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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Indeed!! This will be a tough year for baby face but if he gets through it with reasonable success he will be a player!!
  2. I always respect your posts RTG and like you (and many others) our history dictates that being confident of a Demons win is a sure recipe for disaster. However, this is a new team and past failures are just history to most of them. To use a cliché - a new dawn! I am confident we will give Essendon the arse [censored] they so richly deserve.
  3. His last year with us was mostly at Casey and then he played up north. Nothing against Jamar but ... he's just past it now.
  4. Because he is bloody useless as a player but will no doubt be of value as a coach!
  5. Unfortunately you don't see the worst best of it dc as my puerile humour is often removed by moderators who have no taste for refined scatology.
  6. I can't believe the club has disregarded Stuie's advice and dropped Frost before Pedo !!
  7. My say I look rather fetching in my new shirt although it appears to be an odd shape as it is very tight around my 12 pack.
  8. And just before I go ------- of course you do, don't be silly saty!
  9. Made my night 'luded. I can retire with a smile on my face!!
  10. One could do worse than follow his enlightened path.
  11. I will not bother with your preceding comments but this particularly is weak. It was never suggested that booing etc was meant to put opposition players off their game but rather, that it is simply something that supporters do - often as a cathartic process. Do not bother trying to point score with spurious and irrelevant comments - it only highlights the paucity of your position.
  12. Not sure how sticking the boots into Essendon will " spoil the upbeat vibe" of Saturday's win. You can wallow in that misery if you wish but as a supporter I can enjoy both.. As to "booing or name calling", well it seems to me that most supporters do at least one of those on a regular basis. Achieve anything ? Well it makes you feel good and show support for your team. I agree with you about enjoying the footy Saty but we may do it in different ways and if that upsets your tender morality then frankly IDGAF!
  13. FMD Saty. Has Stuie lent you his bible to read and his moral high horse to sit on?
  14. Good news. He is a crucial player for us in terms of pace, goalkicking and an x factor. Hope he plays every round.
  15. Oh ... and just to add to any confusion from the conglomeration of posts above, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT listen to Biffen when he gives a "sure thing" tip on the races. Now excuse me while I put my idiot's cap back on and give my ( poorer but wiser) self a jolly good flogging.
  16. Finally recovered from the ....excesses .. excitement of Saturday at the G. Bumped into Biffen pre game and couldn't shake him off so consequently had to put up with his loutish and drunken behavior throughout the afternoon. There were good looking sheilas nearby and your old Uncle might have struck up a conversation were it not for my immediate company. Anyway, as if sensing my discomfort, Biffen proposed a post game celebratory drink and offered to shout. (That is, shout something other than obscenities). We decamped to an absolute dump of a pub where Biffen purchased a bottle of horse [censored] that had apparently been mislabeled as Shiraz. Well I had to reciprocate ..... What has my life become .................?
  17. After yesterday's game, I reckon Oliver will pick up a nomination before the season is out.
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