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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Spot on bb I am dismayed at how so many MFC supporters continue to be happy losing narrowly.
  2. Excuses Excuses we still did not win. I thought at the start of the year 10 wins would be a good year, yes no thrashings is an improvement . We will not get the ten wins and and loses like this and the essendrug are clear examples that we still have a long way to go. I take no more pleasure out of this loss than I did last week. It is still a bloody loss end of rant.
  3. That is all that counts in the end. Who is in front at the end determines the winner the rest are excuses by the loser. it is time for all Dees supporters to get over excuses. Being in front at the end is all that matters. this morning the WCE have five wins in a row and a chance at the top four and the Dees are in the bottom third winging about how unlucky we are. That is the real world.
  4. Not unless we find 3-4 replacements for the NGE's
  5. Simple answer Mr Leg they were in front on the scoreboard when the final siren blew. that determines the winner. Plus that old adage " poor kicking is poor football" we are still not good enough to beat teams in the eight.
  6. But we didn't win sue and we did not deserve to win too many passengers and terrible kicking. I am glad to see that the majority hate losing. There is a chance for the future when the majority hate losing. Now all we need is another 3-4 good players to replace the NGE's and we will win these games.
  7. but then I am a positive person bb!!!!
  8. Yes it is difficult to see them in the same sentence.
  9. I am confiedent my opinion wont change no matter what happens in either game Stuie. I think we can beat Carlton.
  10. Over time I think it does sue. If the membership is wishey washey then the people running the club subconsciencely take that on board and it is transfered finally to the playing group. I am not suggesting if we dont care this afternoon then the players will only give 95% But over a couple of decades of this attitude it becomes part of the fabric of the club. The nearly good enough attitude is then the Actual. The supporters and members of a number of other clubs demand wins and complain when they dont get them we accept close losses.
  11. It aint over yet stuie. I will stick with that two
  12. Carlton but that still leaves one and I have no idea who that would be.
  13. The 11 - 22 group are either kids with only a few games played or not quite good enoughs we need all 10 of our best 10 playing well or we don't win. As in past years our list while improved still drops off dramatically after the top 15 or so.
  14. praha you are easily pleased. Get your mind into enjoying wins and hating losses.
  15. Now sue this is a subject dear to my heart. As I have said numerous times in the past a loss is a loss. There is no happy loss. MFC supporters have now for decades gone with this idea that a small margin loss is ok wow it could have been 15 Goals and the boys played well and we could have pinched it. This attitude is one of the reason we have had little success over the last 50 years . Do Hawthorn supporters think a close loss is ok ? Of course not it is just a bloody loss. Be very disappointed with a loss and say so. No more of this it could have been much worse crap.
  16. No It would be a 4-5 goal loss. Simply it is a win or a loss there is no in between.
  17. Not sure he is "Quality Depth" mono. My impression is Average on his good days.
  18. It's a nice thought Jack but we are now at the back end of the year. When I look at the team it is The same crew that has not been able to beat any decent team all season. The inclusions with one exception have not shown anything much in the past. I have no confidence they can break a 16 game losing sequence.
  19. And so you should be! This is the first step to a Hawks membership. Oh the shame.
  20. Don't be sorry Ernest appreciate your view. i will stay with the " show me the money" brigade. Honestly the Dees will not win a flag in tom' s time he needs to maximise his earnings or move to a potential GF club. Look at Trengove, Dunn and Grimes gave their best to the club through a lot of terrible times two captains and a vice captain and all are about to be shown the door because there usefulness is at an end.
  21. Noi That is for the supporters Fork 'em
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