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Everything posted by binman

  1. He looks not dissimilar to disco, and plays a similar role it would appear (from the 90 second clip and run-down on afl.com from Riley Beveridge - who is terrific I reckon).
  2. I was sure you were going to admonish me from a grammar perspective. The joke would have worked better if the band's name was Jefferson's Airplane, not Jefferson Airplane
  3. I hope he chooses the correct pill. He certainly doesn't want to get any smaller!
  4. Howes that! https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiImPPh49H7AhVT4TgGHXsyB3UQ8TV6BAgcEAI&url=%23&usg=AOvVaw0VTJzWxrN8ZFOD4xbU2nov
  5. I have heard he plans to travel to any interstate games in his own plane.
  6. Another case of the Demonland player sponsor curse?
  7. West was def our best, though i thought Gillard and Zanker were both super influential. There were simply ridiculous frees paid - and not paid. West was involved in perhaps the most ridiculous one. Won another ground ball get, immediately tackled, zero prior opportunity, but gets pinged for holding the ball presumably only because she stood up in the tackle, refused to get brough to ground and dragged the two tacklers 15 metres. Her look when pinged said it all. As for Tayla and the cut to her face, i was more worried for opponents - how was her attack on the next contest! Blimey
  8. I'm looking forward to reading comments about how fantastic our draftees are based on 3-minute highlight packages.
  9. With the work being done at Casy to the changerooms etc, are they allowed to train there ATM? If no, then they will have to train at Gosh's, which could mean more training reports this year.
  10. I understand reflexive criticism of the game in terms of how low the scoring was in perfect conditions (apart from the crazy heat that is). But a critique based on the score alone is so simplistic and one dimensional. For one thing, from the perspective of a fully invested fan, the tension in that match was through the roof - which might help explain why i cried at the end of this game, not the men's GF win. I'm not a massive soccer fan, and don't follow any clubs, but i'm super invested when i watch the Matildas and the Socceroos. When you are invested in the result, the tension watching soccer matches is, it seems to me, part of the DNA of soccer, but really only becomes a feature of watching footy when the scores are close in the last quarter and each goal becomes more influential on the end result. But for me, i felt that tension right through the prelim and GF wins - and despite both games being low scoring i was never anything less than fully absorbed. Each goal had so much significance that it was not dissimilar to watching say the Matildas or Socceroos at a World Cup. The GF was off the charts in this regard. I thought that after the first quarter we were by far the better side, but the fact that we couldn't convert that dominance into goals (something that is so frustrating watching soccer when invested) meant that despite our dominance, one random, against the run of play goal late in the last quarter from the lions meant they could have pinched it (in the way the Germans salvaged a draw against Spain, despite being outplayed for much of the match). But the big factor critics that just focus on the score line seem to completely miss is that, unlike the AFL, in the AFLW, there is huge disparity between the overall standard of performance (inclusive of fitness levels, strength, skills, etc etc) and the standard of the defensive element of the game. Take the dees women's team. Mutiple seasons of exposure to elite level defensive strategies and systems - and of course elite coaching in these systems - have resulted in an incredibly effective defense - we conceded an average of 15 points this season, which is just nuts. Combine this with a rabid desire to win every contest and all team crazy pressure, such as we saw in the GF, and you have team that has elite defensive skills that in reality are well in advance of the opposition's overall standard (and ours too for that matter) and therefore ability to absorb, counter and score against. For a number of years i coached my son and daughter's basketball teams and found that we could be competitive even when other teams were more talented if we could be defensively strong, and the players understood and played their roles. The AFLW is this time a million. A perfect example of this phenomenon is Goldy. Her skills remain way off those of players such as Paxy and Hanks, but her commitment to defense, bravery, attack on the ball and understanding of our defensive system - and her role in it - mean that she is a key player in our team and a key reason why teams struggle to score against us. It will take time, but now that the women are being paid at least enough money to focus on playing footy, and more and more players are coming into the system having played footy since auskick, the gap between defensive skills and skills that support offence and scoring (eg kicking, marking, ability to give off under pressure etc) will dramatically reduce. And scores will go up. When we get there, a player like Goldy, for all her defensive brilliance, might struggle to get a game, because such a player will be competing with players who are coming into the system with an appetite for hard-nosed defence AND elite skills.
  11. Agree on westy. Simply awesome. My favourite dee
  12. Paging Webber. Need a new picture for the TV room
  13. Agree on hanks. Pure is a great descriptor. Super smart too - makes such terrific decisions
  14. Apologies if this has been posted already. Brilliant article. Daisy Pearce: the face of a generation intent on breaking AFLW premiership duck
  15. To be honest, i don't have a great sense of how strong the lions are, having only watched them the once - when we played them. I get the lions will have a home state, if not a home ground, advantage. And probably have an advantage of having more training etc in the heat. So, they deserve to be favorites. But after the regular season, we were only split by half a percent, or some such. And teams have barely scored in the second half of our games all season, indicating both a strong defensive system, but also probably superior fitness levels. And whilst we may struggle a little with the heat, assuming the predicted potential thunderstorm doesn't come during the game, the conditions will really suit our running, give and go handball, high skill method. The lions are currently 1.39 favorites and their line is 9.5 points. Both seem well out of wack to me, and so the 2.92 you can get for a dees win is great value. But even better value is the 9 point start we are getting, a line that will surely shorten before game time. Yes, the lions are a high scoring side, but we have the best defence in the AFLW, as evidenced by the fact we gave up the least amount of points this season, a crazy low 184 (the lions were next with 193 and then a pretty big gap back to the crows on 217). And we are no slouch on the scoring front either, having scored only 19 points less than the lions in the regular season. We are also in much better form than we the lions rolled us by 15 points in round four.
  16. Maybe, when she agreed to do the gig, she thought it was in some muti million-dollar mansion in Brighton?
  17. That is so weird. I just lost 17 hours of my life. The last thing i remember, i was sitting on a train typing a comment into Demonland, and next thing i know i wake up at work reading Demonland. I wonder who the club is interested in drafting? Personally, i'm clueless about such things and happy to put my trust in the recruiting team to get it right (trust they well and truly have earned). Though i am wondering if they could ask Engorged Onion to do a psych eval of any prospective draftees to screen for mummy issues.
  18. Well, i had forgotten both as instructed. But now i won't be able to forget them.
  19. We have won 100% of our interstate grand finals, so very confident about Sunday.
  20. This article is about women's soccer, and Sam Kerr. But reading it I couldn't help but see the parallels to the AFLW. I’d never missed the start of a men’s World Cup. Sam Kerr changed all that
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