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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Doesn't stop them for barracking for the Crows
  2. Oh now listen here Toady, this type of behaviour is blatant baiting and must stop forthwith. You and jrnmac are teetering on the abyss and must pull back. If anyone mentions Cam Schwab I'll spew. Oh sh!t, I did it......
  3. Thanks for putting that image in my head. Didn't need that CD
  4. Oh please let it be me on Benny's ignore list!
  5. Uncle Fester, it's a two way street. People are perfectly capable of having a discussion or view on a situation or player, without being told that they shouldn't because one non-mod poster believes so. Apart from training reports, saty's posts are mostly interjections purely aimed to denigrate the discussion, the poster or demonland posters collectively. Darwin thread is a classic case, didn't like the topic so had to clog it with unecessary put downs and belittling. I rarely reply to him anymore, mainly because it's boring and I've had warnings from mods. But I can understand frustrated posters that do. None of us are angels, im certainly not, but it's the one aspect of demonland that I know many posters are annoyed with. I appreciate the difficulty of the mod's job and am grateful for the site.
  6. Digs the dirt well (when it suits, of course) Carefully of biting the hand that feeds you Caro!
  7. Parish can only wish he gets 24 disposals tonight. Playing 'bruise free'. Bwahahaha!!!
  8. Also those WCE and Adelaide losses will hurt us Keep trollin though buddy
  9. Interesting precedent set at the AFL. From Caro article in The Age "At the time Andrew Demetriou was appointed AFL CEO some 15 years ago, his partner and more junior colleague Symone was pregnant with his twins."
  10. Parish had a massive 12 disposals to 3/4 time. Wish we took him over Oliver! Bwahahahaha!
  11. Good place to 'get your affairs in order'!
  12. Interesting that Gil heads of to France tomorrow on holidays and Hird is currently in Europe (probably visiting the future F/S). Wonder if they will catch up for a glass of red or two to discuss the Norm Smith medal.
  13. Funny you should say that... I asked all of my black and minority ethnic friends if they thought I was racist or not, and they both said that I wasn't
  14. PJK was a master of one liners, witty retorts and cutting put downs. It's a pity we only have vanilla politicians these days
  15. Them there's a permanent banning around these parts pilgrim...
  16. Better still, a whack in the eye with a dictionary covers both!
  17. When your dick stands up, your brain sits down
  18. Most (or certainly many) would agree that if Hird accepts guilt for his part in the doping affair and apologises without reservation, he deserves a second chance. Release of all documents associated with this would be essential to the public acceptance of his apology. As he still thinks he is innocent and has persued this, and money, as far as he could, the unanimous conclusion must be his complete removal from anything AFL.
  19. Still a couple more who play the man/men and specialise in putting down Demonlanders. No prises for guessing who
  20. Having worked in professional environments where senior men have had affairs with younger subordinates, it ends badly 99% of the time. And the power imbalance that might very been an attractant at first is usually the undoing. But underlying all of this is the AFL trying to manage optics
  21. Golden hand shake for confidentiality I'm sure Watch this space
  22. This joint is a lot better this year than last for two main reasons 1. We are winning more than getting beaten and our game style is good to watch 2. Stuie and Curry & Beer have been put out to pasture The rest of you can [censored] off!
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