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Everything posted by binman

  1. His man? His man was Daniher not a small forward. So i assume you are serious then. you honestly think Oscar made an error in that case? I have heard everything. I don't want to be rude but i have to say i can't help but judge your football nous more harshly that i previously did.
  2. You honestly cannot be serious. A howler? You honestly think he made errors in that video? No i don't believe it, you must be having a lend. In no way can Oscar be blamed for that goal. No way. If you watch this video from the 14 second mark you will see that the culprit is initially Oliver for coughing up the ball on the wing, then the midfield for allowing an easy handball to Zaharakis who is all by himself in the corridor and is allowed to take a few steps and under no pressure boot the ball 50 metres to Smiths advantage over the back. And when Zharakis kicks it Oscar is about 10 -15 metres from the spot where it is marked and the same distance parallel from Smith. he had no chance to cut that off. He did pretty well to get back actually. I can't make out the dees player on the half back flank but whoever it is makes no effort to pressure Zaharakis, for instance by diving to smother. Pathetic and the an example of the very thing that causes us to leak goals. Though some still prefer to blame defender in such scenarios as if it is still 1992 and the zone hasn't been invented and only a handful of players players get multiple tackles. But you think Oscar made a howler? Beggars belief. But hilariously provides a concrete example to illistrate my point about confirmation bias.
  3. Is Lan glands the name of the condition?
  4. In other injury news Lynch from GC out for at least 4 weeks. Shame for him. Good news for us. That said Oscar would be disappointed not to get a crack at him and try and add Lynch to the notches on his belt. https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/lynch-sidelined-with-knee-injury-20180501-p4zcmr.html
  5. Good thread bump PA. Quite good value going back through some of the old posts in it. I had to chuckle with your assertion TMac was no forward - you and PD both. We all get things wrong. Most are able to admit it as this thread attests to. There were quite a few posters who were critics of TMac's younger brother, but most have at the very least conceded he goes ok. Some will never be able to admit when they are wrong though. Two in particular come to mind - jnrmac and STMJ. And it is instructive that in recent posts on this thread both still can't get past their blinding confirmation bias. Take this quote after the hawks game from STMJ, where even whilst trying to acknowledge TMac's younger brother he can't help give him back handed compliments and a decent whack: 'And for the record, I agree he showed great improvement in certain areas in the first half of the Hawthorn game. He was genuinely making a positive impact in contests and turning them into wins rather than floating about in an insignificant way. His kicking is usually very good. His defending needs improving along with his general intensity, body positioning, reflexes and awareness' And this from Jnrmac the following day: 'The talk on here about Oscar improving out of sight and being our key defender is hilarious. He has played OK this year and hasn't disgraced himself at all but he is still a deer in the headlights, has little or no physical presence or awareness, cannot compete one on one, is slow with the turning circle of the titanic and rarely impacts a contest. His disposal is pretty good and that is about his best trait. Yes he is developing and that is great. As a Melbourne supporter I want him to succeed but it will be a long slow process at this rate.' I posted my quote above after last years QB game. I started the joke about the #OMacmyths because there were so many stupid comments about him. Not long after that post i decided i would stop defending TMac's younger brother as it was getting tedious refuting so much silly rubbish and it was evident that logical, fact based argument would have no impact on some posters So i said i would not mention his name again and let his football do the talking. Of course i struggled to stop myself defending him, hence my, admittedly silly, TMac's younger brother work around. Well i don't need to defend him anymore. The argument has well and truly been won. In my favor. It is evident to all that Oscar McDonald is the real deal. I quoted the above post (i could have chosen any number of my posts from last year - or 2016 for that matter) to highlight that what is happening this year is no great mystery, has not come from nowhere and his potential has always been there for all to see. Most actually did - it was really only a noisy minority who did not get it (or couldn't as the case may well be). And of course the FD also understood what they had in Oscar. Last year i posted the footywire stat comparisons of Lever and Oscar McDonald. I noted i wasn't suggesting that Oscar was as good a player, but none the less given they had played very similar roles and were almost identical in age, number of games played etc etc they were a good duo to compare. I noted that on raw stats that Oscar more than held his own. Of course some railed at the comparison. Doesn't look so silly now. Beter than lever. No. But from what i have seen of Lever firsthand this year Oscar is a much better kick and a far superior one on one defender - pretty important attributes for a defender. I also put up the same age stats of Tmac and Oscar. Again Oscar more than held his own. For what its worth my opinion is that Oscar will be a better player then his brother when their careers are compared. And on the issue of confirmation