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Everything posted by binman

  1. On Paul Murray? Absolutely BB On the risk of lockdown versus hospitalizations? Not at all, except if the argument is coming from Paul Murray, or any of his Murdoch mafia ilk. Simply no point engaging in a discussion with those with such a clear philosophical agenda. It is both hilarious, and tragic, the knots the Murdoch mafia have tied themselves in over the approach by different states to lockdown, now that their exemplar has elected to also go into lockdown (many would say a week too late - not the Murdoch mafia of course). The hypocrisy and misinformation that has underpinned their coverage is staggering. Just one of thousands of examples:
  2. faulty, my 'quite a tell' comment was related to the fact you watch Paul Murry every night, not the hospitalization data. Paul Murry is a Murdoch lapdog with zero credibility, and is someone i would not trust in anyway on any subject. But given you watch him every night i suspect i am not gong to convince you about how big a dill he is, how dangerous and divisive he, and his Murdoch ilk, are. A poison. So i won't bother. On hospitalization numbers, i have no idea what you mean by no leftist commentator wants to go any where near. Whcy would they want to avoid it. I can't recall the number but di we not have 800 deaths in Victoria last year? And just looking at the todays numbers from NSW they have had 171 cases in this latest outbreak. One of them is in ICU . People are fretting about the extremely small chance of getting seriously ill from AZ. Imagine if the odds were one in 171 of going to ICU. In those same figures NSW reports it has had 5, 637 cases of covid in total and 56 deaths, So one in a hundred (and it is worth noting they didn't have the same issues we di in aged care). Paul Murray and his acolytes might not care about those figures, but most Australians do. But lets not debate it faulty, coz there is zero chance we will come together on this topic.
  3. The SA cases are international arrivals, not community cases, so no shut border i assume: 'Health and government authorities approved a COVID-19 positive family to fly in from overseas to Australia last week on a privately-funded medevac flight'
  4. The SA cases are international arrivals, not community cases, so no shut border i assume: 'Health and government authorities approved a COVID-19 positive family to fly in from overseas to Australia last week on a privately-funded medevac flight' Interesting that the SA health and government authorities allowed a covid positive family to fly in on a privately charted jet given the seemingly ridiculously, over the top processes the Pies and cats had to endure to play a game of footy there (that the dees elected to avoid by playing the QB game in NSW instead of at Adelaide oval).
  5. There are couple of common mistakes that i have made with this system in the past. The main being you have to select general. I just bought a ticket, and there are some left. But only singles at the moment. If they got 85% on friday more will become available, but that is a big if. I was going with friends but couldn't get multiples and did not want to risk missing out again, so i just bought a single. In a pretty good spot too. These instructions from the MFC website are new, and are good actually as they address the common mistakes that are super easy to make. I have highlighted the key bits: How to get tickets Click ---- SELECT DATE ---- and select Club Members & Public Reserve Enter your barcode(s) into the box provided and select Unlock Tickets Click – Select a seating type – and select Melbourne Allocation or General Seating Do NOT select Best available (Any price) Select General Reserved to access a $0 ticket OR select a specific seating area to purchase an upgrade to a reserved seat Use the drop-down box to select your ticket under Upgrade: Adult Club Member Select Next to view your seat Enter the name and mobile number of each member or guest attending Select Go to Checkout to finalise your order
  6. Mmm, in poker terminology, this is quite a tell.
  7. Bwahhhaa. Finally my vsion is becoming a reality. I sent the email below to Gil last year. Theey implemented my hub idea last year, but frustratingly did not credit me, publicly at least. I'm still waiting for the recognition - and AFL life membership But last years hub was no good for us down here in the home of football. Now my Melbourne hub proposal is finally coming to fruition. Gill has listened. And my AFL life membership is assured I will write to Gil again and suggest some cool tweaks to last year’s proposal: Base a couple of teams in G town and train and play at Kardinia park. Base a couple of teams in Ballarat and train and play at Eureka Oval The regions win with these two options Play some games at Princess park, Whitten Oval and Moorabbin, and maybe even Punt road for [censored] and giggles, as they are AFL ready and would bring footy back to the ‘burbs. VFL football is back baby. From: binman Sent: Tuesday, 17 March 2020 9:11 PM To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]> Subject: an idea Hi (to whom it may concern), Looking at the contact list on the AFL site it wasn’t clear where I should send this email to and the [email protected] address seemed as good as any. I know the AFL must have been inundated with all sort of ideas about how to proceed in these crazy times. Well, I have another one to throw into the mix. The idea is relatively simple and whilst it has its obvious complexities I think relatively doable. The idea is as follows: Semi isolate all 18 AFL teams, all their players, support staff (coaching staff, medical teams etc) and umpires in one city for the next six weeks, which is before the expected peak of Covid 