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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I think the problem is that he has taken his fathers advice!
  2. This may come as a shock Ernest but I have not read all of your books as they are so depressing I have stopped trying. The MFC of the last 50 years has provided me with all the depression I can handle. Can you make a come back and write something cheerful?
  3. I heard a Richmond official on SEN this morning saying Dustin was at a low ebb over this and they were helping him through this period. Is there ever a period that they are not helping him through? He must consume more of their time than the over 39 on their list.
  4. I thought Rum was your favourite tippel Ernest?
  5. Good point but if that is the best we have who needs them.
  6. Remind me never to buy any "Head" product who are going to extend her ladyship's racket contract.
  7. Thankfully chook I am still a ways of that. Denying the passage of time is something I struggle with but eventually ones has to accept certain changes.
  8. I still think that is where he played his best football WJ. IMO he is a half forward I would be very happy to see him playing well in that role.
  9. Thanks for the advise and no I have not . I am at the acceptance stage at present.
  10. Have all the above sue honestly I doubt there is anything I have not tried. With all this I am good unless I do more than a normal amount of walking. For good exercise it is on the bicycle. As the years mount you just have to accept that some parts of your body will never be the same as they were at a younger age.
  11. I have said this somewhere else mono but my love of the MFC is the only thing that keeps me supporting AFL. Weeks like this week give me the feeling we are losing the battle if it has not been lost already.
  12. I had it for months sue and I tried every thing from Physio to Acupuncture and eventually the only thing that gave relief was a cortisone injection. Hurt like hell but took about 95% of the problem away. It flares up if I walk more than a couple kilometres not a good things for us old pricks but I cannot imagine a footballer getting it would be hell.
  13. That is sadly missing in International sport Macca. The level of their integrity is directly relate able to their chance of being caught.
  14. Nothing else matters being satisfied with losses should be consigned to every MFC supporters bin.
  15. A hard line with zero tolerance is the only way to fight the scourge of PED use in sports. And WADA needs 30-40 times the funding with all the sporting bodies buying in completely. We won't see that so it will just be more of the same. Sadly Macca I think you are on the money100%
  16. It is not approved for human consumption in the USA where she lives. To say your family doctor prescribes it for you is interesting. I doubt any doctor in the USA would be prescribing a drug that is not approved in that country but perhaps her family doctor lives in Latvia. NO she is just another drug cheat who has been caught out. The more money involved the more cheating.
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