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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Special, I need to raise one or two matters with you. Firstly, as a homeless person of poverty, how is it that you manage to post on this site? I'm guessing you joined with some run through gang and stole an I-pad or other device from an old lady. That's fine, one can only admire resourcefulness. However, I do take umbrage at this "proud and erect" stance of yours. It will lead to no good. Poor people must learn their place. You would be better off adopting a more humble profile. Eyes downcast and adopt a shuffling aimless gait. That way the police will be less likely to bother you and you will not embarrass people of wealth. Have a good evening.
  2. Agreed! He's certainly had his fair share of bad luck. He's a bloody good bullocking player potentially. Love to see him have a consistent go at it.
  3. Be careful as to the company you are keeping when you give that order choke. Anyway as to your perplexity. When I viewed Ethan's pic, symmetry came to mind in terms of the subject's choice of coiffing. Think of the old tv show "Upstairs Downstairs". Perhaps that will help you unravel the mystery.
  4. I think you miss my drift Choke. I was thinking of symmetry in terms of .......... err ...... to put it as delicately as I can ............. a fashion accessory.
  5. Tell me Ethan, " is this female variant of the modern day hipster", guided by rules of symmetry.
  6. Anyway, [censored] you all, Uncle is retiring for the night. BTW, I believe Biffen is currently in transit from the colonies. He is flying cattle class ( whatever that is) with a bevy of 457 "nail technicians". Look for some "air rage" headlines tomorrow.
  7. As I understand it skinny, it is a very complex relationship ( Conchita being hirstute and all) but pet dachshund maybe a reasonable way of looking at it.
  8. Yes I'm certain you did it tough Earl! However, now that you are wonderfully rich, I'm sure your social conscience would compel you to, as Moonie mentioned above, find a place for Special. I imagine he'll promise not to molest Conchita.
  9. I like your thinking skinny. However, I think they use ghee in the colonies.
  10. Mmm ... yes ..well. Perhaps some instruction via Redtube may be necessary. You see the whole point of having a whip (or other such device) is to be the chainer rather than the chainee.
  11. You had better stay in the colonies Biffen. I read today that tenants at The Gat are being served with exit notices! That means you'll be homeless. Don't expect an open door at The Manor either. Maybe you can pitch your swag next to Special Robert under the freeway.
  12. You're a cunny funt Special but no way will I invite you to The Manor because you are still a person of poverty. However, you have leaped ahead of picket fence on the hopefuls list. Stick to your proper station in life under the freeway. It's what God ordained.
  13. No masculinity crisis in Romsey Biffen. Only real men survive in these parts. Men with tinea that is masked only by a powerful flatulence and hidden under a hairy masculine gut torso.
  14. I'd be interested in some details on how Jack Watts trained. Did he impress enough to make his selection v the Eagles likely?
  15. Is the thread that can't be derailed finally being derailed?
  16. It's hangover Monday so I don't intend getting too involved in a social issues debate Biz. However, while championing the female cause you make the astounding comment that in the court system, " female solicitors and barristers are thrown into a pit of 'live' verbal combat with an opponent (typically male given the gender disparity at the bar) - as a general rule, its a gladiatorial battle that they are simply not as equipped as men to succeed in". To my, admittedly simple mind, that is a vast and unsupportable generalisation that disparages women as having some sort of genetic intellectual/emotional/resilience weakness that disadvantages them in a contest with us blokes. I doubt any of the sheilas I know would agree with that and, in fact, I would consider it a dangerous suggestion to make.
  17. Tell you what picket, how about you leave Kate and the booze at the gate and then pizz off!
  18. You can shove most of that stuff where the sun don't shine picket but a case of Pepperjack would be a step in the right direction. PS picket I know you consider yourself something of a film critic so I'd like your opinion. I just watched a quirky western called " Purgatory" (made in 1999). It was recommended to me by an old slightly dotty priest would you believe. Anyway I thought it was a real pizzer! Do you know it?
  19. That could be difficult dc. It's one of the few change rooms where I don't have spy cameras set up
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