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Everything posted by demon3165

  1. Brown play out of the square tmac lead up the ground viney sub out kozzie stay at the feet of brown for god sake open up the forward line. Oliver start using your brain not your instinct.
  2. Some say he is lacking between the ears could explain it...
  3. I have already said he is an important player did you not read that? Just because i think he can be lazy at times with the ball does not mean he is not important but he has his flaws and people are allowed their opinion does not make them right or wrong we all watch games through different eyes and different views. I for one am not a big follower of stat's they can also be misleading but that's my view.
  4. Liability was a harsh word but watch the replay two out of bounds on the full from kick outs, passes that did not hit the mark just from dinky kicks and he has a habit that if he expects to get tackled turns his back and handballs over his head. He is an important player because at his best he is damaging but can be lazy (that might have been a better saying).
  5. If we bring vanders in might as well put Ross Dillon and Greg Parkes in as well.
  6. Salem can be a liability at times Hollywood handpasses, lazy kicking and sometimes short steps but then you have the good side, important link plays and great kicking just wish he could be the latter all the time.
  7. Play him forward? In what world? He can't kick more than 40m, has 0 aerial skills, isn't nimble, hand to foot drop is slow and defenders would have a field day running off him. I genuinely hope we trade him. Might sounds harsh but he's going to be a liability and hurt us in the future. Or I hope young guys come in for Viney Spot on heard Storm are recruiting...
  8. Not surprising as we have no functioning forward line but when you have the forward line coach say we don't know our best makeup then we will be in deep @@it
  9. Why in god's earth should sparrow get dropped at least he can kick goals but not the rugby player who runs around like a headless chook and adds nothing ffs.
  10. Bit harsh on the other average players there. He is in the same league as the other rugby player that played for the suns somebody Hunt.
  11. OOPPPPs true but the ruby supporters will not like this duck your head!!!!
  12. Ruby players cannot play AFL so dammed if I know why he is playing.
  13. Stop blaming umpires we are have no idea how to enter the forward line we had enough entries we just waste them.
  14. Big difference between a ruckman and a forward line player.
  15. And how many clubs has he played for? So let's not get excited about him.
  16. Yze has two hopes buckleys and none non story here folks.
  17. Viney with football nouse and skill unlike the rugby player/
  18. Connecting with the forward line with the tall guys need some work if they can get that right they could be a real weapon, their running pattens are hit and miss.
  19. He hurt his fingernail....should be right.
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