19 in say May-June when it is inevitable all games will need to be cancelled. No families or, partners or friends. No non-essential club personnel . I estimate that would be approximately 1200 people. All admin and FD staff could video conference as required. Test every player at the start of the six weeks. In the six weeks play games back to back at a single venue – for example lets say the MCG, Adelaide Oval or god forbid marvel. Each team plays say 8 games – so nearly half the planned 17 games. Completely book out say six hotels close to the playing venue (so you would only have 200 or so at any one hotel spread out over multiple floors and everyone their own room) and smash out the games. Hotels will be completely empty soon enough and would love all their rooms fully booked for six weeks. A good deal could be brokered I suspect. Say it was at the G you could book the Pullman and five other hotels in a the CBD (all within a 2-3km radius). Teams rotate training on the G and at Goshs paddock, Marvel stadium, AAMI Park, Punt Road and Collingwood's training ground. All in walking distance so no buses required (minimising transmission risk). No planes required for players after initial flights into Melbourne for the 8 interstate sides so minimising air travel and need to transit through airports. Also minimise teams having to stay at random hotels and mixing with the public when playing at interstate venues. All team would obviously need spaces for rehab, weights, medicals, match debriefs, team meetings, dieticians etc etc. But all hotels have large meetings spaces, conference rooms and smaller meeting rooms. And of course proper kitchens and no doubt medical facilities. All of the hotels have their own gyms. Probably not up to the standard need but AAMI park, Punt road and the g all have gyms etc. Gyms in the CBD will likely be closed so each club could hire their own gym 24-7 (and cut a good deal as gyms will otherwise likely close). In addition to using Marvel stadium for training (or as the match venue) it has any number of meetings spaces, i assume a gym and entertainment areas if it was felt that was useful. The g has also has all sorts of meeting spaces. For Collingwood, Richmond and the Dees it would hardly be different (apart from living in a hotel of course) as they would use their own grounds, weights room, meeting spaces etc . Completely clean their spaces and the next team gets their turn. Repeat at the G and Marvel. The CBD will be practically empty soon so players could get out and about a little bit. Book out some cinemas (which will be empty) and other entertainment options where players could spread out, so they have something to do. Plenty of parks to wander around for positive head space and a nice hotel room to go back to. Relatively cost effective, particularly given the costs of chartering planes and having teams fly and stay interstate. Channel 7 and fox can leave all their equipment in place. Could be game every night, which both broadcasters would love given the paucity of live sport ATM. Money will continue to flow to the clubs and the AFL. Which will be critical. And may save some clubs. And it will be good for everyone’ morale to be able to watch some footy. The AFL would have measure of control that the simply won’t be able to achieve in other scenarios. Of course players and staff would be away from family but that's workable for six weeks. And of course there are any number of issues and complexities that would have to be resolved. But there will be with whatever option is pursued It could work Please forward this email to Gill and his team. Gill is a fella who thinks outside the square and I reckon if he hasn’t thought of it already my idea might, at the least, be of some curiosity value. Cheers binman
  8. Jaded should be fine then....
  9. I thought you wanted this to be over Jaded? There is only one path. As many Australians as possible getting vaccinated as soon as they can. Like now. If everyone takes your approach and waits two months we'll never get out of this.
  10. And just now it has been announced, after the meeting of the national cabinet, by slowmo that 'anyone' (but I am assuming that means adult over 18 age) can go to their gp and get an Az shot. Get to it younguns. And everyone else.
  11. Pure gold. I loved that expression on that fellas face. Cracked me up. Watching on TV, I was a bit flummoxed as his reaction didn't seem proportionate to anything I saw from tracc. I wondered if there was some other trigger that I missed. But no, on the replay its just tracc turning and cupping his hand to his hear. And the fella was in shock. Hilarious.
  12. Only other people's......
  13. I just saw that - i amended my post accordingly
  14. Maybe in their early years. Definitely not this year. They have been super hard at it all season. Of the teams out of the top 4 probably the best contest team this year, and i include the tigers and swans in that assessment. Their issue is they have been decimated with injury this season.
  15. Oh, then i football. Spargo has been fantastic this year. Kicked some clutch goals too - the one on the weekend was really important. One thing that i reckon some might not fully take into account when assessing how well kozzie, Spargo and Nibbler (and Fritter to a lesser degree) have played is that often when they get the ball they are gassed as a result of how much running they do. Watch how often all three are way up the ground, often deep inside the opposition's 50. And when we win the ball they are often a link in the transition chain and also have to sprint back to get back inside our 50 And compare them to a player like Cameron for the Lions who spends most of his time inside his 50 and when he does leave that area rarely pushes further up than half way.
