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Something About Wonna Mary

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  1. I'm in. Roped the Mrs into buying it for me for Xmas. Really looking forward to what it will consist of. The notion of Q and A will be interesting - others have alluded that there won't really be time for any questions, which is probably correct... Josh Mahoney could get a grilling when it's his turn to face the mob!!!
  2. Evening all, first time post here... Happy to see Miller out, can we please see Dunn played as a regular forward? It's what he was recruited as so lets see him given a regular chance up there. Even last week he was out on a flank. Needs to be given a run to establish a position. He was terrible last week (as was Bate) but with no other forwards to speak of (unless Newton does something out of the ordinary this week) we could do a lot worse.
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