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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Well dc, if only I'd had "Bitter Counselling Services" up and running in those days, I could have answered the letters.
  2. I'm not surprised. I listened for a few minutes just recently. Their "banter" was just plain stupid and I I wondered how such rubbish could be allowed to continue.
  3. You're dead set correct in that Pro. My squeeze would Bobbit me if some of my activities came to light!
  4. It took me a moment or two ENYAW - but I got it! ( A shiraz does slow one down) Very cryptic ! Very cryptic indeed!
  5. An optimistic plan I would think. However, as I posted on another thread, Weideman is a real wild card, If he comes on, our forward structures have a new flexibility and will be very difficult to man up on. The pre season will be interesting.
  6. You married a Mexican football team!? Tell us more ............... please.
  7. He's already making us pay. Am I wrong, or are we not contributing a portion of his salary?
  8. At this time of year your poor Old Uncle is harassed by vino vendors offering their Christmas Specials. One fellow, tried to gild the lily by offering a dozen stemless wine glasses if the purchase was at least 2 dozen bottles. He was immediately dismissed and told to [censored] off. I mean who the [censored] would use a stemless wine glass? Then I started to consider this matter in relation to the denizens of this intellectual thread. Red and WJ - lawyers. They would drink anything , anyway, provided it was free. Biffen - Currently indisposed to due to massive drug issues. He thinks casks are fine wine provided they are colourful. Earl Hood. I considered him a man of discernment and class but his recent habit of bathing in sake must call this into question. Moonie. Claims to have an extensive cellar of fine wines but none have been produced in my presence. dc. Haha lives in Borewood and shags old sheilas. Jim Beam with ice would be sophisticated for him. Old dee. Well he only drinks free Pinot ( none of which has been shared, I might add) so he would probably have no choice but to use the glass given to him. pickett fence. Total lunatic. Would have no idea of sophistication or good taste. Ernie . A dead alcoholic! bbub - a tricky one - doesn't give much away. However, as he frequents this thread, he is guilty by association. The Froger? Pond scum is probably lapped up - so a stemless glass? Anyone I've missed feel free to ask for an assessment. [censored] me! Upon consideration, that wine vendor is due an apology! He'll not get it of course! Anyway [censored] you all!!
  9. My concern here Pro was not so much the issue, as the fact that our elected representatives were too pizz weak to make a decision without testing the electoral water by means of a very expensive poll. Should we have a postal ballot on refugee policy? Renewable Energy? Tax reform? We're considering buying some new destroyers for the Navy - send out the letters! Where does this postal polling nonsense stop? The Victorian Parliament is currently engaged in a debate that certainly "fundamentally changes the fabric of society" as much as any. At least on that issue they are doing their job. As to my being of the Left. Well I'd say I swing on that issue. Nowadays, I'd describe myself as mostly politically cynical.
  10. Since you started it picket, I'll make an emission. I'm addicted to porn.
  11. This is my first (and probably only post on this thread) My postal "vote" is still kicking around the floor of The Manor, or maybe the Lads ate it. One hundred $mill on a survey! [censored] me! Our political system is currently a [censored] up! We have no leaders! No decision makers! We have a bunch of [censored] ups who are only prepared to [censored] with the wind behind them.
  12. Well this idea of scrapping the bounce is bullshite. It's a quirky part of our game that should be sacrosanct. [censored] me, umpires are getting sore backs! Well find another [censored] job! Teachers get mentally [censored] up from dealing with out of control kids. What are they told? It's your fault for not engaging the little [censored] heads -FMD! Plumbers get sore backs! Furniture removalists get sore backs! Well let's not move house. What a soft [censored] society we have become! [censored] , I hope my heart surgeon doesn't feint from the site of blood and walk of the job. Have a designated bouncer or make being able to bounce a condition of employment. Stop pandering to soft [censored]. Next thing we'll have to stop throw ins because boundary umps are overextending their elbows! [censored] me! I'm going to open another shiraz.
  13. I suppose we define "excitement" differently, but for me R. Flower was it. During some very dark days for the MFC, I only went to the footy to watch Robbie. If he was out injured, I went to the boozer. We were getting flogged more often than not but you just knew Robbie would produce something that would make you stand proud as a Demons supporter and even draw admiration from the oppo. He might take the ball and run and bounce - excitement. He might beat an opponent (or two ) in a contest. - excitement He might take a beautifully timed mark and then goal - excitement He could do it all. For me, Robbie Flower was unforgettable.
  14. I'm not a horseracing aficionado Red but I saw the name and thought " arrgh yes must put a wager on that"! Of course, I then forgot all about until I heard the race result - and sadly the dividend. FMD - again!
  15. Is this a new trend? I wear bespoke linen underwear (prewarmed by the maid of course) but I've never thought of having them coded by the day. Although, I must say wearing the same pair for a few days is comforting.
  16. You missed my point Gip. I have no particular interest in the moral, social or physiological debate. My point was that the AFL was illogical in making a decision that allows Mouncey to play against lesser opposition but not in the main comp. Logic dictates that Mouncey either be banned from all comps or allowed to participate at any level.
  17. For mine, Weideman is the wild card in this deck. If he develops into the KPF many hope, then we are in front of the game.
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