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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. This thread is a waste of data. Yikes. Only think I would have loved us to do slightly differently was trade him out to a [censored] club rather than contender!
  2. This is an absolute nothing article. Move on
  3. I heard they're bringing back Jamie Bennell mate 👀
  4. We need to get back to basics no doubt, but I think even the pundits like kingy can see it's a confused game plan that has rocked the players confidence and instincts, not that the players skill has fallen off a cliff. Feel free to bump this thread in 3 months time and tell me I was deluded.
  5. Yikes. I hope the players don't roll over and play dead as quickly as some of the supporter base have.
  6. Poor bloke. Hope he takes whatever time he needs to get right. This feels like when Salah got professionally taken out by Ramos in the UCL final years ago....
  7. Spare me. Some of you blokes love hyperbole and board room spills.
  8. Lol. Bailey inherited an aging list and had Schawab trying to be assistant coach and list manager creating a [censored] show. Neeld era was just a culmination of poor recruitment and poor morale none of the above were impacted by fans excusing losses on demondland so I'm completely amused by you blokes thinking you being upset about the team is helping haha Sober up Chad's!
  9. Just realistic mate. You can pretend getting worked up will change things. But the reality is our depth can't cover Lever and Trac being injured and our forward line isn't getting the job done
  10. Keen to hear the analysis of the stats. Thought we went with more of a typical front half style of game but got burned out the back a bit. Just don't have the depth to cover lever and Trac being injured. Thank God God the bye
  11. This won't be a popular post but I thought the lads had a real crack. I'm not angry or disappointed because aside from finishing off infront of goal I thought the game was an improvement from Freo. We're a bottom of the 8 sort of side this year for a few reasons
  12. Thanks for clarifying Binman. My take on Buckley's comment is that the players have not done the work. Fwiw I enjoy your optimism and general analysis each week. Keep it up mate.
  13. Loved the pod as usual. #trigger warning for @binman but staggered to hear him cite the Buckley clip as almost a smoking gun Re loading implications though. To me the Buckley quote was around a view that the players were not afl standard body shape/skinfolds. A fairly damning view and a completely different aspersion (and far more critical) to an observation that would lead to the view that the players were hyper fatigued from a loading block. Body shape and fitness are (to me) things that are worked on predominantly during the preseason. Loading/tapering is about refining for optimal performance, not loosing significant Skinfolds or getting upto an afl standard fitness base imo. Looking forward to the victory pod next week
  14. Prefer it that way tbh. I get that such a huge loss is triggering for the fan base but there is so much hand wringing and hyperbole on DL and social media right now. I'm Hopeful it was an aberration. Think we can still make finals
  15. Agreed Disco has been trialled as a forward in a handful of games. He has had one good showing in that role and a few quiet matches. If I recall he's always been a 3rd tall, not a 2nd. No doubt he could be a good defensive option on Pearce or one of their other backs but I'd back Ben to have another crack. I'm one to pick a forward line to kick goals rather than limit impact of their backs.
  16. I'd play Brown over disco personally
  17. I like the look of McAdam. Not perfect yet but he looks like the sort of player that needs to have confidence put into him to play his best. I would stick with him and hope he repays the faith The Kolt has a big future but I'd suspect he'd be more of a certain starter if they look to rest the likes of Chin or one of the other high half forwards
  18. Yes I agree. The post chain above was in reposne to people saying we should have gone after someone else other than BBB. That sort of comment forgets Ben filled an important gap that helped us get a flag. He may be on his very last legs but he's still a flag hero in my book
  19. Disagree - Hunter is hard at the contest and has some footy smarts. If hes in form he deserves a run. People write him off because he's a long term bulldog so they're not emotionally invested in him. Same with Billings. Hope McAdam gets a bit more love from the fans than the other 2
  20. I assume Woey will be playing Howes role or a HBF. Might find Hunter and Langdon start on the wings with Caleb as the sub? (He's faded out a little in recent weeks)
  21. Probably the right changes tbh. Interested to see whether Petty or JVR does theback up ruck duties
  22. There is no one thing contributing to our inconsistent form - There is obviously some instability in our method, but its too simplistic to suggest we could revert back to our past method and our form would/should improve. I think we over analyse footy these days. Helps to pass the time between matches though...
  23. People forget this too quickly. Pretty sure his 3 goals in the GF were all contested marks and set shots too.
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