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Posts posted by Schneider

  1. Hi all,

    Sorry to clog up the forum with what might be an inane question to those of you lucky enough to live in Melbourne. But I'm back from the UK for 1 week in June so aligned a visit to Melbourne to see a Dees game, as I always do, happens to be the North fixture.

    I'm dragging a number of people along (maybe 6 or 7) most of whom aren't Dees supporters some not even AFL fans so I'm probably going to have to bankroll it.

    Question is around General admission, normally I buy reserved tickets but was thinking of going the cheaper GA option due to the numbers, how does this work? You just rock up on the day and there are some seats that are a free for all? Where would we generally end up in a 'class c' game, as I prefer to be in an elevated seat rather than ground level.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. He is the same as Caroline Wilson, when probed on her comments about Roos being a mistake and not buying in to Melbourne, changed her tune now, not to say she was wrong but that she was right at the time....

    I'm sorry Caroline, you've changed your position, you made a mistake. That's called flip flopping "that's what Democrats do!"

  3. What a [censored].

    This article does make it sound like all the hard work is over and we can sit back and watch the success, maybe it is my typical Dees mentality but I certainly don't want anyone resting up yet just because we won a few games.

    Look at Richmond, everyone relaxed after making the 8, now they are back to a shambles.

  4. We still made some silly mistakes, M. Jones gifting the Tiges a goal, McDonald's handball into the corridor on 50 to 2 Tiges, but what I love is that they don't collapse in a heap after that, pick themselves up and keep fighting.

    Great to watch.

    Exciting game all the way through and you could even tell with the commentators, they were genuinely excited, contrast that to last year I think a Melbourne draw card was a bit of nothing. Great not to have to listen to Dwayne, but Sandy needs to get the names right! Salem/JKH/Toumpas, study them Sandy they're going to big!

    • Like 2
  5. Man that feels good, well done fellas!!

    Seriously never thought I'd believe it, but enjoying watching Pedersen (despite that late brain fade).

    Roos and the new FD department (and of course the players) have got me waking up at 4:40am again in the UK to watch these games, BRILLIANT!

    • Like 1
  6. In a game played at breakneck pace what I don't like is that no benefit of doubt was given in this case. There is so much doubt as to what was and wasn't possible in that split half second yet the tribunal determined exactly what he could have done..they determined there was alternatives.

    Exactly, murderers get benefit of the doubt! Why was he guilty because they weren't sure if he was bracing or bumping?

  7. hes a a Kangaroos supporter

    he knows the kangas will be first in line to be merged or sent interstate

    he no doubt thinks the MFC should and will kick us at any opportunity

    he is also an absolute pleb

    Sounds plausible, but are there any examples where the Kangaroos have been in the spotlight and he has stayed silent or argued against the club or one of it's players?

  8. Good idea.

    Has anybody heard which side of Lynch's jaw was broken? I would have thought if it was the right then Viney would have to have walked on that alone as he contacted the left side of Lynch.

    I actually know Moose Henwood and he is a good bloke, a knockabout bloke and with commonsense and I am sure he would have voted Not Guilty. If he didn't I smell a rat.

    Good call, the whole case is built on this premise that Viney could have pulled out of that contest. It's as hard for Viney to prove that he couldn't as it is for them to prove that he could so isn't that an element of doubt that needs to taken into consideration.

    Anyone saying that there is no doubt in half a second a player can do a pirouette out of it after attacking the ball at the speed Viney was going is full of it.

    • Like 1
  9. It's quite funny reading some of the news sites and the Essendon fans comments. Apparently AD made Essendon take the fall so as not to expose all the weaker clubs "who were all doing it"

    Hmm Glass houses I suppose, I'm sure if I search the forums there are some fans adamant we didn't tank, or justify it with the fact that everyone else was doing it.

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