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Red and Bluebeard

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Everything posted by Red and Bluebeard

  1. So did I until they were appointed to the Tribunal ... :-)
  2. So can a cricketer push a boundary with a pull shot?
  3. Sounds like you are keen to test the limits ...
  4. We all all nut jobs here Uncle, and insanity has already infested everyone. So the contagion will be contained, as we have long since passed the point of herd immunity on that score ...
  5. I may be just old-fashioned, but I always take all my rubbish with me to the nearest bin on the way out. Is it too much to expect crowds to behave like responsible adults? I find it frustrating that it seems socially normal just to drop litter all over the place because it might be slightly inconvenient otherwise ... (and I guess that confirms that I am indeed old-fashioned).
  6. Cue the Seekers's song? Or is that showing my age? 😅
  7. In that case, here is one I prepared earlier ... (add bananas to taste 😆)
  8. Probably true. I think the AFL is unlikely to give a rats about any Pommie Rugby league, but understandably wants to get (stay?) one-up on the NRL.
  9. Personally, given that it is a mess any which way you cut it, I would say if the ball hits the padding it has hit the post, but the actual goal line is the vertical plane extending directly upwards from the line marked on the grass. So the line for touching adjudication for the Fritta non-goal would be closer to the centre of the ground than the back of the padding (just the width of the post becomes an issue for hitting the post, but not otherwise). Even better -- it is only a goal if it is clearly a goal. Otherwise, if there is even the slightest doubt, it is a point. In this case, much though we wouldn't like it, Fritta's kick was touched as it was not clearly a goal.
  10. Yes indeed. Welcome back!
  11. I think there are apps you can get for the digital TV which allow you to watch free-to-air live. Certainly there are for the ABC and SBS, but I have never tried it personally for the commercial channels.
  12. Great work guys --- keep it coming! Not MFC-related I know, but do you have any thoughts on Jeremy Cameron accidentally colliding with an umpire? It seems no harm was done to either, but potentially either the player or umpire could have been concussed. Is it just one of those things that happen? Or do players need to be more careful?
  13. Not sure it represents anything other than a rip-off of the NRL's "Magic Round" https://www.nrl.com/tickets/magic-round-brisbane/ Potential revenge for them making a success of the State of Origin concept?
  14. Agreed. You only have to look at the Sydney-Port game to see why reviews need to be conducted thoroughly, if we are to have them at all. This one cleraly wouldn't impact the result, but you never know whether percentage will be important (2017 taught us that!).
  15. Agreed. Totally unnecessary and potentially very harmful. A week is perhaps even a little light, given what else we have seen this season so far.
  16. A few years ago, I was in a group which was shown around the facilities at Docklands where they do this. They had screens everywhere, as expected, and if I recall correctly, there were AFL officials (not umpires, but possibly retired ones) who did the judgement.
  17. Fair enough. And what if the free kick is the other way, eg Aliir pushes Buddy in the back (or whatever) and infringes in order to stop the kick going through? Does the kicker get a second shot?
  18. So what happens if the umpire wants to pay the free? Does the kick not count? Or in an after-the-siren shot is it a free-for-all on the goal line?
  19. If anything, Port were robbed of a goal that was bizarrely called touched ... Had that been called correctly, the outcome of the final kick would not have mattered. Edit: Should have read the entire thread first, of course .. sorry SWYL et al.
  20. All too true. Unfortunately the world seems to have a permanent oversupply of them 🤐
  21. This afternoon's game was very much in aid of the Good Friday Appeal. I don't know the exact details though. I suspect that the reason it is an afternoon game rather than an evening one is due to Channel 7 being a major player in the appeal and the evening telethon.
  22. You're lucky she didn't send you straight to the tribunal ...
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