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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Mach 5 said in another thread that Constable has no tank.
  2. OK, but a tank can be worked on with application. Is he lazy or unmotivated? I was surprised, however I'm no draft expert
  3. I thought Constable was a monty for about 15-18. We passed him twice. Did I miss something about him that let him slip well past the predictions of many?
  4. Pigs might fly if he lasts to our first pick.
  5. Nice. I' buy a tatts ticket if that happened. Unlikely though.
  6. I miss Emma Quayle's draft journalism and draft predictions. Not a lot of bs with her views.
  7. Did I read the TMac is in the rehab group due to his ankle clean ups? With Jesse slimming down, I'm salivating at the sight of TMac leading out from FF and slotting his straight kicks, while Jesse runs them ragged as a big, strong half fwd. Tommy has such good aerobic strength I can see him getting back to full training as soon as his ankles are up to it. As big Kev would say, I'm excited!
  8. Thinner and fitter, yes. And a tan The Donald would be happy with!
  9. Pics on the club site. Looks like Hogan has slimmed down a bit. Hard to tell from a couple of images.
  10. But wouldn't he be returning today if he was still with us? PA made the finals, we did not. It' been 11 weeks since we capitulated to Coll and 8 since PA last played. I believe our players come back earlier as a result of finishing earlier. Smoke and mirrors
  11. From 1st hand observation, this is how BBO drinks his wine
  12. Hard to be the fastest guy in the draft wearing those boots
  13. Wouldn't be like Mark Stevens to get a couple of Melbourne players mixed up, now would it?
  14. Pre-defection and Tex dummy spit, he was lauded at the Crows for his professionalism, fastidious preparation and leadership. With an injury free preseason he will have a rip snorter of a season next year. And hes only 21! Wowee!
  15. It's career ending, worse than simply a calf, he's now missing a lower right leg. WARNING, look away if you are of weak stomach: (Photo courtesty of Hardtack)
  16. That phot is badly cropped and blurry. Taken from the grassy knoll?
  17. Refreshing start. So... um, er.... at the risk of being off topic, when's the next training session? Might sneak in a couple before xmas myself. Hang out behind the bushes on Anderson hill, join in with the boys quietly and hopefully lose my beer gut.
  18. The dreaded old man's injury. Was he playing basketball or was it surfing? Ban 'em all, I say. Who knows, might be a slight strain and just a precautionary delay. Might also be bs. Hopefully nothing of concern. Not sure Stevo has insider knowledge at MFC, if that' what it is
  19. We should do a 'total recall' of best footy journos. Would struggle to get enough for a top 10
  20. CC the recruitment journey man moves to another club. Whoopty do
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