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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Agreed Rod, Cross was a terrific and necessary pick up at that time. However, we are now in a far stronger position and will develop just as well without these types of acquisitions.
  2. When a thread touting Boomer was started I stated my opposition. Now I realise Lewis is somewhat younger and I acknowledge his credentials. HOWEVER, we are developing shite loads of young talent - lets continue down that path. .
  3. I am a renowned bull shi tter. This I admit. However, I have just scanned through parts of this thread. FMD!!! Guessing, speculation, assertion, claims to inside knowledge, reliable sauces, chook raffles - it's all here - the drama of life unfolding before my very (bloodshot) eyes. Aint demonland grand?
  4. Due to an odd set of circumstances, I was just listening to SEN. ( As far as I can tell that experience only sucked away a few of my remaining brain cells) Anyway to my point. I learnt something new - or at least partially learnt something new. To wit. It seems that during the course of a game of soccer one can be "tunnelled". I would greatly appreciate an explanation of this hitherto unknown (to me) phenomenon. PS. This is not a fart joke RL.
  5. Maybe just plain stupid? It's not possible Jack ............................................................................ surely.
  6. A dash of "chicken little" does help to keep one grounded in reality. Although RTG, just between myself and your goodself, I'm no longer certain just what "reality" is.
  7. Thank you RTG, I was getting all a flutter for a moment!!
  8. Hahaha! Nice one Saty. "A hit. A very palpable hit!"
  9. Jordie tried but was a few skills short of AFL. Lovely bloke though. I was leaving training at Gosch's one day and Jordie was doing some additional skill drills with Daniel Cross . I asked him if this was the footy equivalent of kp. He looked confused for a moment and then the penny dropped and he burst out into a hearty laugh and wished me well. As I said lovely bloke.
  10. My thoughts exactly.
  11. Actually I was the first to respond to the OP lauding ( in verse) Pedo's signing, I realize he is not the most gifted player around but he is criminally underrated at times. Anyway Dlanders were denied my first response insights by a mod who clearly does not appreciate fine poetry!!
  12. I think their makeup is a tad overdone Moonie but love their intent. I use the dog to frighten the local children every Halloween . Wonderful spectator sport after a few reds.
  13. I'm sure "Misso" is a far wiser man as a result of his "chat" with you Saty!!
  14. Lucky Gil saved a few dollars by only paying those sheilas $5000 to play footy!
  15. Just a couple of quick matters before good old uncle "retires" for the night. (The squeeze is all a flutter over an assault with a crochet hook at the local tatting club and will need ...errrr ..... relaxing) Anyway to other matters Where is our Lothario? I suspect that dc actually bravely crossed the Westgate after the gf in the hope of taking advantage of excited bluerinsers from Footscray, Yarraville ...etcetc. In fact so successful was this mission that he may sell the million + dollar property in Borewood and buy a block of units in Doggieville. Sons of the West - lock up your mothers. Now as to another one of dland's shady characters. I understand that Biffen was recently given a jolly good thrashing by our good friend and immoderator docter hopping dick and sent off for a months rehabilitation. Jolly good show I say. Biffen's smut and schoolyard humour has sullied this site for far too long. However, on a positive note, I believe Biffen has already shown some remorse and has promised to open and administer ( free of charge) the Stuie appreciation society. Anyway duty calls!!!
  16. Now go and give yourself a jolly good flogging RL. If you are uncertain of the correct implements or technique go to an authority you trust - Redtube.
  17. Not so steve. (I have displayed my bitter and vicious envy in another thread) I opened this thread because I was aghast at the treatment of loyal and long suffering fans. Now before I get howled down , let me say I agree with those several posters who point out it was a thoughtless/stupid bit of timetabling on someone at the club's behalf. However, I reiterate, That once a commitment has been made it must be honoured. It is fans, and more so members, who underpin sport. Unfortunately the distance between those people and the players (their heroes) is increasing. Some of this is due to the sad realities of the modern world. However, to ignore a rare opportunity to actually share a unique moment with the "little people" is both selfish and disrespectful.
  18. Stop your pleading special, I have told you previously, you will not get near my cars until you become rich. How particularly vulgar and lawyerish of you Red!! What are you doing back here Frogger? Anyway since you are here, I shall give you the advantage of my expertise with women. Mrs Frog remaining "down South" provides you with the perfect opportunity to organise a second Mrs Frog up north. This is just the beginning Frogger, you can start getting rid of your multiple toilets and have multiple Mrs Frogs instead. Think of the tadpole potential!!! I had underrated you Frogger. The potential of your move north seems both very clever and unlimited. Perhaps a future visit from Uncle Bitter would be appropriate?
  19. Good heavens Earl Hood,surely you must realise that anything to do with picket would be unimaginably crass and vulgar. Stick to the fetishes behaviours that we of the genteel class associate with good taste. You know - hirstute women, suspender belts, autoerotic practices .......... Sadly the P76 is mostly a farm vehicle these days Red although the lads enjoy sitting in it.
  20. You really banned?

    You deserve it

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