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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Yes and there lies the problem in dealing with the Prince.
  2. It is Friday 25th November I don't think you are going to get one.
  3. He is training like he plays once a month. Now stay calm I am joking. Well semi !
  4. I think the MFC have been very patient and will not do anything precipitous. They have played the long game now for months why rush at this stage. IMO they have given him nothing to base case against them. They are going to be paying him some money so why rush now. In the past I would have worried about the way the MFC might have handled this problem. In 2016 I have way more confidence in PJ and the management. They say Patience is a virtue and in this case it is IMO very true.
  5. Not sure that is correct. H beats to his own very special drum. It might just increase his persecution complex.
  6. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction Choke.
  7. bb I think it has been obvious for months his brain was somewhere else. As I said Clark all over again. All that is left now is to work out the separation which I suggest is going to be a lot harder than Clark. At least Clark was in touch with the real world. The prince is another matter!
  8. They got Howell and we got Dawes, Harry and Kennedy. I think they are well in front.
  9. Don't hold your breath bb. If he has been unable to after seven years and 140 + games at AFL level I don't see it happening any time soon.
  10. I hope you are not seriously putting him in the same class as Farmer.
  11. Yes I know. Just a little stirring on my part. I feel similar.
  12. Mr Leg you keeping making these comments. I am worrying about you. Is this the beginning of the end? Are we seeing one of the truly great supporters of the last half century wavering?
  13. I am not so sure we are far apart in our assessment RB. I think it is degrees of how long he goes "missing" for in a game. To me he is either great or awful with nothing much in between.
  14. I am old ( fact of life ) and cynical but I am constantly surprised Vagg. The most surprising thing is that I am still surprised. e.g. That a new clash strip thread every year gets double figure pages.
  15. Surely they are a combination. Anyway CB we are probably derailing this thread
  16. Yes there is plenty to laugh about there Bd. Reminds me of the MFC in 2012/3.
  17. CB I have been constantly told that what we paid for Dawes was immaterial in the wash up as we had to pay someone. I did say he did not cost us much however I still maintain he is Mr. Inconsistent.
  18. I don't think he is the great buy most seem to think. He plays like he did at Carlton one week brilliant the next week ok the next two he does not justify his spot in the 22. He is the master of inconsistency. We got him for nothing so based on little cost he has been reasonable but IMO he has been no big loss to Carlton and they got a then trouble maker off their list.
  19. That is not the point of my comment AF. we did all the right things and he retired with a sizeable leaving cheque only bob up at Geelong. We will no doubt do all the right things here with a similar result I.e. A big pay out.
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