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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. We could've kept Jamar going into 2016 regardless of the WADA findings but chose not to. Any current lack of depth in our ruck stocks would not be improved with a 32 yo who struggled to ruck effectively in 2015 and has not trained since September. This is one case of 'don't look back' IMO.
  2. I regularly pay bribes to local govt officials in Melb for doing nothing worse than using a motor vehicle. They are conveniently called 'parking tickets' to hide the stigma of bribery. Literally highway robbery.
  3. I saw Smith do a couple of amazing athletic intercepts in the training match sims before Xmas. He's trying very hard to get his fitness base up and appears to be leaving nothing behind - he looked buggered after the two sessions I watched. As Saty noted, he does have a a decent frame which hopefully will fill out over time. Whilst being somewhat of a project player and new to AFL club environment, I got the feeling he was very well liked and received considerable encouragement from his teammates and the coaches on the track when I was there.
  4. Wouldn't you require your moral compass to find your astrological way and to assist in alchemy Dr?
  5. Essendon and Port Adelaide both chasing Jamar as top up player Essendon and Port want Jamar
  6. Just read this fascinating article. What a wonderful idea. Shows imagination and a 'can do' attitude. No doubt that it will offend those on here who's moral compass is unflinching, so I sincerely apologise in advance. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/the-filter/11570595/Meet-the-man-using-penises-to-fill-potholes.html
  7. Welcome back to the banana thread stuie! Knew it wouldn't be long before you rejoined the fold once again. All is forgiven Sunshine.
  8. How'd my boy Jayden Hunt go today WJ? Burning up the track?
  9. Surely you cannot be serious Robbie. Just a little OTT?
  10. Better then reading pointless, circular arguments that last for pages on end
  11. Remarkably civil conversation on many of the threads tonight. Engaging and respectful. Seems to be a lack of pointless arguing and belittling by a certain poster. Makes Dland worth logging into.
  12. Of course he's put on size. His coach is a pharmacist.
  13. Any fool can see that comparing Blease with Hunt is ridiculous. One apparently had a bad attitude, was given a number of senior games to get his act together and failed. The other has a good attitude according to the coaches and those that have talked to him and has been given another year to test his ability (hopefully) at senior level. Until Hunt gets a number of senior games, the comparison is void and simplistic. Seems like some can't get over their MFCSS. Sad really.
  14. Exactly JH. I'm with you. Positivity. Nearly all of us are looking forward to seeing what he can do this year.
  15. Despite what you may think, it's not all about you Stuie. I refer to McQueen's comments three posts up, for which nothing more need be said.
  16. FMD, a few people post that they are feeling positive about Jayden Hunt and looking forward to seeing what he can do this year and suddenly they're going way "over the top" and "fawning". Grinch.
  17. Very good Toady. Have you had a personality transplant lately?
  18. On the club video of Roos giving Max $100 for being 'man of the week', the call from Max went out "All on black! Let's go to Vegas!". Roars of laughter. He's definitely a character and hugely liked by the group.
  19. Ok, I'll toe the line. If it's a six week injury, that means he should be half way towards full recovery by now, yeah?
  20. Not wanting to buy into the arguing Wise, but just interested to pose a thought... If, if Hogan came back from the six week break (or however long it was) pre Xmas with terrible skin folds having not done anything in WA and had a lacklustre preseason, would you automatically still pick him round 1? Hypothetical, obviously.
  21. Greg Stafford has worked very hard with Max as well over the last year or two
  22. Thank god school's back soon and boys like you will be tucked in by 8pm.
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