And Chook, I will call you un-australian Just beacuse we were the best cricket team in the world for years does not mean we should lose. I want Kelly Slater to lose, and am sick of him winning, but that's cause he is a Seppo. If he was an aussie there is no way I would feel that way. This is our national cricket team, and a team we should always be proud of, but at the moment I can only feel shame. Something needs to be done, and quickly. We don't have to win every game, but innings totals like that should never be seen.
  3. It's wonderful to read these comments from our new coach. And I really do think that it is, and will be, the change needed. However, at the moment it is only words. The right ones, but words just the same. The actions of the playing group and coaching staff need to reflect all of this talk. I am sure this guy will ruffle feathers, and we may lose some quality people along the way. That said, I am a chef, and my head chef has a saying, "one team, one goal". Never a truer word spoken, and it relates just as well to the MFC as it does to the kitchen brigade at a fine dining restaurant. And , to be blunt, anyone who can't work to that ideology can bugger off, because otherwise that one person can derail the whole goal. The time for niceties is long gone, it is now time for Neeld and his "my way or the highway approach". I like it, and I will keep liking it, and I will like it even more when the inevitable success comes.
  4. Kento80


    What a legend. I'm not a massive fan of cycling, but you have to appreciate the massive achievement that this is. Such a deserved winner, and I suspect that all of Australia is feeling very proud of him today.
  5. Trust me the MFCCLS wasn't cured at all on Thursday night. I still know a number of people, who were the ones that always kept me positive, who refuse to criticise the club. To each their own I guess, but when they tried to tell me this time to stay positive, I tried to tell them to F off
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