  16. You can watch almost all of it - for some reason all the replays starts 5 minutes in and ends few minutes before the final siren. But well worth watching. Great to get the opportunity to see the players in the VFL team and our players pushing for a call up. Random thoughts on the game: Casey employ a very similar model, which i guess is captain obvious, but interesting to watch nonetheless One example is the way we look to move it forward around the boundary A related point is the roles players play mirror the structure of the AFL - eg daw rucked for much of the day (with chop outs from Weed), Bowey in the Salem role, White in the Fritter role, baker in the langers role etc etc Weid worked hard - played the role Tmac does in the seniors, so perhaps his best bet is to come in for tmac. He dropped a couple of marks where he had done all the work and had his opponent cold, which seems often be an issue for him. Must be a technique thing ( in cricket we would say hard hands) because he has good hands on the lead Brown still does not look all that agile, which I suspect is what is keeping him out of the team. But 5 goals is 5 goals and you have to love how accurate his kicking is. His fourth was a thing of beauty. Had to kick from about 40 metres, on a slight angle, with wind also being a factor. Such is his confidence with his technique that he was able to deliberately start it to the right of the goal post and let the wind bring it back. perfect I also thought brown was ok pressure wise, creating at least one goal with a tackle Melksham's pressure was also pretty good i have to say, which is a great sign. Hit a beautiful 50 metre left foot kick to a forward's advantage, which is exactly why he is big chance of getting back into the side I love Neville Jetta - easily one of my all time favorite players. Works so hard in every game he plays and a brilliant role model for the young players (postscript; just watched all the VFL goals video and saw that jetts kicked the last of the game - something missed on the replay becuase it finished before the end of the game! - nice gola nev - boys really got around him too) Jones was simply brilliant. Played smart, played with intensity, played like a true leader and played like an intent on winning his spot back. Pretty good goal too I really like Captain Jack Sparrow, and thought he was terrific against the bombers, but i suspect Jones will bump him into the medical sub role this week given Goodies comments about picking blokes in form Bedford has some real toe Bowey and Laurie are both natural footballers and both are excellent kicks, Bowey particularly so, which warms my heart Rosman has some real x factor and get up and go too - loved his super smart kick into a small pocket of space to set up one of brown's goals Vanders looked to be moving really freely and used the ball really well in the main. Is a wild card for finals for sure given how strong in the contest he is and the importance goody puts on winning the hard ball - not mention our focus this year of only having one player go to the contest and/or tackle.
  17. I football. At least i I think i do.
  18. ....and one if not for an appalling free paid against us near the end, might well have kicked away to a five goal win, which would have happened anyway if not for inaccurate kicking given we had 18 more scoring shots!
  19. Gold standard contract tracers: Mary (name changed as i have no idea what her name is) how many guests did you have at your daughter's birthday party? Mary: Oh, i don't know 25 to 30 Gold standard contract tracers: you will need to be more specific than that Mary: Ok, about 30 Gold standard contract tracers: Better. Can you provide a list of all the names and contact details of your guests please Mary: Sure Gold standard contract tracers: now please Mary: Oh, ok. (after 20 minutes) - here we go Gold standard contract tracers: you sure you haven't missed anyone? No other family members? Good, good. Look we've take up enough of your time. If there is anyone else you remember, like your Dad (chuckles) do let us know. Mary: Oh, ok. I have covid so I'm a bit under the weather and brain fuzzy. I assume you will show the list to the other guests and double check i haven't missed anyone Gold standard contract tracers: now, now Mary, you do your job and we'll do ours. Got to go Mary, just got a message about needing to let a flight attendant know they are close contact and need to isolate. You don't happen to know her do you? No, all good. I thought i could ask you to call her. No worries, i'll give her a buzz after lunch at some point. Or ask someone else too.
  20. To be fair to bomber's fans i would have been ropable wit the Harmes non call too. Should have been paid. And from memory, if tippa had kicked a goal from the resulting free (which was no certainty by the way as he can't kick over a jam tin and the mark would have ben about 40 out) they would have been only 5 points down. But the other 'controversial' frees we got they are whinging about were all there. The free to Jordon in the square might have been marginal as Stringer did it pretty well actually. But he still got him high and but they almost always pay any front on contact such as that one. And the first of the double 50s was there, despite the carping from Darcy, as the player took an eternity to get to the mark and in doing so held up the dees player from releasing it - which is exactly what the 50 rule was brought in for. The end one was for abuse so 100% no issue with it being paid. And besides, as a number of posters have pointed out, Smith was running in the protected zone for 30 metres so could have been pinged for that too. And the late free against Tmac was potentially result changer. We had all the momentum. He assumed the free was going to him for holding the ball, as it should have. There is no way that was in the back. And it it cost us a likely goal as we had the ball inside 50 and no defenders. It also stopped our momentum as IIRC a goal then would have put the margin out to 24 points and game over. They scored the next and game on.
  21. All I want for XMAS is seat in the bottom part of the top of the Ponsford stand. I am seriously going to go crazy if i have to watch any more live games with Daaarcy or Bwiaaan calling them.
  22. Never a fan of the other rivers? Please, he was a gun and a fantastic servant of the club. Ahead of the game too as he was one of the first intercepting defenders.
  23. Spot on. There was another missed free that did my head in. In a marking contest Max clearly got smashed in the head. Again. No free. What made it worse was that it was right after he had been pinged for holding in a rock contest. Something that happens, as a bemused Max pointed out to the umpire, in nearly every stoppage ruck contest. Perhaps we should send our resident troll to bomberblitz to post out how hard we were done by from the umpires
  24. Maybe I should wait to books flights and a hotel room for the port game.
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