bias, if you are in any doubt it is real phenomenon and makes it impossible for some posters to hold balanced, accurate views on certain players i offer this quote from jnrmac, responding to Jaded's comment that Oscar never panics: 'Honestly this is just pure rubbish, He has had a really good start to the year, no question but have a look at the first foray Essendon made into its fwd line where he loses the one on one and then allows his man to run off the mark into an open goal as an example' I can't do gifs but look at this video from the 14 second mark, which shows that very goal. At least i think it does - they had had at least 6 inside 50s by then (and two points), unsurprisingly given it halfway through the quarter, so obviously not the first foray and nothing else resembles jnrs description. Firstly Oscar does not lose 'the one on one'. It isn't a one on one contest. Oscar is at least 10 metres in front of Smith and the ball is kicked well over his head (because there is zero pressure on the kick). Secondly he doesn't allow 'his man to run off the mark into an open goal'. Smith, a small quick forward, marks running with the flight of the ball, doesn't stop so never gets put behind his mark and runs into an open goal. Oscar had very little to no chance of holding Smith up. Its not even Oscar's man for petes sake. If you only read jnrs version and had not watched the game you would assume the that Oscar had made two errors and cost us goal. And maybe he believes that. But the reality is different. That is confirmation bias, pure and simple. I am sure if it was Lever not Oscar the description of the event would have been completely different ('who was on Smith?, where was the pressure on the Zharakis') Good on you Oscar. Your improvement has been steady though your short career and you have had terrific start to the season, besting some of the best forwards in the game. Having just turned 22 you are one of the most promising KPD's in the league.
  6. I tipped Schism last week at Caulfield, but it was scrathed. Good horse
  7. So my selection for the trifecta is Kingsgauard. Will roll along on speed and be hard to get past. No bets bets, though having looked at race 6 i had a quick glance at some other races at hawksbury. Victorem will be hard to beat i would have thought. And White Moss and Up and rolling will on speed and hard to beat. Both are pretty good value i think.
  8. Well on this we are in agreement Jnr. I think we will bring too much physical pressure for the bombers and surely to goodness will be more attacking. Ethiad suits us and i also predict a pretty comfortable win
  9. Surprisingly balanced article and i found myself agreeing with most of his points.in particular the lack of dare and risk taking (and as he suggests maybe some of the fumbling and skill errors), which as Carey points out is often the result of the fear of the reaction from the coach. Classic example on Sat was Stretch in the last quarter on the Swan St side.. 5 goals down and instead of going long to a free player up field (a difficult kick given he was about 50 metres away) he elected to hold it up and The notion of there being some pretty serious internal communication issues (goodwin to players, Goodwin to other coaches) seems to be gathering momentum. Which is a real concern. Of course it might be a beat up but my feeling is there is something in it. I really hope i'm wrong and if not really hope Goodwin puts his money where his mouth is in terms of being committed to learning and personal development (see several of early interviews) and sort things out quick smart.
  10. Given how poor the clubs external comms are (exhibit 126 the Hasset and Ryder room palaver for Trident members) i wouldn't be so sure.....
  11. As a first post no less. Doubled down by creating a thread with an inflammatory title. Classic troll behaviour - though as often seems to be the case lazy. i mean if you are going to do it, build up some credibilty with a solid bank of good posts, then drop your little wet fart.
  12. Going to 1400 from 1000 is better than going back in distance. I usually draw a line thoufh horses going back in sistance, though if they are sprinters 1200 back to 1100 (or at worst back to 1100) or 1100 back to 1000 can be ok if they are simply better at the 1000. DZ is not a spinter though is it? Il do the form for the Hawksbury cup.
  13. i wondered if they were still playing as i hadnt seen any posters or the like advertising gigs for ages. checked their facebook page and they did some gigs in de 2017, so not that long ago
  14. Yet another communication fail. really they have to fix their external communications.
  15. I hope this is supposed to be a joke post. If it is then you should know its not funny. If not a joke post then.....
  16. binman


    The g drains amazingly well. if it the drizzle clears in the next 30 mins or so it will be fine
  17. binman


    Weather will clear if the 256km radar is anything to go by http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR022.loop.shtml#skip
  18. Perhaps you'r right and it was my confirmation bias at work.
  19. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one rjay. I don't think they should put out comms for every little thing, i think they should have been a little clever and mentioned it in an informal way to manage the 'narrative' Why - because even if not leaked it would have been noticed during the game that Maccas was not in the box and in the hot house that is the AFL in this town had the potential to become a story. And my evidence? It did become a story and Mahoney had to react to it.
  20. binman


    subject to capacity worries me a bit
  21. binman


    More rain falling in collingwood
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