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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. willmoy your paranoia is showing, The media don't hate the MFC the main problem is we have made it easy for them for the better part of a decade. WE took a chance that a drug taker would not be found guilty and if he was we expected a soft penalty. The hard option happened and we now have a convicted drug taker on the side lines for a year. The MFC took the risk and were left holding the bag. Once again we shot ourselves in the foot it is not the Media's fault.
  2. Yes I agree dc If my house value had doubled in the last four years it would be on the market right now.
  3. Thanks Mandee it looks like it is not updating. Thought I was losing it about an hour ago.
  4. Is anyone else having problems this morning/ I am having trouible posting and the last person to post on a thread appears in the titlke area but their post does not appear.
  5. Grymer as I understand has fused vertebrae in his back. That hardly seems a great way to re start an AFL career and surely he must be risking even more serious injury trying to play a sport at this level. I
  6. old dee

    Jack Grimes

    Of the lot you mention NC there is IMO only one who is genuinely as good a player as him in 2016 and that is Watts. Matt Jones and Michie are so far behind they cannot hear the band, Stretch and Harmes have shown some promise but are still behind Grimes. That leaves a player who is returning from a serious knee injury plus a broken toe who has not played a senior game yet or any game since 2014. I think he is in front at present and I hope stays there.
  7. You have my award for the comment of the week dc and it is only Wednesday. Classic.
  8. Well we are a more civilised group Choke those to the North tend be less so. Seriously 1998 is 18 years ago things have change quite a bit in that time.
  9. Fairly confident that back then Choke it would not have mattered where you went footy clubs were very blokey places. Most have since changed substantially but not so much at Carlton it would seem.
  10. Interesting story I heard on SEN yesterday about the Blues. It seems they did a survey of members and a third of female members said they did not feel comfortable around the club or when attending home games. They felt they were less than welcome and it was very much a boys club
  11. Good news! It seems the threat to the QLD banana crop has passed.
  12. I think a lot are like me. They are holding their breath hoping it will keep going well. am too scared to think positive in case it is all dashed.
  13. Then they should have been a plumber
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