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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. The self interest in all of this beggars believe.
  2. So Frawley was distraught about going to Hawthorn last year bing? I saw no evidence of that and saw nothing from Howe a few months back. They go after the money and fame, now I don't blame them but please don't ask me to believe they worry about how us punters feel.
  3. On reflection I am probably being a little hard on him. Bloody sad attitude actually on my part.
  4. Else where I wrote I thought we would be lucky to get 15 games out of him. I might revise that down to five. I have a couple of friends in the medical business and both say that calf injuries are the hardest to get over and the older you get the worst it gets.
  5. Yeah good point. As the game gets more and more professional I get more and more desensitised to the individuals feelings. Sad but that is the result of the sports world we live in. Most players change clubs with not a care in the world about how we supporters feel so I no longer care much about most of them.
  6. I wont lose to much sleep about it after all don't they have a $1 million FF in the wings?
  7. He is very well paid for his services I am sure he will feel a lot better every time his salary comes in this year.
  8. I don't think that is in question Mr. Leg. However some of them may not be desirable in a polite society.
  9. Well dd with luck TM's shoulder is minor and the other two wont be missed.
  10. There are not many things more important than morning Coffee Bbo. I would think your stocks would be at an all time high right now.
  11. That is the big one for me and as we have found out being a good junior means little when you start playing against the men.
  12. Adding cinnamon sounds like a great way to spoil a smoothie to me. But then I am not big on cinnamon in anything.
  13. Not because of Tassie but the board and then quite a few of the AFL management team should go. IMO we need a new GM with no alliance to existing people.
  14. I don't think that will happen, we don't have enough good seasoned players and the Kids are just that Kids and also assumes all of them will develop into players capable of getting us the finals this year. Sadly it will not happen in 2016.
  15. Roosy has done a sensational job since taking up the offer. The MFC was VFL standard at best when Schwab was removed, my only concern is 3 years aint enough to rid all the toxic past out of the place. But 3 years is what we hav so i want Roosy coaching flat out until September AS THE COACH I hope he does not take his eye off the Footy Dept to mentor the club staff. Leave that to PJ. I want every bit of Roosy's coaching extracted before he goes. A Finals appearance at the 'G must be the aim of '16 A year early SWYL 2017 is the year. We have a big bunch of kids 10 wins this year and with a little luck a final the year after.
  16. No doubt about it Barney you are positive.
  17. Black and White that is not a good start DF
  18. At $1.5 million, still with the exchange rate drop he probably needs all that to go to Hawaii.
  19. Oh Wonderful P-man Go to the top of the class.
  20. I agree but Essendon are in a different position to us. If we are able to pick up one top up player - then we can take a risk with a Vanders type player - it is only one player. Essendon need 12 players to actually be able to field a side - whilst one or two may be left field I am not sure you would want to take 12 outside the box players. They have a choice?
  21. In this case think of us winning the first 2 games and you will feeel much better.
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