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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Well that worked well 3 goals vs 1 goal oh forgot Blues kicked 12 points as well. GWS had four scoring shots for the game
  2. Wow I remember when this Thread was about the humble banana. To see now where it has moved too is truely amazing.
  3. With the exception of Viney most are far from our best dc. Chin up we will play finals in 2018
  4. TT I think it is time to review your life while I agree with you on a couple of those the rest are IMO the pits particularly that Saturday show. I have not listened to it since the morning "pickers" was lecturing someone on morals. That was it for me.
  5. All that is accurate Ernest however I don't find it enjoyable to watch. It might be in five years time but right now it is a low scoring scramble.
  6. Then you must be in the top tier of age groups CBD. 1960 my dad took me too my first game. So I have seen two flags. I must admit the memory of the first one is faded now. Still remember the second well and the drive home to the country, I thought winning GF,s would never end how wrong was I? I hope we can last till 2020 mate and then we can both enjoy no. 13.
  7. You have no doubt heard the old one that " a week is a long time in politics" same applies to football. Rooster one week feather duster the next.
  8. You have my vote and if we cannot win without him we can can forget finals. However we will win.
  9. If this is in anyway successful expect the season to increase in length and the main game to reduce. I can see the main season shrinking to around 18 games. the union will not agree to more games unless the list size is increased and or paid more.
  10. I suspect that the only reason the breakfast crew and KB are still there is because the have contracts that would be too expensive to buy out.
  11. Hmm so don't hold your breath I guess is your advice dc?
  12. Why is it that we can no longer delete a posting?
  13. He has a long way to go to get to that level DA. Raging calf in 2017 I hope bull like in 2018.
  14. I have supported the Dees in fact when they were the redlegs for 58 years DD not much chance of me changing anything now.
  15. I would prefer a very Rich benefactor .
  16. There is a big queue waiting to move in Cards. I doubt it will stay vacant beyond the end of February.
  17. Don't disagree with you. Probably sadly for me I just see this as a adistraction from the main game of getting the Dees into finals. Unfortunately the AFL don't check with me for my opinion unbelievable but true.
  18. Hunt and Milkshake are far too good to be risking in this otherwise looks like the players we should be using.
  19. Thanks for the info Saty. Re AFLX did we expect them to say any different? supporting the AFL etc. but do they really care I doubt it. The big prize is 29th September the rest are small side shows. Playing in September is what will make the MFC prosper not some crap in February.
  20. Yes I am optimistic. Just a glass half full sort of a guy dc.
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