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Everything posted by binman

  1. Not quite right - though pretty close. Human employees at the bookies set the opening price (for win and line bets - all the stupid exotic bets probably are computer generated). Well it is probably more accurate these days to sign of on the price - so to speak- as there probably is a computer based starting point based on their data set. And then adjust the price. This is true of horse racing and sports betting. But yes after that point the market determines the price (and the bookie take their commission). Which is why the starting odd for any given game of AFL are the most accurate predictor of the outcome. Which of course does not mean the outcome of any given game always reflects the odds. But over the course of a season, say, the odds are proven accurate. We should be short favorites against the Swans.
  2. Very pleased the line in the gws game came in to 12.5. Would have spewed if that big game choker tex cost me me $
  3. My best footy bets: Gold coast v tigers game to be over the Total Match Point (TMP) of 167.5 Comment: will be a low to no pressure game and the tigers will score easily and not be too fussed about giving GC some cheapies. I would set the line at 175 so goo value GWS to make their line of 15.5 v Crows Comment: Crows have nothing left to play for and players will to want to get injured. GWS have everything to play for and need a win to shore up a top 4 spot. Crows also coming off a high pressure derby. Good value Other's to consider if looking for multis (which i don't): Brisbane line of 25.5 looks tempting as they are in pretty good form and i reckon the dogs v bulldogs TMP of 178.5 is too short given there won't be much pressure and the roos to make their line of 22.5 is also good value given the dogs are limping to the line and roos want/need percentage
  4. I was at both games. I was 16 or 17 at the time. Worse thing i have seen at the football - or anywhere for that matter. I have been king hit before. Badly. They were both way worse and designed to inflict maximum impact. I for one am glad he never was at our club. I don't care how good a player he was.
  5. if Channel 7 had the sort of influence over fixturing that some (well SWYL to be precise) say then they would have used that influence to have floating fixtures to maximise the likelihood Friday nights were corkers. i suspect the AFL will move to floating Fridays night soon enough as ratings are an important barometer for the AFL - though you wouldn't think it given their stoopid choices this year.
  6. We were cooked. Such a frustrating game as it was evident from the get go we had nothing left in the tank. In fact in retrospect that was really the end of our season.
  7. True enough. I am really confident we will though. I reckon we will win all of our last 3 games, or at least 2 from 3. With a weeks rest post season before the finals we will be in tip top shape. Speaking of which haven't seen DrD post in a while. Iam leaning to an early era Watts for his new avatar; Or maybe his platinum blonde phase;
  8. I suspect goody is more focused on doing some damage in rhe finals than just making it to the finals. As he had said often it is rhe team that develops the most that wins flags.
  9. He is no lock down defender. If he comes in his job will be to run and carry and use his pace to exploit their lack of pace. Its interesting, in 2016 he was a huge weapon for us and his run was a big part of our strategy but seemed to get worked out early this year. His poor kicking didn't help. But obviously being out of the side has meant other players like Salem have assumed greater importance and it has only been hibberd and more recently Frost who have really run and carried the ball from defence. If he comes back in he is unlikely to be such a critical cog for us and therefore may not get the same focus from opposition coaches and so might get a bit of freedom and space.
  10. I don't think so. The key will be how well we stop and/or pressure the ball coming him to him. If their mids and medium forwards are kicking it in to him under minimal pressure he will kill whoever is on him and get a bag. Tge other key will be drying up other scoring options. As i noted previously they will need to score close to 100 points to beat us and will happily give buddy 5-6 goals if he is the only scoring option. One thing i really like about frost on buddy is that im sure goody will instruct him to run off buddy, which will exspose his current lack of fitness and pace. If buddy is not scoring goals he is almost a liability, particularly on the wide spaces of the g, given how restricted he is (and how damaging his running is when fit). Smart move to look to exspose/exploit this lack of pace and abilty to apply forward chasing pressure. The suggestion they might look to bring hunt in fots with this as his pace would further exploit buddys imabilty to chase or get up rhe ground.
  11. The ellot goblet of the coaching fraternity
  12. Ramping up training would be hard to see on the track as i assume most of the aerobic and strength work happens on the other days, for instance in the gym. I think it is very likely they did a heavier block of training withe the aim of tapering for the finals.
  13. Exaclty what i thought. Really annoying and pretty disrespectful really. One in particular was annoying as i interested in is answer was who were the best players he played on an he got the second (McKenna?) and was cut off
  14. Basement tapes goes alright too. The last waltz is arguably the greatest ever rock film. Well, second. Spinal tap being number 1.
  15. From someone who is so consistently wrong that is high praise indeed. He knows whereof one speaks.
  16. That's my read. There is no dispute that he got hurt on Sat. They strapped his calf. But he went back on, which would not have happened if it was a strain or tear. A solid kick to the calf i suspect, which is entirely consistent with the fact he is both on light duties and that he jogged/walked laps at training. It is also consistent with the reliable information provided by Jane02 and Jane Phealn in her tweet.
  17. It says something about the state of mind of your average dees fan that the hearld sun is the voice of reason not us (ie dont panic)
  18. Exactly. Omac has taken the oppos number 1 forward all season. At the pointy end of the season we are top 4, so unarguably one of the best sides in the competition. They may well go with frost because they think he is a better match up (ie pace and strength). But given our ladder position they are just as likely to stick with a winning formula. On a related note, suggestions he might be dropped are absurd.
  19. And if we beat wet coke people will say we got them when they were still reeling from the Gaff incident. And if we beat GWS people will say it is only because of their wretched run with injuries.
  20. Great bands all. But none, not even the stones had the same synergy as the band
  21. He might be a better fit in terms of pace and the fact that buddy plays up the ground a bit. But buddy is not fully fitvand is playing deeper so i reckon omac will get the nod.
  22. Omac will get first crack at buddie. If he is killing him frosty gets next crack. But buddy is not the key to this game. It is the medium to small forwards who have troubled us thisvseason, hawkins bag of 6 notwithstanding. Swans need 100 points to beat us. Dees will happily give buddy 5-6 goals if they are not fonding goals elsewhere.
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