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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. [censored] carlton!! And [censored] em again!! What about Nev Jetta's match saving effort And what about shitty umpiring - nearly nutted us
  2. That's the stuff Ethan. No wishy washy half arsed comments.
  3. I'm back and I'm confident about today. Max will beat Kruez in the ruck and give our mids first use. It will also be important that Max doesn't allow him to mark around the ground. Our backs look solid and Jesse and Garlett back give us forward targets. Kent must know how important this game is for his future and I'm expecting him to lift. We also need some midfield muscle from Bernie and maybe Lewis. I expect Clarrie will get a heavy tag but, despite his tender years, he seems able to soak the rough stuff up. We'll have all the answers and win easily. It's in the bag. [censored] Carlton!!!
  4. Nah, it could only be someone else's bathwater dc.
  5. Yes back to the warm embrace of your Fitzroy enclave Earl. There is a limit to venturing into dangerous teritory
  6. Yeah but you cant help loving Richmond get flogged
  7. Tiggers premiership contenders??? FMD!!! Bwahahabwahaha! Get a look at Softwicke!! Bwahahaha
  8. What a magnificent example of sanctimonious moral outrage and group think this thread is. Some clown dongs a guy in a footy melee - wow that's rare. Leigh Mathews calls for red cards! FMD if they had them in his day, Mathews would have lasted about 1 quarter per game. It was a nasty act to be sure but we've all seen as bad or worse in AFL matches over the years - and Mathews contributed to more than one of them. What shits me about this, is the readiness of so many to jump on the bandwagon of sanctimony. Have a look around folks! There is bad [censored] happening all the time. You might be off spending the outrage on our shitty popularist politicians and convincing them to act in the public interest rather than mere vote catching. Let the appropriate tribunal deal with this dh.
  9. Well ... torp, dress code didn't seem to be an issue. As to the ambience ..... hmmm let me say, I felt just as comfortable as if I was at home at The Manor.
  10. Clearly he studied "The Method" theory of acting at some time. You gotta "live the part".
  11. It was a life changing experience bb! A miracle I was cracking the whip !!!!!
  12. Bitter in Bangers A very seedy bitter I have club privileges at my Bangkok inn - free booze at the rooftop bar Made a welter of it last night . Guts full of beer and into the red. An ordinary Chianti that became outstanding after about 6 glasses The staff applauded me as they hadn't seen so much booze quaffed since a sumo visited a few years ago A quiet chunder into the pot plants wasn't so well received And some very good news! The tinea is in full retreat! A visit to the "Doctor Fish" did the business . It was an epic battle but the little B lighters stuck to their task manfully. Heavy casualties though as a good proportion of them ended belly up Nevertheless Bitter's pinkies are currently pink Anyway toodlepip as I'm of to a place called "Soi Cowboy " I believe there is a rodeo or some similar attraction
  13. This will be the third memorable win missed by poor old Bitter Dogs - Kotakinabalu West coke - Singapore Now Swans Bitter in Bangkok!!
  14. Things are quiet on this thread ATM I'd just like to let my many fans know that I successfully negotiated the perils of Borneo and am currently residing in colonial opulence in Singapore The servants are satisfactory and my guts is returning to a healthily bloated profile Unfortunately the tinea is also ( along with a few other fungi I fear). I have given up on Redleg's "cure" but I met a local lady who runs an establishment that guarantees satisfaction I am confident of a happy resolution
  15. Bah! As usual you have dashed my hopes dc! When I read your post I instructed the squeeze to find the replay immediately She failed to do so and duly received a jolly good thrashing Then I discovered the feature was unavailable overseas. Please ensure you provide full details next time!
  16. I'm in [censored] Singapore and missed our two best wins in years!!! FM double dead!!!!!!!
  17. Malbec! Bah! Leave it to those gaucho sheilas l realise you have close connections to the 'old country' Earl but jingoism must come first it is the sacred responsibility of Aussie blokes to slurp Shiraz at all times - except in times of urgent need when any slurp will suffice
  18. Not that it's any of your business Moonie but I left the lazy buggers at home. They are a grieving over the maid it seems. thought I might help out a few of the local poor folk but they are useless Here I am in the wilds of Borneo ( only 4.5 star - can you believe) and when I request a red they serve up some Malbec cross bred from Argy land.Didn't Maggie teach them anything? At least you can get a decent Rattan here, so I'll be handing out some jolly good thrashings
  19. Shove them outside with bags full of chips and several cans of fizzy - they'll be fine and you can enjoy the footy in peace.
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