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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Was that sanctimonious dead bastard Hemingway ever a lawyer Biff?
  2. Was that sanctimonious dead bastard Hemingway ever a lawyer Biff?
  3. Was that sanctimonious dead bastard Hemingway ever a lawyer Biff?
  4. Yeah yeah! An amped up march to the 'gee!
  5. Thanks for adding a sensible dose of absurdity RTG. I was just about to post a question about the purpose of these adds versus the cost. What does the club expect to gain from them? I'm presuming most/all of the above posters are members - do we expect to gain new members? These adds would cost a squillion - does the money come entirely from the club? Is there a proven or measurable benefit?
  6. Maybe it's that Irish [censored] that they try to offload on St.Pat's day.
  7. It's that imported vino you slosh down Earl.
  8. Well I'm always open to suggestions Mable and since my marriage counselling business hasn't really taken off as yet .....
  9. I've had a very busy and trying week Dr and have only now had the opportunity to ponder your eloquent obfuscations. However, let us not confuse eloquence with dissembling ! But .... I suppose past is past and I will not press the matter of you making further emissions admissions about your grubby history. I will be most interested to observe how your already debauched little hamlet will advance ( or not) under your stewardship. No doubt nepotism and corruption will rear their various heads and winners and losers will emerge. And, speaking of nepotism, I also give fair warning that I intend to pursue your local BDSM club for payment of outstanding fees to the national body. This the corporate age and it can no longer hide behind its sloganizing and rhetoric about being a family operated concern.
  10. High praise indeed Ernest! I'm all goosebumps and tingly.
  11. Good work dc!! I love the way you drop these sensible/factual posts in from time to time to cover the fact that you are an old perv!
  12. Me ! Mindless boozing. Biffen _ Mindless drugs. dc - shagging greyrinsers. old dee - drinking free pinot. redleg - watching redtube. SWYL - Dreaming of the phillipines . W Jack - probably trying to cash in on the Mafia slayings. Dr. John - leading some sort of sexually charged pagan festival in Hopping Dicks. Moonie - jacking off for sure. 'luded - strange bastard - doing some alien [censored]. Moonie - in case you missed it - jacking off for sure. Earl Hood - inspecting hairstyles - FMD that is weird. What a bunch of sickos. By any logic the whole site should be closed down.
  13. Just love your [censored] 'luded - keep up the good work!!
  14. Sorry Mable, I'm geographically challenged, I'd forgotten about Canucks !!
  15. Mable!? That really you? Where have you been? You Americans are really odd?
  16. I've had those sorts of .... err dreams.
  17. Can't see Petracca or Henrieta in. Petracca is only a kid who hasn't played footy for over 12 months. Even if he is jumping out of his skin, I can't see him being thrown in at the top level for round 1. I suppose Lumumba is a possibility if fit because of his experience but I'm still doubtful - Garland in.
  18. You're just the man for little known facts Stu.
  19. Yeah but he never knew how much to charge. Went out of business.
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